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Everything posted by rusztamas

  1. Still getting damage. Script: addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() setElementData (source, "halhatatlan", true) end ) addCommandHandler ("am_i_halhatatlan", function() if setElementData (source, "halhatatlan", true) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill]#FFFFFF Aha.", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill]#FFFFFF Nem.", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end end ) addCommandHandler ("disable_halhatatlan", function() if setElementData (source, "halhatatlan", false) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill]#FFFFFF Kikapcsolva: halhatatlan.", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end end ) function halhatatlansag() if getElementData(source, "halhatatlan") then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), halhatatlansag)
  2. function halhatatlansag() if getElementData(source, "halhatatlan", true) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), halhatatlansag) If you join the server, it sets your elementData(halhatatlansag) to true, but i still get damages, and my hp is going down... i'd like to do it like setElementData (source, "invincible", true) and setElementData (source, "invincible", false) so it would be like "toggleable" but i have no idea how to do that. Could you please help me?
  3. This is working, thanks, but what if the kick reason is more than a word? How can i do that? And what was the problem with the mine?
  4. function kirugas(admin, parancs, jatekos, indok) if not getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill]#FFFFFF Nincs jogod a parancs használatához.", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end if not jatekos and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then outputChatBox ("#A1D490[King of the Kill] #FFFFFFHibás szintaxis. Helyes: #A1D490/"..parancs.." #86B5DB[játékosnév] [opcionális indok]", admin, 255, 255, 255, true) end if jatekos and not indok and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then local jatekos = getPlayerFromName(jatekos) kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, "Ismeretlen indok.") if indok and getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then kickPlayer (jatekos, admin, indok) end end end addCommandHandler ("kirugas", kirugas) It wont kick the player, with the reason. It kicks the player without reason, but when i add reason it is not working.
  5. Works, thank you so much for you help! For the 3d time! Stay awesome.
  6. Script: function gmtpjatekos(admin, parancs, jatekos) if not getElementData(admin, "gm", true) then outputChatBox ("Nincs jogod a parancs használatához.", admin, 255, 0, 0, true) end if not jatekos then outputChatBox ("Hibás szintaxis. Helyes: /"..parancs.." [játékosnév]", admin, 255, 0, 0, true) end if jatekos then local jatekos = getPlayerFromName(jatekos) local jatekosPosX, jatekosPosY, jatekosPosZ = getElementPosition(jatekos) setElementPosition (admin, jatekosPosX+2, jatekosPosY+2, jatekosPosZ) outputChatBox ("Teleportáltál: "..jatekos..".", admin, 255, 0, 0, true) outputChatBox ("Teleportált hozzád: "..admin..".", jatekos, 255, 0, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler ("goto", gmtpjatekos) Simple goto script, but not working, it teleports me to the player, but it wont write the 2 outputs in the chatbox. Help pls?
  7. Now i can see the skies... It is still not good, and btw i left the argument out from the eventhandler.
  8. function spawn_player_on_join() spawnPlayer (source, 0, 0, 0) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", spawn_player_on_join) I'd like to spawn player on join, instead of play resource spawning, but it shows a black screen. What could be the problem? Arguments?
  9. Thank you very mutch! You know, i am a starter lua - mta programmer, and i can't really see the difference, can you please explain it to me?
  10. Hi! I started writing a script, and i don't know what the problem is. function adminauth() local ips = { [""] = true } local p_IP = tostring(getPlayerIP(source)) if tostring(p_IP) == tostring(ips) then setElementData (source, "administrator", true) outputChatBox ("correct! #FFFFFF"..p_IP.."", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox ("wrong! #FFFFFF"..p_IP.."", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), adminauth) When i join the game it outputs wrong. I'm playing this on local server, i tried to use it with serials but none of them worked. When you join it should output correct, and set "administrator" element data true, on you. What the problem could be? Please help me!
