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Everything posted by rusztamas
It worked! Thank you ccw, for me it is night, and i haven't sleep a even a sec since yesterday...
Hello guys! We found a map, with a dff, col, and txd file. We wrote a script to it, and it was appearing in the game. But when we tried to stand on it, it just simply did not let us on it. What the problem could be? The script: addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() outputChatBox ( "Ez a resource válaszol.") local txd = engineLoadTXD('files/name.txd',true) engineImportTXD(txd, 4002) local dff = engineLoadDFF('files/name.dff', 0) engineReplaceModel(dff, 4002) local col = engineLoadCOL('files/name.col') engineReplaceCOL(col, 4002) engineSetModelLODDistance(4002, 500) end ) Meta: <meta> <script src="script.lua" type="client" /> <file src="files/name.txd" /> <file src="files/name.dff" />> </meta> Debugscript:
It works fine, thanks
Hi guys! How can i disable the texts, when i'm for example entering to a new area, or getting into a car? It is very low definitioned, and it is annoying my action bar, in the middle bottom of my screen!
Hi guys! I want to download libmysql.so, but i can't find it! Where can i download it?
Ip: Ports: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/?d=87.22 ... 1&mslist=1 22003,22005 Firewall status:Off OS: Server 2008 R2 It is sometimes shown, and sometimes not. It's a bit annoying.
Hello guys! I wrote a script, for MySQL, and it's not working! What could be the problem? Script: local host = "" local username = "root" local password = "" local db = "mta" local port = "3306" local results = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() dbHandler = dbConnect("mysql","dbname=".. db ..";host="..host, username, password, "autoreconnect=1") if not dbHandler then outputChatBox("#1 Mysql disconnecting...") cancelEvent(true) end end) function getMySQLUsername() return username end function getMySQLPassword() return password end function getMySQLDBName() return db end function getMySQLHost() return host end function getMySQLPort() return port end function query_free(q,poll) local this = #results + 1 results[this] = dbQuery(dbHandler, q) if poll then local result, num_affected_rows, last_insert_id = dbPoll(results[this], -1) if result == nil then dbFree(results[this]) return this, nil elseif result == false then dbFree(results[this]) return this, nil else dbFree(results[this]) return this, tonumber(last_insert_id) end end dbFree(results[this]) return this end function getConnection() return dbHandler end function singleQuery(str,...) if (dbHandler) then local query = dbQuery(dbHandler,str,...) local result = dbPoll(query,-1) if (type(result == "table")) then return result[1] else return result end else return false end end function execute(str) if (dbHandler) then local query, id = query_free(str, true) return query else return false end end function getFreeResultPoolID() return #results + 1 end function escape_string(str) if (str) then return str end return false end function query_rows_assoc(str,...) if (dbHandler) then local this = #results + 1 results[this] = dbQuery(dbHandler, str, ...) return dbPoll(results[this],-1) else return false end end function query(str,...) if (dbHandler) then return query_rows_assoc(str,...) else return false end end function query_fetch_assoc(str,...) if(not str)then return false end return singleQuery(str,...) end function query_insert_free(str) if (dbHandler) then local query, id = query_free(str, true) return id else return false end end function num_rows(result) if(not result)then return 0 end if (type(result == "table")) then return (#result or 0) else return 1 end end Debugscript: [2016-03-06 17:10:22] WARNING: Script 'd_dbConnect/mysql.lua' is not encoded in UTF-8. Loading as ANSI... [2016-03-06 17:10:22] SCRIPT ERROR: d_dbConnect/mysql.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '?' [2016-03-06 17:10:22] ERROR: Loading script failed: d_dbConnect/mysql.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '?'
Hey guys! I had this problem few months ago, but ccw did something, and after that it was appearing in the list. Infos: Adress: Ports: 22003,22005 (https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/?d=87.22 ... 1&mslist=1) Server OS: Windows Server 2008 Firewall status: Off (ports are being forwarded) What should i do guys? Shall i use Ubuntu server?
Hi guys! I had just started LUA scripting, and i don't know if this possible: If somebody dies, ban the player, for example permanently, and add his name to the Ban list. I already wrote the script, and put the resource name "bannondeath" to acl.xml to the group "console", and "admin".
Hey guys, i want to replace the object "bustopm" (id 1257), i exported all files, from GTA:SA (txd, dff) and i created a file, script.lua, and i created it's meta file, and it is still not working! Script: function ReplaceObject ( ) txd = engineLoadTXD( "name.txd" ) dff = engineLoadDFF( "name.dff", 0 ) engineImportTXD( txd, 1257 ) engineReplaceModel( dff, 1257 ) end addEvent ( "replaceObj", true ) addEventHandler ( "replaceObj", root, ReplaceObject )
It's showing it for me now, but it is not shown at my friend's internet list! What would happen, if i change template from Windows Server 2012 to 2008? Can it fix the problem? EDIT: And it is not showing the server for me again. Ports are still fine. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/?d=31.14 ... 1&mslist=1 EDIT 2: Now it seems it is fine, i did not do anything with templates. What the problem was?
Hi ccw! I did!
Hey guys! I'm renting a VPS from Aruba Cloud. I connected to my Virtual PC, i did everything, i wrote the IP adress there too, but it is not showing my server name in the list of servers! I tried this: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ports/ Every port is fine! The IP: Please help me! I can connect to it, and my friends can connect to it, without using hamachi.
Hey guys! What is a serial ban, and what does it saves to their list, and make the client not able to join the server? I know the ip ban, but i've never heard about serial ban before. What is it, and what does it saves?
Thanks to everybody! Everybody helped
Hey guys! I started learning LUA about a week ago, and i want to try in MTA:SA too! I started creating a bankrob script, and now, i don't know these functions very well. I want to do this: Place a marker (cylinder) anywhere on the map. When the guy runs into the marker, it disappears, and gives him 50$. I can't write it, because i placed the marker, and i'm running into it, but nothing happens!
Hello everybody! I was using MTA Valhalla, and one of my blips has been bugged, (from the begining) it's too large, and it won't disappear when i go furher from it! And it's so annoying and disgusting! Please help me! Image of it: (IG Screenshot)
It's already done, i fixed it.
Hello, i started to develop a freeroam sever, but i couldn't write the bankrob-system. Can you help me? The script is: There is a blip, and marker in front of the door outside of the LS bank. When we enter this marker, we teleport into the Caligula's casino's bank's stairs. If we go down, from the stairs there's a safe, and 2 guards ar guarding the safe, and if we aim to them, thay start shooting, with a Deagle, and they are not immortal. There is a safe door, and we can blow it up with C4 or something else. We enter to the safe, and there are green markers, and if we go into them, we get random money, from 10.000 to 35.000$ And after we robbed the bank, it can be robbable again, after 5 mins. I'd be thankful if you help me to write this script. Sorry for the bad english, but I am Hungarian. Best wishes, drifhun
Hi! I would make an RP server, like MTA Valhalla, it would be like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH2aaZIIfk4 This is a hungarian RP server, called See MTA. Its an overwrited Valhalla mod. So i decided, that i would make a same server, like this. I know, this video is full of NonRP, but this is just a video about the server. I need some help, how can i make an SQL, and where can i download the Valhalla MTA! If you can help me please add me on skype! My name is: kid.tomi ! Thanks for reading.