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Pirulax's Achievements
Thug (25/54)
I really like it as well! It has some pretty weird bugs, as expected, but it will get fixed down the road.
I guess there's some kind of memory leak, and while the stats are reset the actual shader aren't destroyed.
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Just create some peds, insert them into the table, and thats it.
I'd just get the angle between the hit pos and vehicle's pos + vehicle.rotation.z, thats it.
Thats what I was talking about.
Meh, doing that'd be pretty hard, since screen source only containts the image that is drawn by GTA.
That was helpful. What's the error?
-- Positions for the matrix view for the login screen local matrixViewPositions = { {2060.693359375, 1323.3287353516, 65.554336547852, 2154.0563964844, 1301.9788818359, 36.787712097168}, {-488.73297119141, 2129.7478027344, 131.07089233398, -577.43792724609, 2095.4423828125, 100.17473602295}, {355.38235473633, -1999.6640625, 34.214122772217, 401.36798095703, -2077.3337402344, -8.8294067382813}, {2373.4975585938, 69.472595214844, 68.322166442871, 2420.0559082031, -10.329551696777, 30.060695648193}, {2055.7841796875, 1197.9633789063, 25.738883972168, 2141.7668457031, 1147.1596679688, 20.643169403076}, {2321.8068847656, -1100.53125, 76.947044372559, 2365.5268554688, -1017.3639526367, 42.716026306152}, {-807.52880859375, 2699.8017578125, 75.263061523438, -853.92779541016, 2777.5541992188, 32.816757202148}, {196.63110351563, 2660.5759277344, 53.300601959229, 262.5549621582, 2594.3989257813, 17.598323822021}, {-458.94390869141, -164.11698913574, 123.5959777832, -548.6953125, -195.21823120117, 92.332641601563}, {-1070.3149414063, -1610.5084228516, 94.326530456543, -1135.0595703125, -1682.0073242188, 67.944076538086}, {-632.33306884766, -1473.3518066406, 44.557136535645, -545.33532714844, -1492.6140136719, -0.833984375}, {270.52749633789, -1205.0640869141, 110.60611724854, 321.99029541016, -1128.5759277344, 71.861503601074}, {1156.4423828125, -1441.9432373047, 38.343357086182, 1086.1207275391, -1504.4560546875, 4.4757308959961}, {-1267.3508300781, 1106.96484375, 102.32939910889, -1311.2535400391, 1019.9342041016, 80.008575439453}, {-2662.2238769531, 2242.8115234375, 89.52938079834, -2584.8740234375, 2297.583984375, 57.639293670654}, } local antisaveTimers = {} local loggingIn = {} -- Create teams and set time addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () setGameType( "CSG V"..getCSGServerVersion() ) setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) createTeam("Staff",255,255,255) local query = exports.DENmysql:query("SELECT * FROM teams ORDER BY list ASC") for k,v in ipairs(query) do createTeam(v["name"],v["cR"],v["cG"],v["cB"]) end local realtime = getRealTime() setTime( realtime.hour, realtime.minute ) setMinuteDuration( 60000 ) setServerPassword("") --set the password to nothing if any password is set. end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStop",resourceRoot, function() setServerPassword(math.random(1239871)) --set a password so that no one can connect back on while the kicking process continues. for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do kickPlayer(v,"Core","Core Stopping / Restarting...") end end) -- Check if there is not already a player ingame with the same serial addEventHandler( "onPlayerConnect", root, function ( playerNick, playerIP, playerUsername, playerSerial, playerVersionNumber ) for k, thePlayer in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( getPlayerSerial( thePlayer ) == playerSerial ) then cancelEvent( true, "There is already a player online with this serial!" ); return end end end ) -- When the player joins spawn him ingame addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, function () if ( spawnPlayer( source, 0, 0, 0 ) ) then setCameraTarget ( source ) fadeCamera( source, true, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) startMatrix(source) showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "radar", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "area_name", false ) setElementDimension ( source, 1234 ) showChat( source, false ) end end ) local refreshTimers = {} function startMatrix(player) if (isElement(player)) then if (exports.server:isPlayerLoggedIn(player) == false) then