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Everything posted by FlyingSpoon
Basically what I want to do is, I want to set that the main chat is only for a certain number of players, so if players in the lobby they can only see the chat, as I am making a global chat and seperating it from this.
Ok I tweaked my code a little, still I got an error - function onJoin() if source then setElementData(source, "Local", source) outputChatBox("True", root) else outputChatBox("False", root) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, onJoin) addCommandHandler("test", onJoin) local function playerChat(message, messageType, player) if messageType == 0 then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("(Local)".. getPlayerName(source)..": #ffffff", getElementByID(getElementData(source, "Local")), 255, 255, 255) outputServerLog("CHAT: "..getPlayerName(source)..": "..message)- end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat)
function checkDimension() if ( getElementDimension ( source ) == 0 ) then setElementData(source, "Arena") end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, checkDimension) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkDimension) function arenaChat(m) outputChatBox("(Local) "..getPlayerName(source)..": #ffffff"..m, getElementByID(getElementData(source, "Arena")), 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog("CHAT: "..getPlayerName(source)..": "..m," ") end addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, arenaChat ) SERVER SIDED Bad argument @'getElementByID' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] Bad argument @'outputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got boolean]
function clickPlant(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, clickedElement) if button == 'left' and state == 'down' then local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("object")) do if getElementData(v, "dbid") then if getElementData(v, "hours") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(v) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, worldX, worldY, worldZ) if distance <= 0.3 then stage = getElementData(v, "stage") harvest = getElementData(v, "harvest") dbid = getElementData(v, "dbid") cCheckPlant() end end end end end end addEventHandler('onClientClick', root, clickPlant) local checkPlantGUI = nil function cCheckPlant() if checkPlantGUI == nil then checkPlantGUI = checkPlantGUI local lplayer = getLocalPlayer() local width, height = 150, 175 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/2 - (height/2) plantWindow = guiCreateWindow(x, y, width, height, "Cannabis Plant - Stage: " .. stage .. "", false) local width2, height2 = 10, 10 local x = scrWidth/2 - (width2/2) local y = scrHeight/2 - (height2/2) harvest = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.1, 0.75, 0.30, "Current Harvest: ".. harvest .."gram(s)", true, plantWindow) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(harvest, "center", true) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(harvest, "center") --Buttons pick = guiCreateButton(0.1, 0.4, 0.75, 0.30, "Pick Buds", true, plantWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", pick, harvestBud) close = guiCreateButton(0.1, 0.7, 0.75, 0.30, "Close", true, plantWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", close, closeWindow) --Quick Settings guiWindowSetSizable(plantWindow, false) guiWindowSetMovable(plantWindow, true) guiSetVisible(plantWindow, true) showCursor(true) end end addEvent("cCheckPlant", true) addEventHandler("cCheckPlant", getRootElement(), cCheckPlant) function harvestBud() if (source==pick) then triggerServerEvent("harvestPlant", localPlayer, localPlayer, dbid) showCursor(false) destroyElement(plantWindow) checkPlantGUI = nil end end function closeWindow() if (source==close) then showCursor(false) destroyElement(plantWindow) toggleAllControls(true) triggerEvent("onClientPlayerWeaponCheck", localPlayer) checkPlantGUI = nil end end Client Side -- It's meant to open a GUI once clicked on object, but it doesn't. Any ideas? I spent hours trying to fix it.
Hi there, I developed and worked on a gamemode, me and a friend made on Windows. But when we test on Linux, it doesn't work as good, and is buggy? And ideas? How we can make the scripts work like on Windows?
I realized even Vortex has started doing Linux Servers, I really need a Windows Gameserver. Anyone?
Don't understand what you mean? Can you develop further if possible.
