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Everything posted by Neo2Neo
no only one since its your legal right as the owner of the game to make as many backups (copys) as you wish I myself use a no cd crack so i can leave the disc in the box and to avoid optical drive wear and tear. All legal and sensible!
So you forced them to buy the URL? Wow. You are an asshole. Lol hey im gonna buy http://www.ransomcalledhimanasshole.com
WTF yall acting like biatches - take it on the chin like men Oh ya good luck Death on whatever u choose to do!!
This is an idea I came up with,its called 1 on 1 challange. How it is played: The winner of the last challange gets to pick an apponent from either his own gang or another gang and fights them 1 on 1 The challange is played in 5 rounds - The first one to 3 is the winner The rounds consist of assult - There is no defending of attacking of property Rules of engagment: 1. You must be in a gang. 2. You are allowed weapon pickups - except the Spaz Automatic Shotgun(null round if used) 3. There doesn't have to be a referee present but it is perferable if there is 4.Chopper kills dont count! (any fool can kill you with a chopper) TOP PLAYERS ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.DeathB of VCP - 5 wins undefeated ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.Iggy248 of VCP - 1 win undefeated ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.Yet to be filled Just a reminder,you have to be in a gang to compete and to get your name in the table... Also feel free to suggest any ideas or comments you want to share.
I have anothe questiona bout MTA : Support Does it support this: Camera hack I| havent tried it with it yet but if i do later i will edit this post[/url]
Where would i get this? Oh and by the way I made a filter using the above method Thanks Jack!!
I agree lets keep this civil please.
Ok this will be my last post. you deathd are makeing an issue out of this not me now read over what i posted before and thing about what I am saying before you reply. The fact that there was some untrue kills claimed during the actual game(you know who you are) DOES NOT affect my jugment on THIS MATTER when I say THIS MATTER I mean this: In summary, my request as that this match is not entered into the ladder tournament due to the unconventional handling of game errors and due to the inconsitant regulation of team sizes. Both of these issues are the fault of neither team in particular but are the manifestation of an assortment of regretable glitches. I know the VCP members to be as concerned about fair play as myself and respect them for that. I therefore would accept a replacement match from them, to be played at the earliest convieniance of both teams. I DID NOT make a cheap comment like this: now as for the first round, it was only me left, and i killed both of u to summarize AND -if you read my posts instead of just counting them you might just see what im getting at
even if he hadn't to leave it would have STILL been 1 on 3 by VCP's shortcomings Therefore I propose that we rematch the last round or even the last 2 rounds and restart them completely The fact that there was some untrue kills claimed during the actual game(you know who you are) does not affect my jugment on this matter Make of this what you will VCP after its only just a game! SSR - Neo signing off - Peace!! yeh dude, u killed urself, and everybody here knows that that means YOU ARE OUT! and then these sole called "untrue kills" would be like when i crashed and cebera killed me but i never really died? eh? but im not bitching abou tthat am i? no, i stayed out that round and kept my mouth shut once it had bean done being discussed with If you read it again you ill see that I stated the the kill was claimed by one of your members. I was not saying or have said that me killing myself did not count. And just because you want to let your argument blow over doesnt mean I will. I am a stubbron bastard and will follow you into hell itself if i have to prove a point.
even if he hadn't to leave it would have STILL been 1 on 3 by VCP's shortcomings Therefore I propose that we rematch the last round or even the last 2 rounds and restart them completely The fact that there was some untrue kills claimed during the actual game(you know who you are) does not affect my jugment on this matter Make of this what you will VCP after its only just a game! SSR - Neo signing off - Peace!! yeh dude, u killed urself, and everybody here knows that that means YOU ARE OUT! and then these sole called "untrue kills" would be like when i crashed and cebera killed me but i never really died? eh? but im not bitching abou tthat am i? no, i stayed out that round and kept my mouth shut once it had bean done being discussed with If you read it again you ill see that I stated the the kill was claimed by one of your members. I was not saying or have said that me killing myself did not count. And just because you want to let your argument blow over doesnt mean I will. I am a stubbron bastard and will follow you into hell itself if i have to prove a point.
