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Everything posted by Sendy

  1. Sendy

    setvip warning

    Thanks working but i have 2x warning here can you please help? WARNING: Bad argument @ 'getAccount' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] WARNING: Bad argument @ 'getAccountPlayer' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] function DeleteVIP (command, accountName) local result = dbQuery(database,"SELECT * FROM vip") local poll = dbPoll(result, -1) for i,v in ipairs(poll) do local time = getRealTime() if (tonumber(v["viptime"]) < tonumber(time.timestamp)) and (tonumber(v["viptime"]) > 0) then dbExec(database, "DELETE FROM vip WHERE id = ?", tonumber(v["id"])) local account = getAccount(accountName) if getAccountPlayer(account) == tostring(v["acc"]) then local player = getAccountPlayer(account) outputChatBox("VIP: " .. accountName .. " ", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end dbFree(result) end setTimer(DeleteVIP, 6000000, 1)
  2. Sendy

    setvip warning

    Hello, please can anyone help me with my warning? bad argument getAccountPlayer i need /setvip account if account is online function SETVIP (source, accountName) local account1 = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local serial = serial local nick = nick local time = time local time2 = time2 local VIP = vip local account = getAccount(accountName) if getAccountPlayer(account) then local player = getAccountPlayer(account) givePlayerMoney(player, 500000) outputChatBox("VIP: " .. accountName .. "", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("setvip", SETVIP)
  3. Sendy

    [Not Work]

    Nothing. This need add in acl.xml? You have to create a acl group called VIP obviously Yes.
  4. Sendy

    [Not Work]

    Nothing. This need add in acl.xml?
  5. Sendy

    [Not Work]

    Why this not work? addEvent('onZombieWasted', true) addEventHandler('onZombieWasted', root, function (attacker) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(attacker)),aclGetGroup("vip")) then if (getElementType ( attacker ) == "player") and (getElementType ( source ) == "ped") then setElementData(attacker, "health", getElementData( attacker, "health" ) + 20 ) end end end ) Errors: 0.
  6. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    Each Admin Panel I've not been tested .. and everyone was lil_Toady
  7. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    I do not know what is wrong .. what do I have to send someone to fix it to make it go .. or send me at least one normal admin panel where it comes in Ban Details Date, Time
  8. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    If it was useless, MrTasty wouldn't even post the lua codes So write at least where should I put it?
  9. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    But so it is useless to me .. I need it in admin_ban or Ban Details
  10. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    And I have nowhere to put it?
  11. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    To get my work in Ban Details Date and Time of any admin panel it does not .. and if it went well, please post what you modified in admin panel etc. ..
  12. Sendy

    Help Ban Details

    No. .. but it is in any admin panel that I download .. and in any what I download it does not work. And that Screene can be seen that this player lil_Toady works. Wiki is the screen.
  13. What should I do to me I went to Ban Details Date, Time? Here is a post screen and where it goes. elseif ( aBans["Serial"][ip] ) then guiSetText ( aBanIP, "Serial: "..ip ) guiSetText ( aBanNick, "Nickname: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], a Bans["Serial"][ip]["nick"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanDate, "Date: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["date"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["date"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanTime, "Time: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["time"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["time"], "Unknown" ) ) guiSetText ( aBanBanner, "Banned by: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["banner"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["banner"], "Unknown" ) ) if ( aBanReason ) then destroyElement ( aBanReason ) end aBanReason = guiCreateLabel ( 0.03, 0.60, 0.80, 0.30, "Reason: "..iif ( aBans["Serial"][ip]["reason"], aBans["Serial"][ip]["reason"], "Unknown" ), true, aBanForm ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign ( aBanReason, "left", true ) guiSetVisible ( aBanForm, true ) guiBringToFront ( aBanForm ) end end Help me
  14. Sendy

    [HELP] me please

    It's supposedly works but that it was written into that team chat .. It is not about that? addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( message, type ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) and type == 0 then cancelEvent ( ) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) outputChatBox ( "#FFFF00-VIP- " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ": " .. message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) end end)
  15. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    So what will help me? But it just somehow change the Set Health Set Blood in admin panel ..
  16. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Come on give me instructions or guidance please do as I remodel in the admin panel to Set Health Set Blood 1-12000.
  17. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    Help someone please?
  18. Sendy

    [HELP] Please

    How do I set Set Health Set for Blood? and so make it work? and even to the point Health: Blood: I can not do it elseif ( source == aTab1.SetHealth ) then aInputBox ( "Set Health", "Enter the health value", "100", "triggerServerEvent ( \"aPlayer\", getLocalPlayer(), getPlayerFromNick ( \""..escname.."\" ), \"sethealth\", $value )" ) if ( isPlayerDead ( player ) ) then guiSetText ( aTab1.Health, "Health: Dead" ) else guiSetText ( aTab1.Health, "Health: "..math.ceil ( getElementHealth ( player ) ).."%" ) end
  19. And what version you have?
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