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Everything posted by Xwad

  1. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    ohh sorry. And what is collison spheres??
  2. Xwad

    Trailer script

    one more question. Is it possible to make a script that allows to enter and drive an object?
  3. Xwad

    Trailer script

    and is there any function that makes possible to attach a car to a car like a trailer. I mean that i am in a car and attach to my car an another car.
  4. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    Thanks! And what function need i use to enter the minigun?
  5. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    I tryed to make it but i cant. If i want to change the state for no fireing than what need i write ?
  6. Xwad

    Trailer script

    Hi. Is there any rescource or function that makes possible to enter a tariler and drive it like a car?Thanks.
  7. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    its alwys shooting and i cant enter the minigun
  8. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    yes but i dont know that what need to change
  9. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    yes but i dont know that what need to change
  10. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    i think that i did something wrong function attach ( ) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if theVehicle then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( theVehicle ) local weapon = createWeapon("minigun", x, y, z + 1) attachElements ( minigun, theVehicle, 0, 0, 5 ) setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 99999) setWeaponState(weapon, "firing") setWeaponProperty(weapon, "fire_rotation", 0, -30, 0) end end addCommandHandler ( "attach", attach ) local aimSensitivity = 30; function rotateGun_Handler(cX, cY, aX, aY, wX, wY, wZ) local oX, oY, oZ, oRX, oRY, oRZ = getElementAttachedOffsets(theWeapon); if (oRX-((cY-0.5)*aimSensitivity) > 345 or oRX-((cY-0.5)*aimSensitivity) < 30) then -- Pitch Restriction oRX = oRX-((cY-0.5)*aimSensitivity); end if (oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity) > 330 or oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity) < 50) then -- Yaw Restriction oRZ = oRZ-((cX-0.5)*aimSensitivity); end setElementAttachedOffsets(theWeapon, oX, oY, oZ, oRX, oRY, oRZ); setCursorPosition(screenW/2, screenH/2); end function consoleSetPlayerPosition ( source, commandName, posX, posY, posZ ) setElementPosition ( source, posX, posY, posZ ) end addCommandHandler ( "setpos", consoleSetPlayerPosition )
  11. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    And what function need i use to enter the weapon like in the video?
  12. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    Thanks and what functions do i need to enter the minigun and fire with it?
  13. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    It works but not like in the video. Its always fireing and i want to make it possible to enter the minigun and shoot with mouse 1. I think i need for that an another function no?
  14. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    I made this but it does not work and i think i must give a bind for mouse 1 no? function attach ( source, commandName ) local vehicle = getElementPosition ( source ) --Get the vehicle position attachElements ( minigun, source, 0, 0, 5 ) --Attach the weapon to the vehicle. local weapon = createWeapon("minigun", x, y, z + 1) --Create a Weapon setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 99999) setWeaponState(weapon, "firing") setWeaponProperty(weapon, "fire_rotation", 0, -30, 0) -- Optionally adjust for model rotation (this value will be different for other weapons) end addCommandHandler ( "attach", attach )
  15. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    NoHope what do you mean that there is no createweapon function? What functions need i use than?
  16. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    Hi. I want to make a script like this. What functions need i use? Thanks.
  17. Xwad

    Second Rhino

    Thanks Einheit!
  18. Xwad

    Second Rhino

    No thanks. I don't pay for games.
  19. no:( but the attach function creates only a minigun object or a weapon?
  20. there is no error. But i think i need use a server side script no? I typed /attach and the /fire but nothing happens. AddCommandHandler makes possible to add commands to the script no?
  21. i am confused. What functions or codes need i use now??
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