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    work script
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  1. I think you need this.( when player spawn hydra he can't do that becuse this vehicle is only for VIP can use it) If that what you need i can help you.
  2. Have you add script in Meta.xml? Meta.xml <meta> <info author="Your name" type="script" name="Your script name" /> <script src="client.lua" type="client" /> <meta>
  3. sound = playSound("sounds/music.mp3",true) -Add this for stoping music when you log in. function onLogin() showChat(false) -You can use this for showing the chat showCursor(false) stopSound(sound) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, paint) removeEventHandler("onClientClick",root,onClientClick) removeEventHandler("onClientCharacter",root,onClientCharacter) Bro i make this for you, You can use it for your login panel.It's playing music when you join the server and trying to create account or log in.
  4. Try this function onLogin() showChat(true) -You can show or not with changing (true) to (false) showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, paint) removeEventHandler("onClientClick",root,onClientClick) removeEventHandler("onClientCharacter",root,onClientCharacter) local DaneR_Login = guiGetText (GUIREGISTER.Places_R_Register[1]) --Getting login with editbox local DaneR_Passy = guiGetText (GUIREGISTER.Places_R_Register[2]) --Getting password with edibot local StworzKonto = triggerServerEvent ("StworzKonto", getLocalPlayer ()) --trigger (addaccount) if StworzKonto then outputChatBox ("Pomyślnie utworzono konto o nazwie: ""..name..") --If s-side addAccount else setElementGetAccount = "(_)("acc")" triggerServerEvent("onRequestLogin",localPlayer,g.user.text,g.pass.text) outputChatBox ("Nie udało się utworzyć konta") --if not Player get registered end end end end end addEvent("onLogin", true) addEventHandler("onLogin", localPlayer, onLogin)
  5. Well listen i need help f you can help me.It's took for aircraft Join here in this Website I hope you can help me Website:
  6. It doesn't work,The player non-vip can spawn hydra. Help!! i want VIP can spawn hydra and non-VIP cannot spawn it with saying in chat for non-vip ( Only for VIP can use this vehicle) But wait,It's need to add hydra.dff or 520.dff??? (On Meta.xml)
  7. Can you Please send me that Crosshair on hydra?? Please i need that script and i don't found it please !!
  8. Guys please help me, I got this script but it's doesn't work, Please help !! server.lua function vipReplaceModele (_, acc) local accName = getAccountName (acc ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then triggerClientEvent (source, "onReplace", root ) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerLogin', root, vipReplaceModele) And this client.lua function replaceModele () local txd = engineLoadTXD("hydra.txd") engineImportTXD(txd, 520) local dff = engineLoadDFF("hydra.dff", 520) engineReplaceModel(dff, 520) end addEvent( "onReplace", true ) addEventHandler( "onReplace", root, replaceModele ) -It's a hydra only for VIP can spawn this vehicles, but when i remove VIP at myself,The hydra was spawn. -Please help !!!
  9. Only for joinning your admin panel, Then go to resources And searsh for freeroam script. Then press double click with mouse1.Then down you will see this (weapons/disallowed) Join on it Then Make change with Weapons number
  10. Hey guys, I need help with crosshair hydra and rhino and other cars have missles. That what i have some image for crosshair:
  11. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() triggerServerEvent( "clientReady", resourceRoot ) end ) addEvent("replacemodel", true) addEventHandler("replacemodel", root, function() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "hydra.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 520 ) It's should be 520, becuse 520=Hydra dff = engineLoadDFF ( "hydra.dff", 520 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 520 ) end ) local readyPlayerList = {} addEvent("clientReady", true ) addEventHandler("clientReady",resourceRoot, function() table.insert( readyPlayerList, client ) theHydra() end ) function theHydra() for i, v in pairs (readyPlayerList) do if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(v)) == "Warriors" then local money = getPlayerMoney(v) if (money > 24999) then takePlayerMoney(v, 25000) triggerClientEvent(v, "replacemodel",v) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(v) local veh = createVehicle(520, x, y, z) warpPedIntoVehicle(v, veh) end end end end -- table.removevalue function, in case you don't already have it function table.removevalue(t, val) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then table.remove(t, i) return i end end return false end
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