Okay i'll break it down for you - nice and simple. I already explained this to you and I know it is significant but it a matter of principles for me. 1. I killed myself - Threrfore I was exempt from that round. 2. Next thing you say in game chat that you killed me boasting you your VCP buddies. ATTENION - AFTER READING THROUGH THE LOG FILE THAT RANSOM POSTED HAS BEEN EDITED - ATTENTION This is the edited part: SSR - Neo killed himself. {VCP-DeathB}: hehe {VCP-Ransom}: lol {VCP-Iggy}: HES OUT SSR - Neo: {VCP-Ransom}: HA SSR - Neo: wot helth were you on? {VCP-DeathB}: now come on mew {VCP-Ransom}: 1 left? {VCP-DeathB}: 3 {VCP-Ransom}: mew left? {VCP-Iggy}: how? SSR - Neo: close dude SSR - Neo: lol {VCP-DeathB}: hehe {VCP-Ransom}: mew is gone {VCP-DeathB}: mew get ur ass over here {VCP-Ransom}: ? {VCP-Iggy}: all who is left from VSR say I SSR - Neo: is this last round {VCP-Iggy}: *SSR {VCP-Ransom}: "sorry I g2g" - MEW {VCP-Ransom}: I think we win then lol {VCP-DeathB}: all the rest are dead SSR - Neo: wheres cerb? {VCP-Iggy}: if a player leaves and noones left then its over SSR-Cerbera: I got killed whilst typing {VCP-DeathB}: i killed cerb {VCP-Ransom}: unless another ssr wants to fight deathb again {VCP-DeathB}: he decided to type instead of fight {VCP-DeathB}: lol SSR - Neo: i killed myself {VCP-Iggy}: its still counts cerb SSR-Cerbera: yes {VCP-Iggy}: ur stil lout neo {VCP-Iggy}: doesnt matter SSR-Cerbera: yes {VCP-Ransom}: if you die you die ---------MISSING----------- SSR - Neo: the pen is mightier than the sword SSR-Cerbera: correct {VCP-Ransom}: we already said that SSR - Neo: lol {VCP-DeathB}: if another ssr fights, then its going to be cerb SSR-Cerbera: hang on, I'm totally lost now SSR - Neo: you didnt kill me - WHO EXACTLY DIDN"T KILL ME????? {VCP-Ransom}: hurry up and fight then cerb and death {VCP-DeathB}: cerb ur replacing mew SSR - Neo: i killed myself SSR-Cerbera: well, ok then {VCP-Iggy} killed himself. {VCP-Ransom}: NEO, YOU DIED. THATS ALL. YOU ARE OUT. THATS THE RULE! {VCP-DeathB}: lol rannsom {VCP-DeathB}: hes right neo {VCP-Ransom}: jesus {VCP-DeathB}: u are out SSR - Neo: ya but he said he killed me {VCP-Ransom}: get it through your thick skull {VCP-Iggy}: who cares {VCP-DeathB}: it doesnt matter, u die ur out SSR - Neo: im not saying im out {VCP-DeathB}: now cerb GET UR ASS OVER HERE SSR-Cerbera: i'm heading to SSR HQ, I assume there will be a ceasefire until I arrive there? {VCP-Iggy}: ARE U THERE MEW? SSR - Neo: hes just saying he killed me but he ran like a bitch {VCP-DeathB}: cerb the second i see u im firing SSR - Neo: lol {VCP-DeathB}: and dont pick up weapons SSR - Neo: dont worry hes a pussy {VCP-Ransom}: well you are. The gang leaders agreed on that. If you die you are out. Whether it be accidental, purposely, or killed by {VCP-Ransom}: someone {VCP-DeathB}: nah neo {VCP-DeathB}: im the vip {VCP-DeathB}: =) {VCP-DeathB}: mvp rather SSR-Cerbera: neo was just correcting the people who said he was killed by a VCP member, he knows he is out SSR - Neo: im not disagreeing Read through this VCP and please point out what cerb was talking about in the second last 2 lines of this extract. If cerb said this how did know a VCP member said he killed me when clearly since the death of myself occured it is not mentioned once? THEREFORE I SAY THIS LOG IS TO BE VOID AND CANT BE USED AS EVIDENCE - SORRY BUT IT JUST CAN'T BE USED!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO i said that there was some: kills claimed : during the match Not once did I say that i should get another go or that by killing myself
Can you list the changes done to this version please. And how close are we to 0.3?
F10, F11 and T not working
Neo2Neo replied to [KFC]KungFu's topic in Problems and Bugs - MTA 0.1/0.2 Alpha
When this happened to me a reinstall of MTA 0.2 worked a treat -
Ok i told cerb that I wouldnt post here but it has to be said: 1. If you have no proof - you have no case: FACT 2. you said: even if he hadn't to leave it would have STILL been 1 on 3 by VCP's shortcomings Therefore I propose that we rematch the last round or even the last 2 rounds and restart them completely The fact that there was some untrue kills claimed during the actual game(you know who you are) does not affect my jugment on this matter Make of this what you will VCP after its only just a game! SSR - Neo signing off - Peace!!
Yes i am very intrested in this and am looking forward to some good competion - bring it on!! im sound for sunday afternoon any updates on the racing time ?