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Everything posted by EH10

  1. Event : "onClientGUIClick" getElementsByType -- Loop getElementModel setElementCollidableWith
  2. جـرب * function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") if (accountData) then local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin") local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health") local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor") local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x") local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y") local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z") local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int") local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim") local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel") local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team") local playerWeaponID0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID0") local playerWeaponID1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID1") local playerWeaponID2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID2") local playerWeaponID3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID3") local playerWeaponID4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID4") local playerWeaponID5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID5") local playerWeaponID6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID6") local playerWeaponID7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID7") local playerWeaponID8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID8") local playerWeaponID9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID9") local playerWeaponID10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID10") local playerWeaponID11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID11") local playerWeaponID12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID12") local playerWeaponAmmo0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0") local playerWeaponAmmo1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1") local playerWeaponAmmo2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2") local playerWeaponAmmo3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3") local playerWeaponAmmo4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4") local playerWeaponAmmo5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5") local playerWeaponAmmo6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6") local playerWeaponAmmo7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7") local playerWeaponAmmo8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8") local playerWeaponAmmo9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9") local playerWeaponAmmo10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10") local playerWeaponAmmo11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11") local playerWeaponAmmo12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12") spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim) setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney) setTimer (setElementHealth, 50, 1, source, playerHealth) setTimer (setPedArmor, 50, 1, source, playerArmor) setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 50, 1, source, playerWanted) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID0, playerWeaponAmmo0, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID1, playerWeaponAmmo1, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID2, playerWeaponAmmo2, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID3, playerWeaponAmmo3, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID4, playerWeaponAmmo4, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID5, playerWeaponAmmo5, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID6, playerWeaponAmmo6, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID7, playerWeaponAmmo7, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID8, playerWeaponAmmo8, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID9, playerWeaponAmmo9, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID10, playerWeaponAmmo10, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID11, playerWeaponAmmo11, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID12, playerWeaponAmmo12, false) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function onLogout () kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.") end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onLogout) function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID0", getPedWeapon (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID1", getPedWeapon (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID2", getPedWeapon (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID3", getPedWeapon (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID4", getPedWeapon (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID5", getPedWeapon (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID6", getPedWeapon (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID7", getPedWeapon (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID88", getPedWeapon (source, -- s8) -->) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID9", getPedWeapon (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID10", getPedWeapon (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID11", getPedWeapon (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID12", getPedWeapon (source, 12)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8", getPedTotalAmmo (source, -- s8) -->) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 12)) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuit) function setTeam() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local team = getAccountData (account, "team") if team and getTeamFromName(team) then setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(team)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),setTeam) function saveTeam() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (team) and not isGuestAccount(account) then setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),saveTeam) function convertWeaponsToJSON(player) local weaponSlots = 12 local weaponsTable = {} for slot=1, weaponSlots do local weapon = getPedWeapon( source, slot ) local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo( source, slot ) if (weapon > 0 and ammo > 0) then weaponsTable[weapon] = ammo end end return toJSON(weaponsTable) end function WastSpawn (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") if (accountData) then local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin") local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health") local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor") local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x") local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y") local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z") local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int") local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim") local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel") local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team") local playerWeaponID0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID0") local playerWeaponID1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID1") local playerWeaponID2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID2") local playerWeaponID3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID3") local playerWeaponID4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID4") local playerWeaponID5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID5") local playerWeaponID6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID6") local playerWeaponID7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID7") local playerWeaponID8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID8") local