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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. Hey guys, So, I'm currently working on a custom bodykit script (tunable modded cars, but we ran out of moddable cars). Because of there is no model to replace for the car, I want to replace the front bumber, rear bumber, etc. with a random object. Whenever I do this, it chrashes my MTA. If I do replace it with his own ID, it works just fine. Can you guys give me a bit of help, why it is doing it, and why it is not working? Thanks, Patrick.
  2. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... 678&vote=1 Stolen from a server. Please block him.
  3. Hey guys! I want to make the whole MTA Wiki to Hungarian. Is there any method to do it?
  4. Thanks, used your suggestion, and it was working. It is still buggy, but works fine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo12yK8ymac
  5. connection = dbConnect("mysql", "dbname=dbname;host=localhost", "root", "password") data = dbQuery(connetion, "SELECT * FROM tablename") rdata = dbPoll(data, -1) And you have your accounts ready.
  6. I just did the timing already. But 5 out of 10 gets to x, 2 out of 10 gets x-2... etc.. What do you mean on position check? if x > xmax then setPedControlState(ped, "brake_reverse", true) end or like that? Its a scene for register new account, so it cant be done that way. Maybe there are some settings that make the car always the right speed?
  7. Hey. I want to make a scene with a car, which is a taxi. I use setPedControlState to control it to the positions, but it sometimes goes longer, sometimes goes shorter. So, its little bit buggy. Is there any other way to do it? local scene2 = createVehicle(420, 1947.1982421875, -1749.4130859375, 13.3828125, 0, 0, 90) local scene2sofor = createPed(255, 0, 0, 0) warpPedIntoVehicle(bemutatoPed, scene2, 2) warpPedIntoVehicle(scene2sofor, scene2) setTimer(function() setPedControlState(scene2sofor, "accelerate", true) setTimer(setPedControlState, 4500, 1, scene2sofor, "accelerate", false) setTimer(setPedControlState, 6000, 1, scene2sofor, "handbrake", true) end, 1500, 1)
  8. Try to put down the object at your position.
  9. if rT then local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) rot = getCameraRotation(localPlayer) dxSetRenderTarget(rT) img = dxDrawImageSection(x, y, w, h, (pX+3000)*(1536/6000)-w/2, -(pY+3000)*(1536/6000)-h/2, w, h,"files/radar.png", rot) dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage(x, y, w, h, rT) end This code is giving me a black screen, can you help me?
  10. Thanks TAPL, that works, I have to make an another event with onClientKey and use "backspace" and "lshift" for/to ( sorry I'm not from England :'D ) make able for/to (again) delete chars or make it higher.
  11. xXMADEXx, it isn't working. Mr.unpredictable, I made a loginpanel with no guiEdit, with tables, if I press a, it inserts "a" into the table, but, if I press F1 it inserts "F1" into, and I want to disable this.
  12. Hey guys! I made a loginpanel with no guiEdits, and I want to disable some keys, because if I press F11, it writes down "F11" and etc... Thanks for the help.
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