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Everything posted by Sendy

  1. He had interval.db there?
  2. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Help someone please?
  3. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Could please someone help me? I would like to make it did not show hexes but somehow it does not work (and what's Reason: test (nick: Sendy) so that it was Reason: test. And yet it showed that the Date and Time. elseif ( aBans["Serial"][ip] ) then guiSetText ( aBanIP, "Serial: "..ip ) local nick = string.gsub(aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") guiSetText ( aBanNick, "Nickname: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanDate, "Date: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["date"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["date"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanTime, "Time: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["time"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["time"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanBanner, "Banned by: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], "Unknown" ) ) if ( aBanReason ) then destroyElement ( aBanReason ) end aBanReason = guiCreateLabel ( 0.03, 0.60, 0.80, 0.30, "Reason: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["reason"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["reason"], "Unknown" ), true, aBanForm ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign ( aBanReason, "left", true ) guiSetVisible ( aBanForm, true ) guiBringToFront ( aBanForm ) guiSetText ( aBanNick, "Nickname: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], "Unknown" ) ) end end
  4. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Please help someone? it does not work all the time
  5. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    That's all I know .. i already got all the time but it does not work .. God and it does not work somehow differently to DayZ zombie?
  6. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    does not work (and it is added to the F5 Debug Monitor?
  7. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    does not work: (
  8. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Someone please help me?
  9. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    That it gave every player that is in acl.xml "VIP" 200+ Blood supposedly added him .. when killing players / zombies already understand me? you want if player in acl group "VIP" and kill zombie will got 200+ Blood ? Yes but zombies
  10. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    That it gave every player that is in acl.xml "VIP" 200+ Blood supposedly added him .. when killing players / zombies already understand me?
  11. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    But if one could only please as I wrote it and I thank this does not work this what you wrote it works it'll add 200 + blood? or take off?
  12. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Would not know to do this it made 200+ blood for every killed player / zombie? and that it gave gamers who are in acl.xml "VIP" please addEvent( "onZombieWasted" ); addEventHandler( "onZombieWasted", getRootElement(), addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), function( killer ) setElementBlood( killer, 100 ); end )
  13. Oh ok ..: D It's in the script as "dayzwarper (S)" it can not be downloaded just when it will delete it and you will not do it at all ..: D because these commands are in the Script
  14. Please lock I have already fixed it ..: D
  15. Someone please help?
  16. There is only this as I disable command / givekords ITEM (value)? local commandSpam = {} function preventCommandSpam() if (not commandSpam[source]) then commandSpam[source] = 1 -- New person so add to table elseif (commandSpam[source] == 5) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("Please refrain from command spamming!", source, 255, 0, 0) -- This person is command spamming! else commandSpam[source] = commandSpam[source] + 1 -- Add one to the table end end addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, preventCommandSpam) setTimer(function() commandSpam = {} end, 1000, 0) -- Clear the table every second
  17. But that's not used simply disable it .. and do not know where it is ..
  18. Hello anyone knows please do Anti Command commands /givekords ITEM (Value) /givekords2 ITEM (Value) /kordsar
  19. Sendy

    [HELP] me please

    And the group chat, local chat and this is not what I give global chat?
  20. Sendy

    [HELP] me please

    Yes but that it was in Group chat, chat Local - DayZ, and global chat
  21. Sendy

    [HELP] me please

    That's not all the time .. and not write at all in global chat, group chat, or local chat, simply as if it is a gamemode play
  22. Sendy

    [HELP] me please

    Perhaps you misunderstood me .. I wanted to do-VIP-wrote into global chat, local chat, team chat
  23. Please help me make it work for Local Chat Global Chat, Team Chat? please .. when he wrote to the Local so I wrote it there as well as if they got it in play gamemode .. now it's in my DayZ gamemode. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( message, type ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) and type == 0 then cancelEvent ( ) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) outputChatBox ( "##FFFF00-VIP- #FFFF00 " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ":#FFFF00 " .. message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) end end)
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