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Everything posted by Xwad

  1. Hi i want to change an object skin for my server but it dosent work! Pls help script.lua function replaceskin() txd = engineLoadTXD( "TXD/sandbags.txd" ) col = engineLoadCOL( "COL/sandbags.col" ) dff = engineLoadDFF( "DFF/sandbags.dff", 2935 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), replaceskin) Meta.xml "Xwad" version="1.0" type="script"/>
  2. Is it so good? local weapons = { [38] = false, -- minigun [33] = false, -- country rifle [34] = false, -- sniper rifle [30] = false, -- AK-47 [31] = false, -- M4 } function VehicleFire(theAttacker, theWeapon) if (weapon and getElementModel(source) == 601 then if (weapons[weapon]) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDemage",getRootElement(),VehicleFire)
  3. Hi. What functions need i to disable the bullet demage on S.W.A.T. vehicle? Thanks.
  4. Hi i use a gui script that makes possible to choose from 2 team. I set the friendly fire to false but its not working:( I want to make that the friendly fire will be only disabled when to players are in 2 different category (team). But the problem is that the friendly fire only works when 2 players one class. Here is a part of the script. "GERMAN" > "MEDIC" friendlyfire="false" > "Medic's can heal other players." /> "0" green="0" blue="205" /> "SS-soldier" id="10" > "-2368.8291015625" y="-2185.1970214844" z="33.529106140137" rot="91.98" /> "SS-soldier2" id="11" > "-2368.8291015625" y="-2185.1970214844" z="33.529106140137" rot="91.98" /> "46" ammo="1" /> "16" ammo="1" /> "23" ammo="24" /> "29" ammo="32" /> "41" ammo="5000" /> "-2098.5178222656" y="-2079.3725585938" z="71.461433410645" /> "-2313.4711914063" y="-2294.9970703125" z="50.461433410645" /> "ENGINEER" friendlyfire="false" > "Engineer's can repair vehicles."/> "0" green="0" blue="205" /> "SS-soldier2" id="11" > "-2368.8291015625" y="-2185.1970214844" z="33.529106140137" rot="91.98" /> "SS-soldier3" id="12" > "-2368.8291015625" y="-2185.1970214844" z="33.529106140137" rot="91.98" /> "46" ammo="1" /> "16" ammo="1" /> "23" ammo="24" /> "9" ammo="0" /> "29" ammo="32" /> "-2098.5178222656" y="-2079.3725585938" z="71.461433410645" /> "-2313.4711914063" y="-2294.9970703125" z="50.461433410645" /> "AMERICA" > "MEDIC" friendlyfire="false" > "Medics can heal players." /> "102" green="51" blue="51" /> "US Marine" id="30" > "753.76" y="1972.45" z="5.69" rot="265.76" /> "US Marine2" id="31" > "753.76" y="1972.45" z="5.69" rot="265.76" /> "46" ammo="1" /> "16" ammo="30" /> "28" ammo="80" /> "41" ammo="5000" /> "756.45" y="1935.92" z="17.78" /> "772.32" y="1979.11" z="5.34" /> "ENGINEER" friendlyfire="false" > "Engineers can repair vehicles." /> "255" green="102" blue="51" /> "US Marine" id="30" > "753.76" y="1972.45" z="5.69" rot="265.76" /> "US Marine2" id="31" > "753.76" y="1972.45" z="5.69" rot="265.76" /> "46" ammo="1" /> "16" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="30" /> "9" ammo="0" /> "28" ammo="80" /> "2065.88" y="2201.93" z="25.8" /> "2083.40" y="2224.30" z="12.0" />
  5. is there server side correct? function onClientExplosion(x,y,z,theType) if (weapon == 35) or if (weapon == 36) then setElementHealth(source,getElementHealth(source) - 350) end addEvent("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getRootElement(), onClientExplosion)
  6. Xwad

