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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. That would replace the radar just for you.
  2. This was asked several times here, just search for the topics
  3. I hate it if the render are cropped.. Idk why everyone is makin something with GTA V which is related to mta...
  4. Yup works fine. Thank you.
  5. Select. I want to get those datas to set the Skin/Money of the player.
  6. Oh, so he is downloading everything from the specific player , right ? And how can i use those datas to set them ? like x=data.x ?
  7. How do you mean that downloading all records ?
  8. Yeah works everything thank you. And what about getting the datas ?SELECT x, y,z, FROM accounts WHERE x=? AND y=? AND z=? ,... Like this ?
  9. Well no i mean from the client-side . i get the username like that : local username = guiGetText(Username_edit) and trigger it.
  10. Last Question, how should i get the username ? I know with triggering but can i trigger to a function where an event is already handled? Like triggerServerEvent("OnQuitPlayer", getLocalPlayer(),username) ? And than in Serverside: addEvent("OnQuitPlayer", true) addEventHandler("OnQuitPlayer", root, onQuit) ?
  11. But what does that x mean ?
  12. Nah, i mean lets say i have a guy who is registered and has now a Column with username and password. And i want to insert those datas into this specific player. How could i do that ?
  13. No i mean i want to put those datas like money, skin, etc.. in .
  14. WTF. Now it outputted in the debug, INSERT SUCCESSFULL. So i think you solved the problem WhoAmI Thank you for that. Another Question. I have to specify a player , where he should insert the datas , right ? Can i make it like this : INSER INTO accounts (.....) VALUES(.....) WHERE (username) ?
  15. @pa3ck: Yes i am . As you can see on this picture: @WhoAmI: I get an Error in the console :
  16. You mean the dbExec ? Just leave that. I know i have to specify the player/account. The problem is just the element data.
  17. Same as yours. function onQuit () if ( getElementData(source,"LoggedIN") ) then outputChatBox("GetElementData Successfull") local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local inserting = dbExec ( connect, "INSERT INTO accounts ( money,skin,health,x,y,z,int,dim ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )",tostring (getPlayerMoney (source)),tostring (getPedSkin (source)),tostring (getElementHealth (source)),x,y,z,getElementInterior (source),getElementDimension (source) ) if inserting then outputChatBox("Inserting successfull") else outputChatBox("Inserting failed.") end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, onQuit)
  18. Hmm, still no output.
  19. Yeah but i can't get the Element Data.. function onQuit () if getElementData(localPlayer,"LoggedIN") == true then outputChatBox("GetElementData Successfull") local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local inserting = dbExec ( connect, "INSERT INTO accounts ( money,skin,health,x,y,z,int,dim ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )",tostring (getPlayerMoney (source)),tostring (getPedSkin (source)),tostring (getElementHealth (source)),x,y,z,getElementInterior (source),getElementDimension (source) ) if inserting then outputChatBox("Inserting successfull") else outputChatBox("Inserting failed.") end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, onQuit) addCommandHandler("test", onQuit)
  20. lol, that outputs true.
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