fadeCamera(player, false,1.0,0,0,0) setTimer(fadeCamera,1000,1,player, true) local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = unpack( matrixViewPositions[ math.random ( #matrixViewPositions ) ] ) setTimer(setCameraMatrix,1000,1,player, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz ) refreshTimers[player] = setTimer(startMatrix,5000,1, player) else if (isTimer(refreshTimers[player])) then killTimer(refreshTimers[player]) end return false --no more updating. end else return false end end -- Kick the player when he has a too low resolution --[[addEvent( "doKickPlayer", true ) addEventHandler( "doKickPlayer", root, function () kickPlayer( source, "Connection refused due a too low screen resolution" ) end )]]-- -- When the player spawns check if we show the login screen or draw a ban window addEvent( "doSpawnPlayer", true ) addEventHandler( "doSpawnPlayer", root, function () local time = getRealTime() local banData = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT banstamp,bannedby,reason,serial FROM bans WHERE serial=? LIMIT 1", getPlayerSerial( source ) ) if banData and banData[1] then if ( time.timestamp > tonumber( banData[1].banstamp ) ) and not ( tonumber( banData[1].banstamp ) == 0 ) then exports.DENmysql:exec( "DELETE FROM bans WHERE serial = ?", getPlayerSerial( source ) ) triggerClientEvent( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) else setElementData( source, "Occupation", "Banned" ) triggerClientEvent( source, "drawClientBanScreen", source, banData[1].serial, banData[1].reason, banData[1].banstamp, banData.bannedby ) toggleAllControls(source,false) end else triggerClientEvent( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) end end ) -- Timestap convert function timestampConvert ( timeStamp ) local time = getRealTime(timeStamp) local year = time.year + 1900 local month = time.month + 1 local day = time.monthday local hour = time.hour local minute = time.minute return "" .. hour ..":" .. minute .." - " .. month .."/" .. day .."/" .. year .."" end -- When the player creates a new account addEvent( "doAccountRegister", true ) addEventHandler( "doAccountRegister", root, function ( username, password1, password2, email, genderMale, genderFemale ) if ( exports.DENmysql:querySingle( "SELECT username FROM accounts WHERE username=? LIMIT 1", string.lower( username ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "This username is already taken!", "registerWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) elseif ( #exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE serial = ?", getPlayerSerial( source ) ) >= 2 ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "You can only register 2 accounts for each serial!", "registerWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) else if ( genderFemale ) then theGender = 93 else theGender = 0 end if ( exports.DENmysql:exec( "INSERT INTO accounts SET username=?, password=?, email=?, serial=?, skin=?", string.lower( username ), email, getPlayerSerial( source ), theGender ) ) then local userData = exports.DENmysql:querySingle( "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=? AND password=? LIMIT 1", string.lower( username ) ) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO weapons SET userid=?", tonumber( userData.id ) ) exports.DENmysql:exec("INSERT INTO playerstats SET userid=?", tonumber( userData.id ) ) triggerClientEvent( source, "setPopupWindowVisable", source ) end end end ) -- When the player password changed function onPasswordRequestCallback () -- callBack functie after password is changed nothing important though end -- Password reset function addEvent( "doPlayerPasswordReset", true ) addEventHandler( "doPlayerPasswordReset", root, function ( email, username, newPassword ) local userData= exports.DENmysql:querySingle( "SELECT email FROM accounts WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", string.lower(username) ) if ( userData ) then if ( userData.email == "" ) or ( userData.email == " " ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "No email found with this account!", "passwordWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) elseif not ( string.match(tostring( userData.email ), "^.+@.+%.%a%a%a*%.