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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I don't really use showChat alot, so excuse my mistake ^^ but you could also try canceling onPlayerCommand event if command was 'showchat' (not sure if will work, but if it does, its better solution rather than using showChat each frame)
  2. Why'd you want to ignore code errors?
  3. showChat(false) This will hide the chat and it's input permanently, unless other script turns chat back on.
  4. What's so bad about downloading it as a torrent? (it might be illegal n stuff, but everyone does it plus you don't have to pay anything) If you're afraid of torrent having malware or something, go and buy the game instead of downloading cracked version.
  5. Looks like Droam|Oussez(https://forum.multitheftauto.com/memberlist.php? ... le&u=81422) or -Blue- guy made a new account (because on their original one they were asking too often for helping with fixing cloned/stolen scripts) Good job cloner!
  6. change your resource's description to DELETE and post your resource's link on this topic https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f ... start=1320 and mta administrator or moderator will delete the resource. (that's how you get resource deleted on mta community btw)
  7. John Smith

    MTA aim problem

    Crosshair gets bigger when you shoot - that's normal behaviour of the game
  8. What's the point of this? loadstring(luaCode)() i usually use loadstring(luaCode) and works... loadstring(luaCode) just loads the code, loadstring(luaCode)() loads it and executes it
  9. it doesn't load because you're using loadstring(...) instead of loadstring(...) () You need () after loadstring() to execute it (didn't really read the topic, just saw the code above, so sry if it doesn't work, but it should)
  10. Yea.. um my problem was caused because i've been using metamethods. so the function was something like function table:asd(arg1,arg2,arg3) end; and in that metamethod function, self variable became the vehicle model, so spawnvehicle isn't required in function arguments.
  11. nvm i fixed it by making workaround(this is mta bug i suppose), there was some issue with metamethods+this
  12. dude if i didn't add custom event on server side, it wouldn't output anything on chat omg
  13. hi im having some impossible problem which makes zero sense. -- client triggerServerEvent("onSpawnRequest",localPlayer,spawnvehicle,posX,posY,posZ,rotX,rotY,rotZ,interior,alpha); -- server function asd(spawnvehicle,x,y,z,rotx,roty,rotz,interior,alpha) outputChatBox(tostring(spawnvehicle)); end; On client side spawnvehicle is 411 (infernus vehicle id) and somehow on server side spawnvehicle argument is using x argument's value, so it's a coordinate instead of 411 why is that happening???????
  14. Make sure that in meta client script is written a line earlier than server script (You are getting this error because your serverside script starts before the client one, because of how you've set up the meta file)
  15. use destroyElement(source) in onClientProjectileCreation event to destroy the projectile, no need to teleport it anywhere
  16. John Smith

    MTA 5 ?

    This still doesn't answer my question, what would stop take two interactive from shutting it down again? Trying to revive FiveM multiple times without their decision won't result in them giving up or something like that, but rather in court.
  17. John Smith

    MTA 5 ?

    nice to see that, but what stops take two interactive from shutting that down as well?
  18. John Smith

    MTA 5 ?

    fivem is shut down
  19. yeah ik but it would be nice to have some event when console is opened because its stupid to check isConsoleActive 60 times per second imo (inside onClientRender)
  20. hey i need to know when a person opens up his console, but bindKey("F8","down",function() ... end) returns false every time i try to bind it onto F8 i also tried binding it to 'chatbox' control name but also returned false any solution?
  21. mta is already using stream mem fix, no need for using any asi files(and besides asi files dont work on mta as mta doesn't load them because of possible hacking/cheating issues)
  22. Tea is harder to decode but (at least in mta) tea encryption can be maximum 16 character long password so it's not that hard to crack it actually. I recommend you to hash users passwords by using the hash function because it's probably the easiest safest method that you can do. The other method would be to implement your own encryption, but that might be hard to do if you're a beginner in scripting. I recommend hashing passwords.
  23. The thing is that when u delete mod from a folder, modloader wont remove mod's lines in meta and it will give this error that u had
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