playerWeaponID9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID9") local playerWeaponID10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID10") local playerWeaponID11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID11") local playerWeaponID12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID12") local playerWeaponAmmo0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0") local playerWeaponAmmo1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1") local playerWeaponAmmo2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2") local playerWeaponAmmo3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3") local playerWeaponAmmo4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4") local playerWeaponAmmo5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5") local playerWeaponAmmo6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6") local playerWeaponAmmo7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7") local playerWeaponAmmo8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8") local playerWeaponAmmo9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9") local playerWeaponAmmo10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10") local playerWeaponAmmo11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11") local playerWeaponAmmo12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12") spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim) setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney) setTimer (setElementHealth, 50, 1, source, playerHealth) setTimer (setPedArmor, 50, 1, source, playerArmor) setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 50, 1, source, playerWanted) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID0, playerWeaponAmmo0, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID1, playerWeaponAmmo1, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID2, playerWeaponAmmo2, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID3, playerWeaponAmmo3, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID4, playerWeaponAmmo4, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID5, playerWeaponAmmo5, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID6, playerWeaponAmmo6, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID7, playerWeaponAmmo7, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID8, playerWeaponAmmo8, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID9, playerWeaponAmmo9, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID10, playerWeaponAmmo10, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID11, playerWeaponAmmo11, false) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID12, playerWeaponAmmo12, false) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), WastSpawn) addEventHandler ("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), WastSpawn) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() local weapons = convertWeaponsToJSON(source) setElementData(source,"tempWeapons",weapons) takeAllWeapons ( source ) end ) function giveWeaponsFromJSON(player, weapons) if (weapons and weapons ~= "") then for weapon, ammo in pairs(fromJSON(weapons)) do if (weapon and ammo) then giveWeapon(player, tonumber(weapon), tonumber(ammo)) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, function () local weapons = getElementData(source,"tempWeapons") if (weapons) then giveWeaponsFromJSON(source, weapons) removeElementData ( source, "tempWeapons" ) end end ) function saveWeaponStats(player) if (not player or not isElement(player)) then return end local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (account and not
  3. ويننننننننن الناااااااااااااااس 30 عضووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ولاااااالاا ردددددددددددددددددد
  4. كـذا * # Client Side addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", Button, function () triggerServerEvent( "onZombieHit", localPlayer) end ) # Server Side Team = createTeam("Zombie") setTeamFriendlyFire( Team, true ) addEvent( "onZombieHit", true ) addEventHandler( "onZombieHit", root, function () if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 46 ) then setElementPosition( source,x,y,z ) setPlayerTeam( source, Team ) setPedWalkingStyle( source, id ) end end )
  5. Event : "onClientPlayerDamage" -- حـدث إذا طـلق عـلـى ألاعب getElementModel -- يـجيب الـ رقـم الـشخصية cancelEvent -- يكنسل الحـدث
  6. السلام عليكم طلب فنكشات اذا صار نار في مكان محدد يجي كلام بالشات لتيم محدد ويجي بلب في مكان النار واذا طفاها التيم المحدد ياخذ فلوس الرجاء شرح الفنكشات لاستفيد اكثر
  7. السلام عليكم انا في اشياء مافهمتها وهاذا ابي افهمها عارف انها في قسم اللشروحات بس ابي امثلة اكثر مشان افهم واكرر عارف انهابقسم الشروحات SQL table.concat table.insert table.maxn table.remove table.sort unpack return break tostring tonumber string.rep الرجاء شرح وش وظيفتها ومثال عليها واانا الي مادش عقلي SQL
  8. السلام ععليكمم طلب فنكشات اذا ماضفت المود الى قروب الادمن مايشتغل
  9. طلب التصحيح * # Client Side addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", Button, function () triggerServerEvent( "onZombieHit", localPlayer) end ) # Server Side addEvent( "onZombieHit", true ) addEventHandler( "onZombieHit", root, Team = createTeam("Zombie") setTeamFriendlyFire( Team, true ) function () if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 46 ) then setElementPosition( source,x,y,z ) setPlayerTeam( source, Team ) setPedWalkingStyle( source, id ) end end )
  10. Event : "onClientPlayerDamage" getElementModel cancelEvent
  11. جـرب * setTeamFriendlyFire( Team, true ) Example Team = createTeam("Army") setTeamFriendlyFire ( Team, true )
  12. الاعبين في السيرفر
  13. السلام علليكم طلب فنكشات طلب مود احتلالات للاعضاء فقط ماركرات في كل مكان اي عضو يخش فيهن يجي بالشات اذا اردت احتلال هاذه المنطقة ابقى فيها لمدة 10 دقائق بعد 10 دقائق يجي بالشات تم احتلال المنطقة بنجاح وراح ياخذ فلوس كل 10 دقائق واذا احتل منطقة اخرا يزداد عدد الفلوس من 20 الف الى 40 الف والماركر الازرق ماهو محتل والاخضر محتل
  14. اتمنى سكربتات كثير قيم مود وزارة الهجولة -- معروف الخطف -- معروف مثل حرامي يخطف واحد ويمشي وراه ويدخله قبو واذا مادفع حد يطلعه بكفالة القبض -- معروف الشرطي يقض على الحرامي ويروحو وراه الى الماركر ويدخل السجن والشرطي ياخذ فلوس مود مهمة البنك الي في حرب العصابات -- شرطة ضد حرامية الي يفوز ياخذ فلوس مدرسة القيادة -- تذهب الى المدرسة وتشترك وكل كم دقيقة يروح معك البيد ويركب معك اذا سواقتك زينة ماتطلع عن الطريق ولا تعكس يعطيك رخصة تسوي حركة يعطيك وانت تاخذها
  15. لا قصدي ابي زومبي ضد الجيش الي يبي يصير مع الجيش او الزومبي يفتح الوحة يخختار الي يختار الزومبي مايقتلونة الزومبي ويمشي مثلهم وهو يقدر يضرب الجيش بس ويقتلهم واذا اختار الجيش يصير يقتل الزومبي ويقتل مثل اي قتل
  16. جـرب * object = createObject( id, x, y, z ) ped = createPed( id, x, y, z ) setElementFrozen( ped, true) setPedAnimation( ped, "قـسـم الـحـركـة", "أسـم الـحـركـة") addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", root, function () if ( source == ped ) then cancelEvent( ) end end )
  17. السلام عليكم طلب فنكشات زومبي و محارب اذا ضغطت زومبي تصير مع الزومبي مايقتلونك تذبح المحاربين اذا ضغطت محارب تصير مع الناس تذبح الزومبي
  18. جـرب * object = createObject( id, x, y, z ) ped = createPed( id, x, y, z ) setElementFrozen( ped, true) addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", root, function () if source == ped then cancelEvent( ) end end )
  19. معتمد علي نفسي بس ليش كل ماترد لي تجيب سالغت لفلي وبقولك شي انا ابي اذا يجي بالشات الون مو لون القريد ياخي موب قادر اتكلم قاعد اكلمك من الجوال المهم قريد ليست فيه الوان عديده تختار لون منهن يجي لون كتابتك نفس الي الون الي اخذتة عطني الفنكشات كاملة
  20. الصراحة لـي في العبة 7 سنين دخلت العبة في الصف الاول ابتدائي والان انا في الصف 2 متوسط صراحة طفشت كثير ومالي الى الان قاعد اتعلم البرمجة وبحاول اصير الى الافضل بفضل الله ثم انتم تعلمت بعض الاشياء الجميلة
  21. السلام عليكم طلب فنكشات قريد ليست فية الوان عديدة مثل اخضر اصفر ابيض برتقالي تختار واحد منهن وتضغط الزر واذا تكلمت بالشات تلاقي لون كلامك نفس الي اخترته
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