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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. This can work, function keepPlayerInVehicleOnDie() removeEventHandler("onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), keepPlayerInVehicleOnDie) removeEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), keepPlayerInVehicleOnDie) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), keepPlayerInVehicleOnDie) Not sure.
  2. You need to remuve the old one : function showPlayersFromTeamOnGPS() team = getPlayerTeam(getLocalPlayer()) if team then teamPlayers = getPlayersInTeam(team) for playerKey,playerValue in ipairs(teamPlayers) do if playerValue ~= getLocalPlayer() then teamBlip = createBlipAttachedTo(playerValue, 0, 2, 0, 255, 255, 255) end end end end addEvent("setBlip", true) addEventHandler("setBlip", getRootElement(), showPlayersFromTeamOnGPS)
  3. addEvent("setBlip", true) addEventHandler("setBlip", getRootElement(), showPlayersFromTeamOnGPS) And use triggerEvent("setBlip", root)
  4. bindKey("k","down","lk") Was realy hard.
  5. Already did /crun setDevelopmentMode(true) /showcols 1 Romanian: Nu am amestecat nimic doar ca daca 2 playerii sunt in protectia de la shop de exemplu si unul din ei il leaga pe celalalt iar cel legat are o arma echipata apoi il dezleaga cel legar si dezlegat va putea folosi armele chiar daca e in protectie. Si amu incerc sa fac cumva sa verifice daca playerul dezlegat este intr-un colshape si propunerea de mai sus nu merge
  6. Didn't work already checked before. And i tried with this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Is ... nAColShape
  7. i am working in the same resource and i don't get any Stack overflow i only get ERROR: Aburting; infinit runing script in interaction-system.
  8. Look: In /debugscript 3 i got this error: Aburting; infinit runing script in MyResource My code: function funct() --None important other stuff toggleAllControls(theCuffed, true)--This is doing on i uncuff a player and i want to check if the player is in this colshape, and if it is toggleControls false. for i,col in ipairs(getElementsByType("colshape")) do for i,theCuffed in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isElementWithinAColShape(theCuffed) then local currentPoly = getElementData(col, "accId") or false if currentPoly then local polyAccType = getElementData(col, "accType") local polyAccRule = getElementData(col, "accRule") if tonumber(polyAccType) == 4 then if getElementType(theCuffed) == "player" then toggleControl (theCuffed, "fire", false) toggleControl (theCuffed, "next_weapon", false) toggleControl (theCuffed, "previous_weapon", false) toggleControl (theCuffed, "aim_weapon", false) toggleControl (theCuffed, "vehicle_fire", false) showPlayerHudComponent (theCuffed, "ammo", false) showPlayerHudComponent (theCuffed, "weapon", false) end end end end end end end addEvent("OnPlayerUnCuff", true) addEventHandler("OnPlayerUnCuff", root, funct)
  9. You have this done or you planing to do it ?
  10. replace 'source' with 'thePlayer'
  11. Search me on Skype i will fixit for you. My Skype : mihayy51 (Same Pic as here)
  12. are you sure the admin resource is properly runing ?
  13. My script is like that: function handlePoly(thePlayer) toggleAllControls(thePlayer, false) end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", resourceRoot, handlePoly) function handlePoly2(thePlayer) toggleAllControls(thePlayer, true) end addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", resourceRoot, handlePoly2) and i have something like this (is more complicated but it does this) function refusePoly(thePlayer) toggleAllControls(thePlayer, true) end addCommandHandler("rp", refusePoly) How do i check after refusePoly is caled if player is in that colshape ?
  14. Hi, Is there any other avent for check if player is in an coolshape ? If i am already in a coolshape the event onColShapeHit won't work and also i can't use setTimer fr this addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", resourceRoot, handlePoly) I want to constantly chech if is player in that coolshape how do i do theat ??
  15. Already did. Anything else ?
  16. Hello, I have a DayZ server and player count is getting low, and i want some ideas to get more players. Please do not post RPG ideas, i want to be like Arma 2 DayZ. Thanks in advance.
  17. Problemele cu MTA se pun aici: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=103 In alta ordine de idei esti sigur ca server-ul este Online ?
  18. Just open ACL and Then start sv and your done.
  19. Download this: https://mega.co.nz/#!ohojCSTZ!tI2OlGnZM ... EDEmiVG05I Put it on: MTA San Andreas 1.4\server\mods\deathmatch\resources Open sv and type /start admin Voila
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