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Everything posted by kieran

  1. Try making your own script with this, I will NOT download external links as they may contain viruses or other malicious code. Done quick search, found this, it will toggle name tags on command for a player, just adapt it to work for all players client side and put a bind Key.
  2. kieran

    -45 years!?

    Hehe, is same for all players, I think it is a forgotten feature they put in website and kinda forgot to finish it oh well, as long as they're fixing the actual game all is well.
  3. Looking over your video again, I think this is a custom image, think of how an escalator works, the step moves then goes back to the same position on a loop, I think this may be something similar only making an image then looping it back, but as I say, I am still fairly new to scripting... I'd focus small first and try making the hose, after that at least people have something to go on here...
  4. Have you considered that they might of used createEffect to create an Effect attached to the position of the end of the hose? This seems like quite a complex script, take it from a fellow newbie at scripting, go for easy stuff and work your way up. Have you created a fireman job yet? If not I'd personally start there first, then add the awesome custom stuff later once you learned a little more about lua.
  5. Solved it, download is Here for anyone that wants it (This binds key to activate event, not a command). Thanks to Lorimaxxx's script, I have based the bind from there.
  6. kieran

    Hide the HUD

    setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( "all", false )
  7. Oh, thanks, you're a legend mate Tried this.... Still doesn't work function jet( player, key, state ) if ( isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) ) then return end if ( aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) and ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then if not doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) then -- if the player doesn't have a jetpack local status = givePedJetPack ( player ) -- give him one if not status then outputConsole ( "Error.", player ) -- tell him if it failed end else local status = removePedJetPack ( player ) -- remove his jetpack if ( not status ) then outputConsole ( "Error.", player ) -- tell him if it failed end end end end bindKey (player, "j", "down", jet)
  8. Trying to make admin jetpack to a bindkey, I tried it but getting error saying it expected a player at bindKey argument one... function jet( thePlayer, key, state ) if ( isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) ) then return end if ( aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) and ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then if not doesPedHaveJetPack ( thePlayer ) then local status = givePedJetPack ( thePlayer ) if not status then outputConsole ( "Error.", thePlayer ) end else local status = removePedJetPack ( thePlayer ) if ( not status ) then outputConsole ( "Error.", thePlayer ) end end end end bindKey (thePlayer, "J", "down", jet) Issue on last line, can't see anything wrong...
  9. So I should set right to false on third controlstate? Basically trying to make a ped automatically move clientside... So trying to time the control states and make him run round
  10. I honestly have no clue how to set the element speed of a vehicle, but I want to make this taxi script for RPG servers, basically when you first register a taxi will be created and move to a certain point, it will stop and then I plan to use setPedControlState to make the player enter the vehicle, so far I've created the vehicle and warped the ped in.... but I don't know what else I need. function CreateTaxi ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) --How to make it so it happens first time player joins? taxi = createVehicle( 420, 1797.4000244141, -2321.8000488281, 13.02748298645, 0, 0, 90 ) setVehicleColor ( taxi, 189, 200, 12 ) x,y,z = getElementPosition( taxi ) driver = createPed ( 120, x, y, z+3 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( driver, taxi) --New stuff to me, don't know anything about controlling ped speed, just been crossing fingers and hoping kph = getElementSpeed(taxi) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(driver) --I know I need this after getElementSpeed if (veh) then setElementSpeed(veh, "kph", 5) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), CreateTaxi ) Basically only works server side, can I even put it client side? Will I need to just make a cut scene at start? Thanks for help.
  11. So I could just use getPlayerWeapon and leave ammo empty? Sorry, I am a bit of a newbie...
  12. Nah, keeps saying it expects account at argument 1, got nil..... Weird (line 74 and 76)
  13. So I have finally realized what good are all these scripts if I don't have weapons or money etc and easiest way to get them is login, plus it means I can get it in map editor! But I have hit a "brick wall" and for the life of me I can't figure out how to save player weapons, here's what I'm trying... function MoneyWepSave ( ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "test.money", playermoney ) local for i,wep in ipairs(getPedWeapons(player)) do setAccountData ( playeraccount, "test.weps", playerweps ) end end end function MoneyWepGive (_, playeraccount ) if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "test.money" ) local playerweps = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "test.weps" ) if ( playermoney ) then setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney ) if ( playermoney ) then givePedWeaapons ( source, playerweps ) end end end end function MoneyWepReset (_, playeraccount ) --How would I set weps to 0? setPlayerMoney ( source, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), MoneyWepSave ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), MoneyWepGive ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", getRootElement ( ), MoneyWepReset ) I could just get them for each individual slot, but I thought this way would be easier... Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance
  14. @pa3ck I think he just wants all textures except skins/vehicles green, so not every single texture, restrictions for skins/vehicles models? I think
  15. There's an object called "funturf" it looks like grass, there is also many ways to replace an object image with another, so you could just make a script that replaces the image of an object, call the script on a game mode, do a full test and then you'd have a nice green object.
  16. Can you not just use fun turf? or maybe even find someone that made a custom texture that's pure green..... Or use paint.net or paint and place an object with one color behind you then edit the object with the paint bucket thing?
  17. kieran


    @CodX We don't help fix stuff that has illegally been obtained. (We don't help with leaked stuff) if we did we could get in a heap of trouble...
  18. kieran

    -45 years!?

    User: kieranb Member since: Dec 24, 2015 Last active: Jan 01, 1970 Time played: Never Sessions: 0 Is this the last ever post to this forum?
  19. So I been messing with peds movement and can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong... Basically I am trying to make a simple script that makes a local ped run in a big square... function forwards() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local myPed = createPed(0, x + 1, y, z) if myPed then setPedControlState(myPed,"forwards", true) setTimer ( function () setPedControlState(myPed,"forwards", false) --if this line is taken out he runs diagonal setPedControlState(myPed,"right", true) end, 10000, 1 ) --trying to set it on timers setTimer ( function () setPedControlState(myPed,"backwards", true) --problem making him go backwards, he runs diagonally and if right is false here it doesn't work end, 10000, 1 ) end end addCommandHandler("ped",forwards) --command since I am testing just now Is the problem that I don't have anything to check if control state is true or false?
  20. Huh? If you're suggesting I steal scripts you are very much mistaken.... I just open them, study what stuff does in them, once I understand it a bit better then I make one myself. Easy!
  21. Thanks sounds easier to be honest, quicker than putting them all in gamemode.
  22. never mind, solved it..... somehow bugged my debug but all good now, thanks for your help guys!
  23. Basically I want them to start when server starts, so I thought by including them all in game mode with the include function they would start, they are separate folders in my resources folder now and they are all called in my gamemode.xml, but I don't think it likes it... Resources include spawns, so should I put that in gamemode instead? It keeps giving me "failed to link to resource "<resource name>"
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