  11. Fixed: outputChatBox ("<resource src="..'"'..variable..'"'.." startup="..'"'..startup..'"'.." protected="..'"'..protected..'"'.." />", thePlayer)
  12. Hello! I want to make a script, which would make my days more confortable while writing scripts into mtaserver.conf, by a very simple outputchatbox script, but i have no idea how to fix this. Script: function mtaserverconf(thePlayer, cmd, variable) local startup = "1" local protected = "0" outputChatBox ("<resource src="..tostring(variable).." startup="..startup.." protected="..protected.." />", thePlayer) end addCommandHandler ("m", mtaserverconf) The problem is: If i type in m asd it would display the following: <resource src=asd startup=1 protected=0 /> <!--this is a bad syntax, there are missing symbols--> <resource src="asd" startup="1" protected="0" /> <!-- this is a good one--> Can somebody help me to make this possible?
  13. Hi! I want to buy a new cpu, but i don't know which one MTA would handle better. Can MTA:SA use out 4 cores? Or only 2? 1st opinion: i3-6100 (2 cores, 3.7ghz, 14nm) http://ark.intel.com/products/90729/Intel-Core-i3-6100-Processor-3M-Cache-3_70-GHz 2nd opinion: i5-6400 (4 cores, base clock speed: 2.7ghz, turbo clock speed: 3.3ghz, 14nm) https://ark.intel.com/products/88185/Intel-Core-i5-6400-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_30-GHz 3d opinion: i5-4460 (4 cores, base clock speed: 3.2ghz, turbo clock speed: 3.4ghz, 22nm) https://ark.intel.com/products/80817/Intel-Core-i5-4460-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_40-GHz
  14. Hello! I don't understand the setTimer wiki, can you please teach me how it works? I would do this if it would work: function hello() local timer = setTimer (60000) -- sets timer to a minute if timer == 0 then -- checks if timer is 0 outputChatBox ("0") -- outputs, that timer is null else return nil end end addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), hello) This is a not working script, can you help me to make it work? Thank you!
  15. Hi! I want to learn using dxDraws properly, but i don't know where can i check screen coordinates, and i want to draw a straight line, and place a box in the center, and i'm trying my best and it is like this: Coding: local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() function drawStuff() local bg = dxDrawRectangle ( 500, 250, 500, 500, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ) ) local line1 = dxDrawLine ( 600, 500, 300, 250, tocolor(0,0,0,255)) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawStuff) addCommandHandler ("asdasd", drawStuff) Can you help me? Please?
  16. fixed! the 3d argument must be an element,(thePlayer) and i put thePlayer parameter into the function's arguments and now its working. thank you!
  17. http://imgur.com/a/izlQj debugscript 3 writes this.
  18. Hello! I want to play a sound effect on the player's location, when he typed the command in, but my script is just not working, can somebody help me? Server: function pocsomoccseLejatszas() triggerClientEvent (getRootElement(), pocsomoccse) end addCommandHandler ("pocsomoccse", pocsomoccseLejatszas) Client: function pocsomoccseHangLejatszas() local jatekosX, jatekosY, jatekosZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local pocsomoccseHangEffekt = playSound3D("pocsomoccse.mp3", jatekosX, jatekosY, jatekosZ, false) end addEvent ("pocsomoccse", true) addEventHandler ("pocsomoccse", getRootElement(), pocsomoccseHangLejatszas) Meta: <meta> <info type="script" version="1.0.0"></info> <script src="codeC.lua" type="client"></script> <script src="codeC2.lua" type="client"></script> <script src="pocsomoccse_c.lua" type="client"></script> <script src="pocsomoccse_s.lua" type="server"></script> <file src="italy.mp3"></file> <file src="inferno.mp3"></file> <file src="jinglejingle.mp3"></file> <file src="alarm.mp3"></file> <file src="peddiendre.mp3"></file> <file src="putin_putout.mp3"></file> <file src="pocsomoccse.mp3"></file> </meta> Sorry for the Hungarian language.
