So, i wrote a little script(okey, its mutch bigger, but, this is the part what i cant solve..), so basically if the player not turned off the message receive function, then he will receive this message:
function displayMessage(player)
outputChatBox("====================" .. rovid .. "====================", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("#D24D57Szia kedves játékos!", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("Ha téged meghivtak erre a szerverre, akkor kérlek ird be a következő parancsot a ", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("Chat-be: #D24D57/invite <Meghivókód>#7a7a7a, ha a kódot sikeresen beaktiváltad, akkor ", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("#D24D57500 000 dollárt#7a7a7a, és #D24D5730 000PP-t#7a7a7a kapsz ajádnékba!Ha valaki felhasználja a te invite kódodat akkor kapsz #D24D5750 000 dollárt#7a7a7a, és #D24D575000 PP-t #7a7a7aminden emberért aki a te kódodat aktiválja be!", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("Ha pedig nem hivtak meg, és kódod sincs, akkor ha szeretnéd, a #D24D57/toginvite #7a7a7aparanccsal tudod kikapcsolni ennek a szövegnek a kiirását!", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("Több infóért ird be,hogy #D24D57/invite help", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
outputChatBox("=================================================================", player, 121, 121, 121, true)
and this is the script what checks that the player have turned on, or off the function:
addEvent("toDisplayMessage", true)
function toDisplayMessage(player1)
local getPoll = dbPoll(dbQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?", getElementData(player1, "acc:id")), -1)
if #getPoll > 0 then
for _, row in ipairs(getPoll) do
if (row["sendMessage"] == 1) then
addEventHandler("toDisplayMessage", getRootElement(), toDisplayMessage)
And this is the timer what sends the message every 15 minutes to the players who have turned on the recieve message function:
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, function()
for k, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
end,1000*60*15, 1)
And my problem is the following:
It sends the message sometimes 10 or more times to one player, i dont have any idea to solve it.