If I understand your criticism correctly, you are saying my single and team ladders will not work unless I have a system which doesn't require 24 hour administration?
On the contrary, the gang and single player ladders are much more complicated and sophisticated than they may seem. They are both 90% done and when finished will incorporate a money system with banks, drug market, property system using flash & php and personal user and gang shops. The whole system will run together.
For example, the solo ladders; members can join the ladders to be ranked, then if they wish, they can join a member created game for a fee, if they win, they get the prize money.
If the member hosting the game is part of a bank, the bank will finance a % of the game since the host will have to pay the winner the fee*# of players = prize money. The match results are logged by the host of the game all through the site, if there is ever a problem, I have a full scale web team with access to a custom admin panel who can resolve and problem in seconds since there is an admin online almost 24 hours anyway.