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  1. Hmm, I guess it has its good points and bad points, I somtimes like to make my names pepending on what im doing/feeling so that would suck, but so would some 1 taking my alias (not that its ever happened)
  2. Yes it happened to me once when I was in a car. I just reloaded the game and it worked fine after that.
  3. Maby you havnt noticed but Many ideas come from these types of posts. Also if you didnt finish reading it I had another alternetive witch was to be able to set your custom Upload/Downlaod limet that the game uses. I kinda disagree with this, the devs should read the ideas people have because some of them are good and will help the development of MTA aswell as save some time. Every one has diffrent ideas, some are good and some are bad but if you know all the ideas you can remove the bad ones and use all the good ones. So being quiet and letting the devs work on their own wont be the best thing to do. This is a community.
  4. ROFL hahah ong thats a funny pic u got there, wth kinda car is that?
  5. Running people down does somthing. I rekkon its funny when u get hit by a car (and die) and when u go to the mission slecion thing u r still flying and u fall off that building.
  6. Hey Im in Australia and everybody knows that we dont get the best internet deals. Anyway I have a limeted amount of download useage that I can use before I have to wait till the end of the month. I was thinking that if you could put extra effort in making MTA with less bandwidth useage it would be better for every one. Good Points are: Less lag (pings) > more players > more fun > more players Less bandwidth used > more (happy) players Bad points: More work for you > slow releases > un-happy people Another way of solving this is a custom upload limet and download limet. This would mean that you could change the upload limet to anything and there be a nother tab for the download limet witch should also be custom. This wouls allow the user full control and awearness over what they are useing of their limeted internet or not useing up all the bandwith if their useing internet shearing with others.
  7. Yep Im kinda anoyed aswell... Actucaly im not, ive already uninstalles GTA3 about 2 months ago. Don't get me wrong, I will install it again when 0.3 comes out. It would of been nice to be able to release it today but what did you expect? I hope it gets released in the next month.
  8. bloody hell i was gonna make a game with that name... ohwell
  9. It would be good if you could remove like 50 -70 % of all the vehicles to make it a lil easier for the bus driver. Also The team that has to stop the bus would probly win alot more often because all they need is a equaly heavy vehicle or a good driver to cause the bus to crash into somthing, causing it to explode.
  10. Lets just make a certin car that only the VIP can use this would be easier and you wouldnt have to set the speeds for the car when the VIP was useing it. If you havnt played TFC, a great Half-Life mod you should check it out and have a look at the Hunted map. That map works very well and there arnt too many problems, I think people should base their ideas off that mod because its alot easier to decide on somthing if you have played it before.
  11. Hey welcome to the forums and yep the trafic and peds will all be synced. Now the only problem with GTA3MTA 0.3 is its out in 2 weeks...
  12. Hey welcome to the forums and yep the trafic and peds will all be synced. Now the only problem with GTA3MRA 0.3 is its out in 2 weeks...
  13. Ok I have just tested it and this is my thaughts on it: Pros: Very simple to use, I got into a game in les than 3 mins after downloading the file. More than one other player, as soon as I got in I saw about 8 people. Ability to have your name. You can have a server name. You can see how many people are playing in the server. You can get into the actucal game way easier. Cons: Your car will look like its lagging. I had limeted control of my car, I could barley stop in my limo. Cliping problems, your car seems to half fall through the ground. Your car is very jumpy. Crashing is frequent, when I died from my limmo getting stuck in the ground and finding my self in the air for some reaon the server crashed. Hard to get PC working after a crash. Player animation problems. Im going to try this again to see if it works better now but overall I had a pritty bad experience with it. I was in the game for about 2 minutes and than trying to recover my PC for about 3 minutes. This MOD looks very promesing![/b]
  14. Yep also happens to me and I have WinXP, also I dont think I can create a game because I am useing internet sharing with another PC? well I dont know the prob, ohwell. Yay 2 gta3 multiplayer mods, I hope the dont agree to be on the same team because I want more choices and competition.
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