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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. your forums looks nice Nice work EdiServers. Keep it up.
  2. Bilal135

    Help ME!

    My problem is fixed. By the way, thanks all. viewtopic.php?f=108&t=70566 Edit: Sorry For Bump.
  3. Derp, I'm English Not Dutch!
  4. 1st Thing: (Correction) Too Late* 2nd Thing: Its not late for me. (Actually Late For Me) Lol 3rd Thing: No one will win the reward. 4th Thing: The one who made this topic, no longer exists/He is inactive from a long time. 5th Thing: I'm sitting in your mouth.
  5. If you need a paid mapper. I am here to help you.
  6. Everyone will loose, I will win the reward.
  7. Thanks for telling, problem fixed.
  8. Hey there, I have a problem with this resource. Autoteams_Manager. The script works correctly but the problem is: I made a team with [DD] Tag. In-Game I press tab and I see my name under the team. But I don't get the team color until I restart the play resource. Anybody can help? Dont ask me to contact the script owner memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=45725 As you all can see, he is inactive from a long time. So anyone can edit it?
  9. Explain about server, only the video is not enough. Tell the resources/scripts that are added to the server. And some more deatils+IP Adress. Dont you think the link of Youtube is wrong?, you wrote it Correct One: http://youtube.com/jpxIkAICoFo This isn't a server advertisement, as you can see, it's under the "Media" section, so please think before replying. Also, his link is correct, yours is wrong. Thats weird, why this link wont work for me?
  10. I already calm down, I'm in peace, Inner Peace. LOL
  11. Aaron, I have found the forum profile link of Deject3d. You can contact him memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=41802
  12. @Castillo, Sorry for that. You are a good person. I apologize. Sorry! And I will not post useless posts.
  13. Ofc. Both languages are similar to each other , Indians and Muslims can use same board but there is a problem that Some indians start insulting Muslims and start fighting , talking about our GOD . So we are not mad that we will always listen them . There are many indians I've seen in MTA whenever I join in server they start talking about my religion etc and After that I start insulting them too . So I am not sure that we both can use same board , But If indians will not start So It will be good to use same board we can spread more knowledge here . I've seen good indians too . They are good and polite but some are not . Every time An Indian start insult But If they will not fight with us So We can use same board . How can you say indians don't visit MTA forum? I've seen more than 20 indians in DDC community. When did he say that Indians not visit on MTA Forum??
  14. [quote name=bl()d_K.i.cK] Biggest Kiss from SaJeD Lol
  15. Yea I am right but I've said that there are many indians in MTA that are my frnds and I like them alot , They are very good and frndly and they are polite with me . Only the indians of FTA server's are not good they always keep showing off and insulting pakistanie's and I always got fight with them . I am 100% sure those indians never visit MTA forums and not all indians of FTA server . Only 5-6 Indians but others are good too . They didn't use MTA Forum So I think that there will not fight but Still I am not sure about the indians of other server's . In my opinion there should be a single board for Urdu/ Hindi because both languages are same and people can spread more knowledge there . If anyone will start insulting about religion / language or culture So We will report them but I Hope that Noone will do that . Yes you are right, by the way I am Bilal.
  16. Hi all, I'm Bilal. Today I want to clear up everything. I think I hurted some people, like Castillo. And I made this topic to apologize everyone who feel that I hurted them. I apologize. I am sorry. I hope we can forget the past and can look about the future. Sorry Castillo, Sorry Everybody. I hope you all will accept my Apology Another thing I want to tell you all, that I don't like my name so I will change my name to ''Alvin''. Thank You All.
  17. Why don't you stop posting the same thing that another user already said? He wanna get some big rank on forum Yes, but I wont get big rank now, I want to help people and at least be 5 years old on forums.
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