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Everything posted by Xwad
teher is no example for setweaponstate!!pls help!
its not working:( maybe have i do something wrong in the meta? "Xwad" type="script"/>
i posted the full script Please can you give me the functions what i need to use to make the minigun fireing i try to make it.
Hi the the minigun is mounted when i write the command but i cant shoot. i thing i must write a weapon id no? i mean here: guns = { 31 }
not work pls help whitch fu ctions nwed I use?
XDD is it now good? -- get a table with all teams local allTeams = getElementsByType ( "team" ) -- for every team, addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () for index, theTeam in ipairs(allTeams) do -- if friendly fire is off, if ( getTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam ) == true ) then -- switch it on setTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam, false ) end end)
Hi the disable teamkill script is not working. Please help! teamkill.lua -- get a table with all teams local allTeams = getElementsByType ( "team" ) -- for every team, addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () for index, theTeam in ipairs(allTeams) do -- if friendly fire is off, if ( getTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam ) == false ) then -- switch it on setTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam, true ) end end) meta.xml
not working:/ But im Sure that i have do something worng in this part of the script function vehicleFBITruck( player ) if source == vehicleFBITruck then triggerServerEvent("vehFBITruck",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox("You have bought Sd.Kfz.222 vehicle.",source) if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 3000) else outputChatBox('You don't have enough money to buy this Vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleFBITruck)
but why does it not take the money from the player when he buy it? and how can i make that when the player buy the vehicle then the vehicle spawns to another position?
??? this is the full code s_vehicle.lua function vehicleBlips() vehBlipOne = createBlip(-2404.1486816406, -2201.865234375, 32.2,55) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),vehicleBlips) function vehicleRhino( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) createVehicle ( 432, x, y, z + 5 ) end addEvent("vehRhino",true) addEventHandler("vehRhino",root,vehicleRhino) function vehicleFBITruck( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) createVehicle ( 528, x, y, z + 5 ) end addEvent("vehFBITruck",true) addEventHandler("vehFBITruck",root,vehicleFBITruck) function vehicleFlatbed( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) createVehicle ( 455, x, y, z + 5 ) end addEvent("vehFlatbed",true) addEventHandler("vehFlatbed",root,vehicleFlatbed) function vehiclePatriot( player ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) createVehicle ( 470, x, y, z + 5 ) end addEvent("vehPatriot",true) addEventHandler("vehPatriot",root,vehiclePatriot) c_vehicle.lua --[[ This script was created by FlowZ and all credits go to FlowZ, if you need any help setting up this script head to readme.txt for more instruction. ]]-- local vehicleMarker = createMarker(-2404.1486816406, -2201.865234375, 32.2,"cylinder",1,255,255,255) function vehicleGUI() vehicleGUI = guiCreateWindow(277, 204, 269, 266, "Vehicle Shop", false) guiWindowSetSizable(vehicleGUI, false) vehicleRhino = guiCreateButton(9, 20, 250, 40, "Tiger Ausf. E", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleFBITruck = guiCreateButton(9, 69, 250, 40, "Sd.Kfz.222", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleFlatbed = guiCreateButton(9, 120, 250, 40, "Sd Kfz 251", false, vehicleGUI) vehiclePatriot = guiCreateButton(9, 170, 250, 40, "German staff car", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleClose = guiCreateButton(178, 218, 81, 27, "Close", false, vehicleGUI) if source == vehicleMarker then guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI, true) showCursor( true ) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",getRootElement(),vehicleGUI) function vehicleClose() if source == vehicleClose then guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleClose) function vehicleRhino( player ) if source == vehicleRhino then triggerServerEvent("vehRhino", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor(false) outputChatBox("You have bought a Tiger Ausf. E tank.",source) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleRhino) function vehicleFBITruck( player ) if source == vehicleFBITruck then triggerServerEvent("vehFBITruck",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox("You have bought Sd.Kfz.222 vehicle.",source) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleFBITruck) function vehicleFlatbed( player ) if source == vehicleFlatbed then triggerServerEvent("vehFlatbed",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox("You have Bought a German Sd Kfz 251 vehicle.",source) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleFlatbed) function vehiclePatriot( player ) if source == vehiclePatriot then triggerServerEvent("vehPatriot",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox("You have bought a german staff car.",source) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehiclePatriot)
Hi i made a vehicle shop script for my server but i have 2 problems: when i buy the vehicle then the vehicle always falls on me and i die.. How can i make that when i buy the vehicle then the script takes me in the car? another problem is that the script dosent take the money when i buy the vehicle! here is a part of the script: function vehicleFBITruck( player ) if source == vehicleFBITruck then triggerServerEvent("vehFBITruck",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) outputChatBox("You have bought Sd.Kfz.222 vehicle.",source) if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 3000) else outputChatBox('You don\'t have enough money to buy this Vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleFBITruck)
Ok thanks! When i press ctrl then the tanks shoot .
Help! it dosent work!! it does not always put the bomb on the plane:( How can i make that the bomb is already on the plane when i create it? And not using markers?
how can i disable the ctrl bind?
Einheit-101 pls help!! When i start the vreload script it works but when i press ctrl then the tank starts shooting automatically:(
left side of the picture is the mp5 and on the right side the tec9
Hi! Is there any rescource, script or animation that changes the tec9 catch to mp5 catch? i mean this--> https://plus.google.com/103323643823625 ... oH1ktON3gE
Sziasztok csináltam egy scriptet a szerveremhez de nem müködik valamiért. Ez script azt teszi lehetővé ,hogy a S.W.A.T. járművel úgy lehessen lőni mint a tank-al Tank.lua function onSwatFire(key, keyState, vehicleFireType) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local vehModel = getElementModel(vehicle) if vehModel == 601 then if vehicleFireType == "primary" or vehicleFireType == "secondary" then -- your choice local _,_,_,shootX, shootY, shootZ = getCameraMatrix() local ped = createPed(0, shootX, shootY, shootZ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) createProjectile(vehicle--[[vehicle or localPlayer - Your choice]],19,x,y,z+1,200,ped) if isElement(ped) then destroyElement(ped) end end end end
no i will make it becaouse i will learn it. You sad : dont be lazy i will going to do it. And yeah there are 5 examples but there's no example that makes possible to shoot with the swat vehicle like a rhino.
can you make me an example pls?
there is no example for what i want. Or need i convert it?
no error i just start the script but the swat tank dosent shoot like a rhino:( need i change something in the example that you write down?
Not working Maybe i have do something wrong....-.- But is the example client or server side? And need i change something in the example?
ok thanks i test it!