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Everything posted by yesyesok

  1. Hey i tried to make this, like 1 hit one kill But don't want players to die with fire. addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement() , function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) killPed(source,attacker,weapon) end )
  2. yesyesok


    After reading wiki, I felt it's bit usefull, It makes it easier + you don't need to type much.
  3. hey, I tried Alot but still i'm not able to attach vehicle to objects, I'm trying to make moving vehicle, So i decided to attach the vehicle to moving object and change the alpha of the objects, Objects are getting created but vehicles are not getting attached to it.
  4. yesyesok


    I just read that there is oop in MTA, Can any one tell what are benefits of Oop in MTA?
  5. ik about attaching object but i'm asking how should i attach vehicle to objects?
  6. You just loaded those files but didn't replace it. engineReplaceModel
  7. I wanted to attach a vehicle to an invisible object, What functions should i use. It would be great if it's posted with a example. I'm beginner lua scripter.
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