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Everything posted by bman212121
I Honestly didn't think I'd see this released. Congrats MTA on all of the work over the years.
Thanks for the information, I look forward to seeing it. Is there a quick and easy way to fake it on the client side? If someone could provide a little example that would be great.
I was just wondering if there were any updates to editing the car handling. The only thing I found about it was this thread: viewtopic.php?f=69&t=20461&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=handling which states that it isn't possible yet but would be added later. I just wanted to know if someone figured out a way to write a script to change the vehicle properites or not or if there is a way to import the files.
I think this is a pretty fitting thread to post into. My last login was Febuary 2nd, 2006 so I guess I need to read the new forum rules since they appeared to have changed shortly after my last login. I've been following MTA since the Vice City days of version 0.1. I've played every one of their releases including the GTAIII ones way back in the day. I remember using mods on the first version of vice city and being able to use that silly cheese wedge car and drive at my friends and make them fly into the air. Version 0.3 I believe was the first one to make it so you couldn't mod the game and it wasn't until Race where modding finally came back. Here we are over 4 years later and now the sync issues might have finally been fixed. I was saddened to hear the bad news about one of the KFC members as I remember playing against their clan way back when. It's almost kind of funny to think that I've been checking this site every so often waiting for blue to come out. It was really cool to play race but not being able to get out of your car kind of limits the possibilies that GTA holds. I can't wait to try this new release out with some friends on a lan and hopefully we'll be able to play with few crashes and sync'ed gameplay. Congratutions has to go out to the MTA team for sticking with it this long, I would have never imagined that 4 years later I would still be interested in an addon mod to bring multiplayer to a single player game. Let's hope the flexibility that they've added to this release and the years of hard work will finally bring one of most useful aspects to the Grand Theft Auto series to life. Here's to another 5 years of MTA!
Yup, I forgot the "technical" term for it. I could definately see 8 ppl in a bus, then all of a sudden a rpg come out of no where, and all you see is: Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** I would love to see free aim for passengers as well, as [iON]Leviathan suggested.
Yup, I forgot the "technical" term for it. I could definately see 8 ppl in a bus, then all of a sudden a rpg come out of no where, and all you see is: Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** Player killed **** I would love to see free aim for passengers as well, as [iON]Leviathan suggested.
My suggestion for the Dm is: Being able to do drive by's with all passengers in the vehicle with the ability to shoot! It would be even sweeter if you could make seats in the back of a vehicle (like a bobcat) so that you can shoot rocket launchers or w/e you wanted too.
Actually more like 1/120th but who's counting. What I was referring to is if you compare it to the amount of time spent working on mta before creating blue, which was 2 - 3x the amount of time.
You can hold down alt and press tab a certain amount of times for it to switch back to MTA and bring back focus. Yea, I was able to do that, but silly me as I launched the game with several programs still running, so I couldn't figure out which one was the right one. Also, don't ctrl alt del either, I think that really made it mad when I tried doing that.
I would have to say that I disagree with several things. First off, a lot of the things that you talked about in your first paragraph CAN be easily fixed. All of the maps that are on servers right now are just ones that were made by the QA team. You can easily go into the map editor and make a map to suit your style. Second, If you read the blog, you should have known that it was going to be race only for like the past month now, so it shouldn't have been a shocker. As for the respawn thing, that is an issue that can be adjusted in the future, but for right now it is a minor issue that we will have to deal with. But yes, if you look at the brightside, you see that there is a very stable center that is just scratching the surface of what mta might be capable of in the future. It is very impressive what they have been able to do in a MERE 8 months, espically when you realize that the first version of mta started back in 2003.
Here is my suggestion to ppl with v2.0. I have no clue whether this will work or not, but it may: If you get a no-cd patch that is for v1.0, you should be able to start the game just the same and it will come up as v1.0. Like I said, I am not sure how SA works entirely, but I know that in Vice all they patch did was change some code in the exe and none of the game files. All I can say is it is worth a go to see if that works or not. Disclaimer: Just remember that MTA can't guarentee anything with a no-cd patch, so your on your own if your game is patched. Figured I would throw that in there so a mod didn't have to.
I will open up a thread for this, as I know that it is already been a little bit annoying so far. It is nice that mta only allows a person to vote once every so often, but it will allow back to back voting from different people. When your in the middle of a race, anyone who has died will try to switch the map, not letting anyone try to finish the race. It's quite annoying having to vote no every 20 seconds so that you can continue on with the race. Next Suggestion, maybe a time limit in a future version for the freeroam type games. (Perticular flying heli's, when everyone just flys around for 1/2 hour and no one dies.) Other than that, I have to say MTA blue was well worth the wait. It has come a long way since the original mta .1 (I've been playing mta since the first release.) It is amazing what you guys have done with this mod, and I can see that there is a ton of potential for it in the future. Side Note: fairly stable, still a few kinks that will need to be worked out. In the 6 hours that I played, (mostly on one server) the server crashed one time, and my game crashed once. Much better than any previous version by far. Hope you will be able to iron out the mod a little more, and it will be really nice.
