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Everything posted by Walid
it just Compile Lua files.
What do you mean by "i can go inside it" , post SS here.
that's because you changed the visible size of the object. try this -- Client side function base() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then triggerServerEvent("eventName",localPlayer) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, base) -- Server side function functionName() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local base = createObject(8240, x , y +5 , z +5 ) baseCol = createColSphere(x , y +5, z +5) attachElements(baseCol, base, 0, 0, 0) if base then setObjectScale(base, 0.5) setElementCollisionsEnabled(base, true) end end addEvent("eventName",true) addEventHandler("eventName",root,functionName)
??? lol did you try it because i can't see the function in your code.
use setElementCollisionsEnabled()
try to do it by yourself then post your code here.
I will not post all my script because there is no need Lol no one can help you we need to see full code , or try to fix it by yourself. anyways try to use (getPedWeaponSlot() or getSlotFromWeapon() ) sth like this untested local weaponslot = getPedWeaponSlot (localPlayer) local weapon = getPedWeapon(localPlayer,weaponslot)
lol try to use ur brain, as i can see weaponslot it's not defined in your code.
leacked resource we will never help you , try to do it by your self then post your code here , if you don't know nothing about lua i recommand you to read this page
type "/upgrade all" then press enter.
check my example you dont need weaponslot.
Use getPedWeapon instead of getPlayerWeapon Example : local range = getWeaponProperty(getPedWeapon(localPlayer), "poor", "weapon_range")
Try this untested addCommandHandler("aduty", function(player) local globalInfo = player:getData("globalInfo") local charInfo = player:getData("charInfo") globalInfo.name = string.gsub(globalInfo.name, " ", "_") globalInfo.name = string.gsub(globalInfo.name, "ś", "s") globalInfo.name = string.gsub(globalInfo.name, "ć", "c") local account = player:getAccount() if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local accountName = account:getName() local admin = ACLGroup.get("Admin") local support = ACLGroup.get("Support") if admin:doesContainObject("user."..accountName) then if not player:getData("adminduty") then player:setName(globalInfo.name) player:setData("adminduty", true) else player:setName(charInfo.name) player:setData("adminduty", false) end elseif support:doesContainObject("user."..accountName) then if not player:getData("supportduty") then player:setName(globalInfo.name) player:setData("supportduty", true) else player:setName(charInfo.name) player:setData("supportduty", false) end end end end)
try this it should work addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, function(prev,cur) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(cur), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then setTimer (function(player) setElementHealth (player, getElementHealth (player)+10) end, 2000, 0,source) end end)
شباب الحقوووووووووووونييييييييييييييييييييييي اكشن قال انه راح يسويلي المود و نصب علي اخذ مني الفلوس و ما عطاني الموددددددددددد lol it's your problem.
-- Client side function pro2() if source == GUIEditor.button[2] then triggerServerEvent ("onGreeting",localPlayer) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, pro2) -- Server side function money( ) if getElementData(source,"VIP") == true then setPlayerMoney(source, 5000000) end end addEvent( "onGreeting", true ) addEventHandler( "onGreeting", root, money )
It's a TXD problem. to fix it press Fn+M (to open the material editor) then add the texture you want.
Try this it should work local VehicleType = {['BMX'] = true, ['Bike'] = true } local sType = {["wheelie"] = 10,["stoppie"] = 20,["2wheeler"] = 50} addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerStuntFinish", getRootElement( ), function (stuntType, stuntTime, distance ) if ( source ~= localPlayer ) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if ( not vehicle ) then return end if ( not VehicleType[getVehicleType(vehicle)] ) then return end local seconds = math.floor ( stuntTime / 1000 ) if ( seconds >= 2 and distance == 0 ) then money = seconds * sType[stuntType] outputChatBox("You finished stunt: "..tostring(stuntType)..", Time: "..tostring(seconds).." seconds! #00ff00+ $"..money,255,0,0,true) givePlayerMoney(tonumber(money)) elseif ( seconds > 0 and distance > 0 ) then money = ( seconds * sType[stuntType] ) + ( distance * 3 ) outputChatBox("You finished stunt: "..tostring(stuntType)..", Time: "..tostring(seconds).." seconds, Distance: "..tostring(distance).." meters! #00ff00+ $"..money,255,0,0,true) givePlayerMoney(tonumber(money)) end end )
Use giveWeapon() when the player Hit the pickup. giveWeapon()
هذا هو المعنى الصحيح قالّو تعرفش العلم، قالّو نزيد فيه!! as ^ TAPL said there is nothing wrong , It's server side code .
Try this it should work colRec = createColRectangle (-1203.599609375, 2814.75, 500,500) colRad = createRadarArea (-782.689453125, 656.4794921875, 1700,2200,0,0,0,100) col = {colRec,colRad} addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function() if isElementWithinGreenzone(source) then cancelEvent() end end) function isElementWithinGreenzone(element) if (not isElement(element)) then return false end for i, zone in pairs(col) do if (isElementWithinColShape(element, zone)) then return true end end return false end