CLIENT SIDE sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize () addEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",false) addEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",false) box = false function showBox(value, str) -- value 1 - Info -- value 2 - Error -- value 3 - warning --if box == false then if str and type(str) == "string" and string.len(str) > 0 then box = true if value == "info" then showTipBox (str,"img/info.png") outputConsole ("[iNFO]" .. str) elseif value == "error" then showTipBox (str,"img/error.png") outputConsole ("[ERROR]" .. str) elseif value == "warning" then showTipBox (str,"img/warning.png") outputConsole ("[WARNING]" .. str) end end --else -- return false --end end addEvent("CreateBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateBox", getRootElement(), showBox) addEventHandler ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement(), function () box = false end ) tipBox = {} tipBox.path = "" tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil tipBox.starTick = nil tipBox.currentY = nil tipBox.time = 800 tipBox.next = nil tipBox.nextPath = "" tipBox.timer = nil tipBox.startY = -180 tipBox.stopY = 30 function showTipBox (str,path) if str then if path == nil then path = "img/info.png" end if fileExists (path) then if tipBox.show == true then tipBox.next = str tipBox.nextPath = path else tipBox.path = path tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = str tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",getRootElement()) end end end end addEvent("CreateTipBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateTipBox", getRootElement(), showTipBox) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () if tipBox.show == true and tipBox.string then local width = dxGetTextWidth (tipBox.string, 1, "default-bold") if width then if tipBox.state == "starting" then local progress = (getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / tipBox.time local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.startY,0,0, tipBox.stopY,0,0, progress,"OutElastic" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then tipBox.state = "showing" tipBox.timer = setTimer ( function () tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.state = "hiding" end ,string.len(tipBox.string)*45+800,1) end elseif tipBox.state == "showing" then tipBox.currentY = tipBox.stopY elseif tipBox.state == "hiding" then local progress = (getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / (tipBox.time) local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.stopY,0,0, tipBox.startY,0,0, progress,"Linear" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement()) if tipBox.next then if isTimer(tipBox.timer) then killTimer(tipBox.timer) end tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = tipBox.next tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.next = nil tipBox.path = tipBox.nextPath return else tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil return end end else return end local width = 512 local x,y = sx/0.85 - width/0.85, tipBox.currentY local textX,textY = x+15,tipBox.currentY+5 local textWidth,textHeight = 363,106 dxDrawRectangle(x,y, screenW * 0.2632, screenH * 0.0859, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) dxDrawRectangle(x,y, screenW * 0.0051, screenH * 0.0859, tocolor(36, 112, 36,150), false) --dxDrawImage (x,y,width,256,tipBox.path,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),true) dxDrawText (tipBox.string,textX,textY,textX+textWidth,textY+textHeight,tocolor(222,222,222),1,"arial","left", "top",false,true,true) end end end ) SERVER SIDE function showBox(player, value, str) if isElement(player) then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateBox", getRootElement(), value, str) end end I have adjusted/modified and adapted by creating a notification system but players have reported that they don't see it. I seem to see it perfectly in all resolutions. Any help?
Nevermind I found out that my problem was I was using setAccountData, and doing getElementData, but how can I make getElementData permanent like save it, so player still has it after reconnect?
I dont need client renders, I wanted to know if that was the right way to refresh the element data, I have my renders already.
I made a custom scoreboard, and I have set element data's but I am trying to refresh it on my scoreboard, because if player changes class then it should change on scoreboard - I get no errors - Client Side function refresh() data = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Class") end setTimer ( refresh, 51, 0 ) dxDrawText(data, classx, y+i*20.5) It's frozen as the previous class and doesnt change
Hey there, I bought a VPS last month but I forgot to turn off recurring payment, so it has paid this month as well, it's going to end next month. Specifications: RAM: 3 GB Disk: 100 GB OS: Linux (Running: Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64) Bandwidth: 10 TB DDoS Protection: 10 GBps Location: Romania First payment is $25.00 then its $9/mo.
[PROJECT] Laptop into dedicated server!
FlyingSpoon replied to FlyingSpoon's topic in Hosting solutions
I am using the HDD as an internal HDD for my PC, so I have 2 HDD's now. -
No, make like blur around the gui, not inside.
Hi, I want to make, like when I open a gui or make a DX Window Like it blur's the background of blur of player. How can I do this?
Hey there, I am using the basic way to set for all screens - local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1024,760 local x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(x*300, y*250, x*420, y*240, "img/login.png", false) It works great on my screen, but for others it comes out weird. Any way I can fix this? When I try with his resolution 1600x900 it comes out weird on my screen. Any solutions?
Thanks, Instead I used a function todo with Playtime, so it checks if the player's play time is 0 and then says this as a New Player, and so on. Really helpful though. Thanks!
[PROJECT] Laptop into dedicated server!
FlyingSpoon replied to FlyingSpoon's topic in Hosting solutions
No point now , I threw it away. It was useless. Worked for a good 4 months then motherboard stop responding. -
I want to check and see if a new player registered, how would I do it? Because I want to give money if it's a new player registered. But on my login, you register then it takes you back to login and press login. If anyone can help it'll be helpful!
Should I do 'lefftime' in there then?
What do you mean?
screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local function renderCountdown ( ) local lefttime = endtime - getTickCount() local minutesleft = math.floor ( lefttime / 60000 ) local secondsleft = math.floor ( ( lefttime - minutesleft * 60000 ) / 1000 ) local timet = minutesleft..":"..secondsleft >= 10 and secondsleft or "0"..secondsleft if lefttime > 0 then dxDrawText(math.ceil ( timet ), screenX * .48, screenY * .1, screenX, screenY, tocolor(255,255,255), 2) elseif lefttime >= -3000 then dxDrawText("GO!", screenX * .48, screenY * .1, screenX, screenY, tocolor(255,255,255), 2) else removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderCountdown ) end end addCommandHandler ( "timer", function ( _, timeinsec ) endtime = getTickCount() + tonumber ( timeinsec ) * 1000 addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderCountdown ) end ) I did this but it don't work.
How can I now convert this into Minutes only, I know it's / 1000 but how would I go about doing it. Like countdown: 2:00 .. 1:59 .. 1:58 etc