  19. SAS Network (CNR roleplay) is in See Game System's property. I think because of that. mtasa://
  20. Open the HTTP port... it may be busy, check, if nothing is interupting your HTTP port.
  21. ================================================================== = Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5.2 ================================================================== = Server name : Default MTA Server = Server IP address: auto = Server port : 22003 = = Log file : .. 1.5/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log = Maximum players : 32 = HTTP port : 22005 = Voice Chat : Disabled = Bandwidth saving : Medium ================================================================== [2016-10-12 16:09:58] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel' [2016-10-12 16:10:27] Resources: 194 loaded, 0 failed [2016-10-12 16:10:28] Starting resources... [2016-10-12 16:10:29] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.2-9.09928.0 [2016-10-12 16:10:30] Gamemode 'play' started. [2016-10-12 16:10:30] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP: [2016-10-12 16:10:30] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2016-10-12 16:10:30] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [2016-10-12 16:10:30] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [2016-10-12 16:10:58] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:10:59] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:10:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got number '-2405'] [2016-10-12 16:10:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:51: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '-2405'] [2016-10-12 16:10:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:54: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got number '-2405'] [2016-10-12 16:10:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:57: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got number '-2405'] [2016-10-12 16:10:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:60: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got number '-2405'] [2016-10-12 16:12:01] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:12:01] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:12:02] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:12:02] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:12:02] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:12:02] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:12:02] SCRIPT ERROR: script\codeS.lua:49: ')' expected near '(' [2016-10-12 16:12:02] ERROR: Loading script failed: script\codeS.lua:49: ')' expected near '(' [2016-10-12 16:12:02] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:12:30] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:12:30] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:12:30] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:12:30] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:12:30] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:12:32] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:12:34] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:12:34] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:12:34] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:12:40] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:13:04] ACL: Denied 'rusztmas' access to command 'restart' [2016-10-12 16:13:07] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:13:09] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:13:09] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:13:09] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:13:09] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:13:09] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:13:14] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:13:20] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:16:06] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:16:06] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:16:06] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:16:06] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:16:06] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:16:07] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:16:39] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:16:39] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:16:39] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:16:39] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:16:39] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:16:40] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:16:52] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:16:52] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:16:52] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:16:52] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:16:52] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:16:53] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:17:10] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:17:10] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:17:10] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:17:10] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:17:11] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:18:55] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:18:55] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:18:55] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:18:55] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:18:55] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:19:03] CHAT: rusztmas: asd [2016-10-12 16:19:58] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:19:58] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:19:58] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:19:58] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:19:58] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:20:04] CHAT: rusztmas: adasd [2016-10-12 16:20:19] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:20:19] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:20:19] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:20:19] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:20:19] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:20:23] CHAT: rusztmas: asd [2016-10-12 16:20:34] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:20:34] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:20:35] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:20:35] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:20:35] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:20:47] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:20:47] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:20:47] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:20:47] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:20:47] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:20:54] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:20:54] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:20:54] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:20:54] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:20:54] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:20:57] CHAT: rusztmas: asdd [2016-10-12 16:23:11] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:23:11] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:23:11] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:23:11] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:23:11] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:23:16] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:69: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:16] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:70: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:16] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:71: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerIP' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:31] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:69: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:31] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:70: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:31] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:71: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerIP' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:23:49] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:23:49] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:23:49] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:23:49] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:23:49] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:24:22] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:24:22] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:24:23] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:24:23] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:24:23] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:24:50] NICK: rusztmas is now known as Rusz_Tamas [2016-10-12 16:24:56] NICK: Rusz_Tamas is now known as Rusz_Tamass [2016-10-12 16:26:02] restart: Requested by Rusz_Tamass(rusztmas) [2016-10-12 