    Vehicle shop

    i found the problem!!!!!
  7. Xwad

    Vehicle shop

    Hi i want to make a vehicle shop. Its working the only problem is that when i buy a car then he alwys give 5 fbi car:/ client side script local vehicleMarker = createMarker(-2404.1486816406, -2201.865234375, 32.2,"cylinder",1,255,255,255) function vehicleGUI() vehicleGUI = guiCreateWindow(277, 204, 269, 266, "Vehicle Shop", false) guiWindowSetSizable(vehicleGUI, false) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) vehicleFBITruck = guiCreateButton(9, 19, 250, 40, "Sd.Kfz.222", false, vehicleGUI) vehiclePatriot = guiCreateButton(9, 69, 250, 40, "VW type 82", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleFlatbed = guiCreateButton(9, 119, 250, 40, "Sd.Kfz.251", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleRihno = guiCreateButton(9, 168, 250, 40, "Tiger Ausf. E", false, vehicleGUI) vehicleClose = guiCreateButton(178, 218, 81, 27, "Close", false, vehicleGUI) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,vehicleGUI) function playerOnMarker() if isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, vehicleMarker) then guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI, true) showCursor( true ) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", vehicleMarker, playerOnMarker) function closeGUI() if source == vehicleClose then guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),closeGUI) function vehicleBuy() if source == vehicleFBITruck then triggerServerEvent("onVehicleBought",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleBuy) function vehicleBuy() if source == vehicleFlatbed then triggerServerEvent("onVehicleBought",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleBuy) function vehicleBuy3() if source == vehiclePatriot then triggerServerEvent("onVehicleBought",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleBuy3) function vehicleRhino() if source == vehicleRhino then triggerServerEvent("onVehicleBought",localPlayer) guiSetVisible(vehicleGUI,false) showCursor( false ) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),vehicleRhino) server side script function vehicleFBITruck() if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 800 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 800) outputChatBox("You have bought Sd.Kfz.222 vehicle.",source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local veh = createVehicle(528,x,y,z+5) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, veh) else outputChatBox('You dont have enough money to buy this Vehicle. 800$ ', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("onVehicleBought", true) addEventHandler("onVehicleBought", getRootElement(), vehicleFBITruck) function vehicleFlatbed() if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 1000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 1000) outputChatBox("You have bought Sd.Kfz.251 vehicle.",source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local veh = createVehicle(455,x,y,z+5) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, veh) else outputChatBox('You dont have enough money to buy this Vehicle. 1000$', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("onVehicleBought", true) addEventHandler("onVehicleBought", getRootElement(), vehicleFBITruck) function vehiclePatriot() if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 500 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 500) outputChatBox("You have bought VW type 82 vehicle.",source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local veh = createVehicle(470,x,y,z+5) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, veh) else outputChatBox('You dont have enough money to buy this Vehicle. 500$', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("onVehicleBought", true) addEventHandler("onVehicleBought", getRootElement(), vehicleFBITruck) function vehicleRhino() if ( getPlayerMoney (source) >= 5000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source, 5000) outputChatBox("You have bought Tiger Ausf. E vehicle.",source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local veh = createVehicle(432,x,y,z+5) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, veh) else outputChatBox('You dont have enough money to buy this Vehicle. 5000$', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("onVehicleBought", true) addEventHandler("onVehicleBought", getRootElement(), vehicleFBITruck)
  8. Xwad

    Repairing vehicles

    this script allows to heal players when i hit with spraycan. but not working:/
  9. Xwad

    Repairing vehicles

    but its not working:/
  10. Xwad

    Repairing vehicles

    one more question. Is this server side? function healFlowers (attacker, attackerweapon, bodypart, loss) theHealth = getElementHealth (source) if ( theHealth > 95 ) then --checks clients health end else if (attackerweapon == 41) and (loss > 1) and ( theHealth < 95 ) then setElementHealth ( source, theHealth+17 ) givePlayerMoney (attacker, 1.7*theHealth) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), healFlowers )
  11. Xwad

    Repairing vehicles

    ok its working now thanks.
  12. Xwad

    Repairing vehicles

    That is what i made i think its not good:/ Can you help me a little bit to correct the failures? local weaponsToDamageVehicle = { [9] = true } function handleVehicleDamage(attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre) if (attackerweapon == 41) and (loss > 1) and ( theHealth < 95 ) then setVehicleHealth ( source, theHealth+17 ) fixVehicle ( vehicleValue ) end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, handleVehicleDamage)
  13. Hi. How can I make a script that allows me to repair a vehicle with a chain saw when I hit the vehicle?
  14. ohh yes i forgot it boom = { [35]=true, [36]=true, [37]=true, [38]=true, [16]=true, [17]=true, [18]=true, [39]=true, } addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, function( weapon, ammo, clip, , , _, element ) local target = element if getElementType( target ) == "vehicle" then local model = getElementModel( target ) if model == 432 and boom[ weapon ] then blowVehicle( target ) end end end )
  15. Hi I got a script that allows to demage the rhino with explosions but it does not work.. Why?is it client side?
  16. Xwad

    Choose team skin

    Cool I made it with gui and it works:D thanks!
  17. Xwad

    Choose team skin

    I dont mean gui. I mean for example there are 2 teams. American and Russian. If I enter the Amercian team then I can only choose american skins. And if I enter Russian team then I can only choose russian skins.
  18. Hi please help. On my server are 2 teams. And i want make a script that makes possible that when i choose a team after that i can choose a skin. Forexample: There are 2 teams. police and terorists. And forexample i choose police team then after that i can choose a skin police man or soldier. But if i choose terorists team then i cant choose policeman or soldier only 2 other skins.
  19. Xwad

    Vehicle lock

    Hi i need a script that makes possible that when a player get in a vehicle then the other player cant open the door, only if he press g. Can you give the functions for this script? Or is there any rescource like this? Thanks.
  20. Hi. Can you please show me a server host where they help me creating scripts if I host a server?
  21. Xwad

    Second Rhino

    Thanks for for your answer Einheit! So is there no funtion that makes demage the rhino with explosions?
  22. Xwad

    Vehicle weapon

    I didnt ask you to make a script. But thanks.
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