*%a*%a*%a*") )then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "You didn't enter a vaild email adress!", "passwordWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) elseif not ( string.lower( userData.email ) == string.lower(email) ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "The email with this account doesn't match!", "passwordWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) else if ( exports.DENmysql:exec( "UPDATE accounts SET password=? WHERE username=? AND email=?", sha512(newPassword), string.lower(username), email ) ) then callRemote( "http://csgmta.net/mail/password.php", onPasswordRequestCallback, username, email, newPassword ) exports.DENdxmsg:createNewDxMessage(source, "Your password is changed and sent to your email!", 0, 225, 0) triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "A new password has been sent!", "passwordWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) end end else triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "No account found with this name!", "passwordWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) end end ) -- When the player send the login forum addEvent( "doPlayerLogin", true ) addEventHandler( "doPlayerLogin", root, function ( username, password, usernameTick, passwordTick ) if not (exports.DENmysql:getConnection()) then triggerClientEvent(source,"setWarningLabelText",source,"Database is down! Please contact a developer!","loginWindow",255,0,0) return false end local accountID = false local idQuery = exports.DENmysql:query("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE username=? LIMIT 1",username:lower()) if idQuery and #idQuery == 1 then accountID = idQuery[1].id end if not accountID then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "Wrong username and/or password!", "loginWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) triggerClientEvent(source,"toggleLoginButton",source,true) return end if ( #exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE id=? AND password=? LIMIT 1", accountID, md5( password ) ) == 1 ) then -- If the password is a MD5 passwoard from the old system then force the player to change it triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "Unable to login, please change password first!", "loginWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) triggerClientEvent( source, "setNewPasswordWindowVisable", source ) setElementData( source, "temp:UsernameData", string.lower( username ) ) setElementData( source, "temp:PasswordData", md5( password ) ) elseif ( #exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE id=? AND password=? LIMIT 1", accountID, ( password ) ) == 1 ) then -- If the password is correct and a SHA512 password then log the player in --exports.irc:outputIRC(tostring(loggingIn[username])) if (loggingIn[username] == nil) then loggingIn[username] = true --set this true to prevent it from logging in again --exports.irc:outputIRC(username.." login stored.") elseif (loggingIn[username] == true) then --exports.irc:outputIRC(username.." was refused login since he spammed the :~ out of login.") return false else --exports.irc:outputIRC("Something :Oed up, blame Priyen!") --exports.irc:outputIRC(tostring(loggingIn[username])) end local banData = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT banstamp FROM bans WHERE username=? LIMIT 1", username:lower() ) if ( banData and #banData == 1 ) then if ( banData[1].banstamp == 0 ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "This account is Permanently Banned from the server!", "loginWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) elseif ( getRealTime().timestamp < banData[1].banstamp ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "This account is banned from the server til: "..timestampConvert( banData[1].banstamp ), "loginWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) elseif ( banData[1].banstamp > 0 ) and ( getRealTime().timestamp > banData[1].banstamp ) and ( exports.DENmysql:exec( "DELETE FROM bans WHERE account=?", username:lower() ) ) then triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "Your account is now unbanned! Try again.", "loginWindow", 0, 225, 0 ) end else removeElementData( source, "temp:UsernameData" ) removeElementData( source, "temp:PasswordData" ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "updateAccountXMLData", source, username, password, usernameTick, passwordTick ) local accountData = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", accountID ) local groupData = exports.DENmysql:query( "SELECT groupname,grouprank,groupid FROM groups_members WHERE memberid=? LIMIT 1", accountID ) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(v,"accountUserID") == accountData[1].id) then kickPlayer(v,"Accounts",getPlayerName(source).." has logged into your account.") end end exports.DENmysql:exec( "INSERT INTO logins SET serial=?, ip=?, nickname=?, accountname=?", getPlayerSerial( source ), getPlayerIP ( source ), getPlayerName( source ), username ) exports.DENmysql:exec( "UPDATE accounts SET serial=?,IP=? WHERE id=?", getPlayerSerial( source ), getPlayerIP( source ), accountData[1].id ) setPlayerTeam ( source, getTeamFromName(accountData[1].team) ) setElementData( source, "accountUserID", accountID ) setElementData( source, "tempdata.accountUserID", accountID ) setElementData( source, "Occupation", accountData[1].occupation ) setElementData( source, "playerAccount", accountData[1].username ) setElementData( source, "playerEmail", accountData[1].email ) setElementData( source, "playerIP", getPlayerIP ( source ) ) setElementData( source, "joinTick", getTickCount() ) setElementData(source,"playerScore",accountData[1].score) setElementData( source, "carLicence", true ) setElementData( source, "planeLicence", true ) setElementData( source, "bikeLicence", true ) setElementData( source, "chopperLicence", true ) setElementData( source, "boatLicence", true ) if ( groupData and #groupData == 1 ) then setElementData( source, "Group", groupData[1].groupname ) setElementData( source, "GroupRank", groupData[1].grouprank ) setElementData( source, "GroupID", tonumber(groupData[1].groupid) ) end if ( tonumber(accountData[1].premium) < 1 ) then setElementData( source, "isPlayerPremium", false ) setElementData( source, "Premium", "No" ) setElementData(source,"premiumType",accountData[1].premiumType) else setElementData( source, "isPlayerPremium", true ) setElementData( source, "Premium", "Yes" ) setElementData(source,"premiumType",accountData[1].premiumType) end setElementData( source, "playTime", accountData[1].playtime ) triggerClientEvent( source, "setAllWindowsHided", source ) triggerClientEvent( source, "clientPlayerLogin", source, accountData[1].id, username ) fadeCamera( source, false, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer( createPlayerElementIntoGame, 1000, 1, source, accountData[1] ) antisaveTimers[source] = setTimer(allowSaving,10000,1,source) triggerEvent( "onPlayerLogin", source ) loggingIn[username] = nil end else -- If the password is wrong triggerClientEvent( source, "setWarningLabelText", source, "Wrong username and/or password!", "loginWindow", 225, 0, 0 ) triggerClientEvent(source,"toggleLoginButton",source,true) end end ) function allowSaving(player) if (isElement(player)) then antisaveTimers[source] = nil end end -- Change password addEvent( "onPlayerUpdatePasswords", true ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerUpdatePasswords", root, function ( password ) if ( getElementData( source, "temp:UsernameData" ) ) then if ( exports.DENmysql:exec( "UPDATE accounts SET password=? WHERE username=?", sha512( password ), getElementData( source, "temp:UsernameData" ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) exports.DENdxmsg:createNewDxMessage( thePlayer, "Your password is changed!", 0, 225, 0 ) else triggerClientEvent ( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) exports.DENdxmsg:createNewDxMessage( thePlayer, "We couldn't change your password try again!", 225, 0, 0 ) end else triggerClientEvent ( source, "setLoginWindowVisable", source ) exports.DENdxmsg:createNewDxMessage( thePlayer, "We couldn't change your password try again!", 225, 0, 0 ) end end ) -- Spawn the player into the world function createPlayerElementIntoGame ( thePlayer, dataTable ) if ( exports.server:isPlayerLoggedIn( thePlayer ) ) then local playerID = exports.server:getPlayerAccountID( thePlayer ) exports.DENdxmsg:createNewDxMessage( thePlayer, "Welcome back to CSG " .. getPlayerName( thePlayer ) .. "!", 238, 154, 0 ) setCameraTarget( thePlayer, thePlayer ) showChat( thePlayer, true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( thePlayer, "radar", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( thePlayer, "area_name", true ) if ( dataTable.team == "Criminals" ) or ( dataTable.team == "Unemployed" ) or ( dataTable.team == "Unoccupied" ) then spawnPlayer( thePlayer, dataTable.x, dataTable.y, dataTable.z +1, dataTable.rotation, dataTable.skin, dataTable.interior, dataTable.dimension, dataTable.team ) else spawnPlayer( thePlayer, dataTable.x, dataTable.y, dataTable.z +1, dataTable.rotation, dataTable.jobskin, dataTable.interior, dataTable.dimension, dataTable.team ) end local CJCLOTTable = fromJSON( tostring( dataTable.cjskin ) ) if CJCLOTTable then for theType, index in pairs( CJCLOTTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( theType, index ) addPedClothes ( thePlayer, texture, model, theType ) end end local weapons = fromJSON( dataTable.weapons ) if ( weapons ) then for weapon, ammo in pairs( weapons ) do if not ( tonumber(weapon) == 36 ) and not ( tonumber(weapon) == 37 ) and not ( tonumber(weapon) == 38 ) and not ( tonumber(weapon) == 18 ) then giveWeapon( thePlayer, tonumber(weapon), tonumber(ammo) ) end end end local playerStatus = exports.DENmysql:querySingle( "SELECT * FROM playerstats WHERE userid=? LIMIT 1", playerID ) if ( playerStatus ) then local wepSkills = fromJSON( playerStatus.weaponskills ) if ( wepSkills ) then for skillint, valueint in pairs( wepSkills ) do if ( tonumber(valueint) > 950 ) then setPedStat ( thePlayer, tonumber(skillint), 995 ) else setPedStat ( thePlayer, tonumber(skillint), tonumber(valueint) ) end end end end if ( dataTable.health == 0 ) then killPed( thePlayer ) else setElementHealth( thePlayer, tonumber( dataTable.health ) ) end exports.DENmysql:exec( "UPDATE groups_members SET lastonline=? WHERE memberid=?", getRealTime().timestamp, playerID ) setPedArmor( thePlayer, tonumber( dataTable.armor ) ) setPlayerMoney( thePlayer, tonumber( dataTable.money ) ) setPedFightingStyle ( thePlayer, tonumber( dataTable.fightstyle ) ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "isPlayerLoggedin", true ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "wantedPoints", tonumber( dataTable.wanted ) ) local jailData = exports.DENmysql:querySingle("SELECT * FROM jail WHERE userid=? LIMIT 1",dataTable.id) if (jailData) then triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "onSetPlayerJailed", thePlayer, jailData.jailtime ) end triggerEvent ( "onServerPlayerLogin", thePlayer, playerID, dataTable.username ) exports.DENvehicles:reloadFreeVehicleMarkers( thePlayer ) end end function getCSGServerVersion() query = exports.DENmysql:querySingle("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE settingName=? LIMIT 1","serverVersion") if (query) then return query["value"] else return "2.1.4" end end addEvent("updatePlayerFPS",true) addEventHandler("updatePlayerFPS",root, function(fps) if (isElement(source)) and fps then setElementData(source,"FPS",fps) end end) --[[function updatePlayerTeamToElementData() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do team = getPlayerTeam(v) if (team = nil) then setElementData(v,"playerTeam",team) outputDebugString(getTeamFromName(team)) end end end setTimer(updatePlayerTeamToElementData,2000,0)]]-- function isAllowedToSave(player) if (isTimer(antisaveTimers[player])) then return false else return true end end there it is
// // blackwhite.fx // texture screenSource; float fIntesity; // the value set must be between in the range [-1, 1], so set it like this: urValue / 255, ex.: dxSetShaderValue(thisShader, "fIntesity", 128/255); this will make the image brighter. sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state { Texture = <screenSource>; }; float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 TextureCoordinate : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0 { float4 color = tex2D(TextureSampler, TextureCoordinate); return float4((color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3 + fIntesity); } technique BlackAndWhite { pass Pass1 { PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction(); } }
He's talking about server framerate, not client framerate, so, what @majqq said: Isn't correct, the mentioned things only affect client FPS, but not server.
Math.floor-ing coordinates doesn't help: in MTA Lua is configured to use 64 bit doubles, so even an int will be represented as a 64 bit double.
Well, drawing from path is the same as creating the texture internally, just 6x slower.
You sure about that? On the wiki it says:
Well, those unused objects can't be replaced if I remember correctly.