16:26:02] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:26:02] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:26:02] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:26:02] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:26:23] NICK: Rusz_Tamass is now known as rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:27:58] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:27:58] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:27:59] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:27:59] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:27:59] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:30:37] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:30:37] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:30:37] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:30:37] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:30:37] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:30:39] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:30:41] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:30:41] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:30:41] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:30:41] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:31:13] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:31:13] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:31:15] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:31:15] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:31:15] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:31:15] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:31:15] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:31:17] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:31:19] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:31:19] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:31:19] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:31:19] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:32:39] ACL: Denied 'rusztmas' access to command 'restart' [2016-10-12 16:32:40] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:32:40] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:32:42] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:32:42] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:32:42] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:32:42] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:32:42] SCRIPT ERROR: script\codeS.lua:49: ')' expected near '(' [2016-10-12 16:32:42] ERROR: Loading script failed: script\codeS.lua:49: ')' expected near '(' [2016-10-12 16:32:42] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:32:58] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:32:58] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:32:58] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:32:58] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:32:58] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:33:01] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:33:03] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:33:03] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:33:03] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:33:09] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:33:53] ACL: Denied 'rusztmas' access to command 'restart' [2016-10-12 16:33:54] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:33:54] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:33:55] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:33:55] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:33:55] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:33:55] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:33:55] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:33:57] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:33:59] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:33:59] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:33:59] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got root] [2016-10-12 16:33:59] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:36:04] ACL: Denied 'rusztmas' access to command 'restart' [2016-10-12 16:36:05] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:36:05] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:36:06] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:36:06] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:36:06] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:36:06] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:36:06] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:69: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:36:06] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:36:26] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:36:26] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:36:26] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:36:26] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:36:26] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:36:27] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:36:29] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:36:29] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:36:29] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got number '2005'] [2016-10-12 16:36:29] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:51: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '2005'] [2016-10-12 16:36:29] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerIP' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '2005'] [2016-10-12 16:36:29] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got number '2005'] [2016-10-12 16:36:29] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:42:27] ACL: Denied 'rusztmas' access to command 'restart' [2016-10-12 16:42:28] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:42:28] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:42:30] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:42:30] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:42:31] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:42:31] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:42:31] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:48:50] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:48:50] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:48:50] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:48:50] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:48:50] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:69: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil] [2016-10-12 16:48:50] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:49:01] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:49:01] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:49:01] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:49:01] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:49:01] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:49:02] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:49:02] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:49:02] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:49:02] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:49:05] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:49:07] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:49:08] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP: [2016-10-12 16:49:08] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got number '2485'] [2016-10-12 16:49:08] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:51: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '2485'] [2016-10-12 16:49:08] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerIP' [Expected element at argument 1, got number '2485'] [2016-10-12 16:49:08] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got number '2485'] [2016-10-12 16:49:08] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:49:49] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) rusztmas successfully logged in as 'rusztmas' (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994) [2016-10-12 16:49:49] SCRIPT: rusztmas set their script debug mode to 3 [2016-10-12 16:49:49] restart: Requested by rusztmas [2016-10-12 16:49:49] Stopping script [2016-10-12 16:49:49] Resource 'script' changed, reloading and starting [2016-10-12 16:49:49] Starting script [2016-10-12 16:49:49] script restarted successfully [2016-10-12 16:49:52] QUIT: rusztmas left the game [Quit] [2016-10-12 16:49:54] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:50: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerSerial' [Expected player at argument 1, got string 'rusztmas'] [2016-10-12 16:49:54] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:51: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got string 'rusztmas'] [2016-10-12 16:49:54] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerIP' [Expected element at argument 1, got string 'rusztmas'] [2016-10-12 16:49:54] WARNING: script\codeS.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got string 'rusztmas'] [2016-10-12 16:49:54] ERROR: script\codeS.lua:57: attempt to concatenate local 'serial' (a boolean value) [2016-10-12 16:49:54] CONNECT: rusztmas connected (IP: Serial: 4BB221CA8B037BE7FDF3A8FC0DE1A994 Version: 1.5.2-9.09928.4) [2016-10-12 16:49:54] JOIN: rusztmas joined the game (IP:
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