It would still be nice to alt tab. I had people that I wanted to chat with quick while I was dead in the game, and couldn't. Also, I wanted to set the affinaty on processor, and wasn't able to alt tab to do that either. Only thing that I did notice is that right now if you try to alt tab, windows will bring up the switcher, and what happens is the mta console isn't focused right and you can't use the mouse.
Then you better whip out a rocket launcher and end it fast. Yea, i prolly was late, i didn't read all 6 pgs.
It's been a while for me. Great to see the changes, ie. BLUE. I look forward to the release as i've seen great improvements from the MTA team. (I've been watching mta from v1, and usually stop in to see the new versions.(Great work MTA)) I would like to point out that mta is JUST a game! It seems near impossible to allow pausing w/o abuse. Most people are fine with not being able to pause and can live with dying if something comes up( at least my experince in multiplayer games). But i know there are some di-hard MTA fans who would and should be able to find a safe place if they absolutely have to peel themselves away from there pc for a min. Not to mention think about it this way, that one death doesn't mean much if for the fact that you are pwning ppl, then you should actually lose more points via the time you are away from your pc, so pausing isn't helping your score.
It's coming out on october 26th in the us, and i think the 28th in europe and japan for the ps2. Then the pc is sometime next year like MAD_BOY said. I thought the pc and Xbox versions were gonna be later than that even.
Hey, i was wondering if u guys could make a quickie fix so that u can play gta-wo on mta v.3.1? By this i mean just make it so that the crc check is set up for the gta 3 map. (I'm not sure on this, but you might already have the crc check handy from the gta3mta) I really don't care where the vehicles spawn or anything, i just would like to see if it works. It would be greatly appreciated. I've played it on gtat and it works fine, but i like mta better cause there is more to do. If this is possible could u give a link to the file? Thanks a lot!!
Why not concentrate more on mta:vc devolpment?
bman212121 replied to a topic in General GTA3:MTA 0.4 Discussion
Correct me if i'm wrong, but if i remember correctly from playing gta3 way back when, you can't shoot people inside of vehicles. -
I voted for option 2. I believe that it would suck all of the fun out of mta with only 1 island. I'm sure if enough effort is put forth, then the teleport problem can be solved. (Just look at the progress that have been made so far ) But I also agree with the fact that sometimes it gets boring because it takes forever to find someone to kill. I was reading through the posts and someone thought of the same idea that i did. Run multiple servers for one game. That way, you could potentially run option 1 like option 2, with all of the benfits of each. Maybe have a 70 player limit for all 3 islands, and people could roam freely , because its not likely that everone will be on the same island. I know it is just a sugguestion that isn't worth much right now, but it might be a useful idea later on down the road.
Well, i've looked through almost all of the posts and it seems that no one mentioned anything about the halfpipe mod that can be added in good ol mta v.1. You could have people try to do the best tricks in the half pipe, or even a full pipe. I have done this on mta v.1, someone doing tricks and another as the camera so you can see yourself doing them. It is incredibly sweet. Another idea is Monster Truck Madness. Have everyone drive around the sandking with huge tires, or even better use the chevy silverado mod. I'm not sure what else you could do with it, but i was also wondering if it would be possible to make it so you could stand in a vehicle without falling off. Then you could ride in the back of a monster truck or something, and be able to freely shoot at other people while moving.
I've been playing mta vc since it was in v.10 and i loved playing it then. You could add as many mods to the game as you wanted as long as everyone used the same mods. I only play it on a lan because my dial-up lags way too bad But, my point is, when i wanted to play v.2 with my buddies, you couldn't do anything special because you had all of the basic stuff. Granted, the new features are alot better and give it a whole new level of gameplay, but i would still like to be able to mod my mtavc. I know that the main reason for the check is for net users who like to cheat, personally, i think the CRC check is one of the best things they can have for over the net. But, for lan users who want to have more fun with mtavc, the CRC check doesn't allow as much. I would really like it if you made the CRC check an option, maybe even on just the server, to allow LAN users to get the full amount of fun out of mtavc. For me, if my buddy wants to cheat on our lan, i can just walk across the room and punch him, but i kno on the net, it is important for the check. Please consider adding an option for it in the next release.
I'm not sure if i like the fact that only the police can use armor. I think it puts everyone else at a major disadvantage because they have 100 less hp. I was wondering if u could add a menu to the server to change your starting health including respawns, armor, weapons, etc. That way u would be able to play for a little while before u die. Then after only the police could get more armor, but at least people will be able to survive longer.