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Everything posted by Syntrax#

  1. After 4 years it was time to revive this project for the last time and actually release it to the community. Problem is that i lost everything so i've restarted the development and creating the RPG from scratch again on my own. Hope to see you guys soon
  2. Syntrax#


    Topic can be locked, solved the problem
  3. Syntrax#


    After further debugging i've narrowed the problem to this single line Old version $response = $mta->getResource('SAFGdb')->call("verifyLogin",$playerUsername, $playerPassword); new version that works but does not trigger the resource call("verifyLogin",$playerUsername, $playerPassword);
  4. Syntrax#


    Hello, I´m creating a function that verifies the player that tries to login on the forum by checking the ingame account details. But the problem is the line that is being used to communicate between the php file and the server. $response = $mta->getResource('SAFGdb')->call('verifyLogin', $playerUsername, $playerPassword) Whenever i add this line the page throws an error 500
  5. Does it throw any errors in Debugscript?
  6. Might help if you paste your code here, can't see what you did with the code itself. seeing the error code i see that you are missing an end within function detachTrailer function detachTrailer(theTruck) if trailers[trailer] == false then --detachTrailerFromVehicle(theTruck, source) --detach the newly attached trailer -- Immediate detatchment of the trailer through cancel event or this method doesn't seem to work so requires a timer: setTimer(detachTrailer2, 50, 1, theTruck, source) end end addEventHandler("onTrailerAttach", getRootElement(), detachTrailer)
  7. Use a table to recognize if the key has been pressed to attach the trailer. if it is pressed it will allow it to attach. If it isnt attached it will detach the trailer. -- just a table trailers = {} -- use this when creating the trailer trailer = createVehicle ( int model, float x, float y, float z) trailers[player] = false -- use this when you press the key trailers[source] = true function detachTrailer(theTruck) if trailers[trailer] == false then --detachTrailerFromVehicle(theTruck, source) --detach the newly attached trailer -- Immediate detatchment of the trailer through cancel event or this method doesn't seem to work so requires a timer: setTimer(detachTrailer2, 50, 1, theTruck, source) end addEventHandler("onTrailerAttach", getRootElement(), detachTrailer) function detachTrailer2(theTruck, trailer) if (isElement(theTruck) and isElement(trailer)) then detachTrailerFromVehicle(theTruck, trailer) end end
  8. Just showing the resource, or is there a problem?
  9. Nvm fixed it, thank you for the help. didn't need to get texture pixels as it already was like that. Topic can be closed
  10. texture = dxCreateTexture(pixels) newpixels = dxGetTexturePixels(texture) encoded = "data:image/png;base64,"..base64Encode(newpixels).."" executeBrowserJavascript(webBrowser, "document.getElementById('orghomelogo').src='"..encoded.."';document.getElementById('homename').innerHTML = '" .. gangname .. "'") return Still nothing, it does not create the image ingame. Also not getting any error messages
  11. Hello community, So i'm working on a user interface and have come up with a problem. I wanted to use profile images without having to download it. I've managed to get it by converting the image on https://www.base64-image.de/ . Now was the question if it is possible without having to use the website so the player can just insert a .png file texture = dxCreateTexture(pixels) encoded = base64Encode(texture) executeBrowserJavascript(webBrowser, "document.getElementById('orghomelogo').src='"..encoded.."';document.getElementById('homename').innerHTML = '" .. gangname .. "'") return
  12. Syntrax#

    HTML script

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CEF_Tutorial Use this to start off with the basics. If you need any help feel free to contact me over PM.
  13. Project has been revived, Didn't had the available time to create this server but now i do have spare time to complete this awesome project
  14. Did you rush the design or is it really that bad, overall i do see community scripts such as the radar but won't judge you on that.The only thing that quites disturbs me is the fact that you are using the nulled version of IPB which puts you under the category that isn't taking this seriously, consider chaning to another free Forum software or buy an actual license from IPB in order to prevent problems within the future.Anyway good luck and hope y'all have fun
  15. link has been updated thank you for reporting this
  16. Welcome fellow community members, I'm here to update everyone about the status of dynasty network. Since everyone does consider this as a dead project or something that won't be released. This is not the case, i'm putting all my available time into this project and we had a pretty messed up year behind us. Several developers joined us and left us which leaded in a total conversion of the theme. We're not longer making usage of the integraded MTA GUI, we've successfully managed to create everything with HTML / Javascript to create the closest encouter towards perfection within Multi Theft Auto. This revolution in the UI framework will give the RPG category a boost and will eventually attract a larger public within MTA. So expect great things to come within this month, just keep in mind that i'm working on this myself without any help regarding the scripting part so please don't come up with questions regqrding the release date since this hasn't be set yet. Cheers, Serenity
  17. Well as far as i know i didn't even use SAES resources, You're the one that is having that reputation mate.
  18. First of all never worked with Infinity on Dynasty Network. I've Always worked on it alone and i'm not talking about the ingame things i'm talking more about the way of coloring the text etc. Never said you copied anything ingame only the layout of the forum post is nearly the same ... And i've never used any community scripts within this gamemode. It's such a shame that you claim that Dynasty Network is using community resources or leaked RPG scripts. If you check out the scripts we already show on the forums you can literally see nothing has been copied and since this is a gamemode build up from scratch you won't even find any copied script. So beside the fact you are posting this type of nonsense take the time to actually get your facts right before pointing a finger towards any server.
  19. Well based on what i did saw on the post itself i can assure you it does look familiar to Dynasty Network. But if we look into the server itself Dynasty Network is literally a step higher than what they currently show. Just make sure you don't copy anything from Dynasty Network so this won't end up in an argument.
  20. The physics must be optimised cause right now it's totally garbage when hitting the ball and a bad internet connection does make the ball trip like a piece of :~
  21. getting the following error when starting het module on Linux MODULE: Unable to load x64/modules/ml_pathfind.so (/root/multitheftau to_linux_x64-1.5.4/x64/linux-libs/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.18' not f ound (required by /root/multitheftauto_linux_x64-1.5.4/x64/modules/ml_pathfind.s o)) Tried everything i know but still nothing can't seem to get it working apt-get install libstdc++6 does not fix this problem
  22. What does the server has to do with the hosting itself. You should say i do like this host
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