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Everything posted by Walid

  1. Walid


    * fileDelete: the script file will be downloaded in the hard disk which mean you can steal the script while you downloading. * cache: the script will be downloaded directly in the RAM and not in the hard disk. Both methods the client have to download the files each time he connect. Compile scripts that's the best way.
  2. Use getElementModel() Example spawnPlayer (thePlayer, X , Y , Z , R ,getElementModel(thePlayer),0,0)
  3. Try this for k,v in ipairs(getAccounts()) do local serial = getAccountSerial(v) local sameSerial = getPlayerSerial (source) if serial == sameSerial then outputChatBox("Only one account per serial!",source,255,0,0) return end end
  4. Walid

    Help-me pls?

    Explain your problem better , you can't destroy a string; vehicle it's an element -- server side addEvent("b2.deletarcarro", true) addEventHandler("b2.deletarcarro", getRootElement(), function(deletarcarro1) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then if deletarcarro1 then for i , v in pairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementModel (v) == getVehicleModelFromName (tostring (deletarcarro1)) then destroyElement(v) end end end end end )
  5. Check this : SmoothMoveCamera
  6. What are you talking about , explain your problem better.
  7. Walid


    use tables Example: local resources = {"name.lua","name.lua","name.lua","name.lua","etc..."} function protect () for i , v in ipairs (resources) do fileDelete(tostring(v[1])) end end
  8. Replace destroyElement() with engineRestoreModel() local state = false bindKey( 'F3', 'down', function( ) if state then engineRestoreModel (3458) outputChatBox( '#ffcc00[MSG]: #c0c0c0Road texture disabled!', 255,255,255,true ) state = false else txd = engineLoadTXD( 'vgncarshade1.txd', 3458 ) engineImportTXD( txd, 3458 ) state = true outputChatBox( '#ffcc00[MSG]: #c0c0c0Road texture enabled!', 255,255,255,true ) end end )
  9. Thx Guys hope it helps. 'C' fixed, thx .
  10. Enable special detection SD #20 <enablesd>20</enablesd>
  11. Hello Guys it's me again, As the tittle says today i'm going to explain to you LUA Strings try to follow me till the end. Let's get started , String is a sequence of characters it can be initialized with three forms which includes: Characters between single 'quotes' : Example 'This is The First Text' Characters between double "quotes" : Example "This is The Second Text" Characters between double [[square brackets]] : Example [[This is The Third Text]] An other example for the above three forms are shown below. Text = {} Text[1] = 'MTA SA' -- Single quotes Text[2] = "The Greatest Game" -- Double quotes Text[3] = [[You Will Ever Play]] -- Double square brackets for i=1,#Text do outputChatBox(Text[i]) end --[[Result : MTA SA The Greatest Game You Will Ever Play]] Escape sequence characters are used in string to change the normal interpretation of character. for more information check the list below: Finding Reversing: Formatting strings: Character and byte: Last function: A character class is used to represent a set of characters. examples shown below. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
  12. Walid

    WTF its wrong

    ?? what are you trying to do
  13. it's not 5 seconds 500 = 0.5 seconds 5000 = 5 seconds Anyways yes you can.
  14. Now i'm pretty sure that it's not your code , atleast when you use a leacked resource , read it before u start asking for help.
  15. must be like this local x , y , z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) playRadioThing = playSound3D(radio, x , y , z, true) setSoundMaxDistance(playRadioThing, 70 )
  16. yes i know , have a nice day
  17. Also , Wrong answer he is asking about how he can remove the word. simply he can use string.gsub string.gsub(Text,"the Word you want to remove"," ") -- Empty replaceString Example : Text = "You gave him a wrong answer" NewText = string.gsub(Text,"wrong","") -- Result : You gave him a answer
  18. :3 i think you need to read the question because as i can see he is asking about "How he can check if a text have upper or lowercase letters?"
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