Hello guys, I just started working on a RPG game mode, which is almost complete, just the GUI work is left, I will release this RPG game mode to public, fully uncompiled allowing you to edit anything you want, but at your own risk. Editing even 1 line from any script, if you don't know anything about scripting, can cause the whole game mode to stop, because the files are in one folder, and all lua files have only one meta.xml.
Features Highlight
This RPG game mode will have all the features, which one RPG game mode should have. Here's the highlight.
Vehicle God Mode
This is the vehicle god mode created by me, /vehgod to turn it on, and /vehgodoff, to turn it off. This command can be only used by people who are in group "Admin".
LS Hospital Map
This is almost the same, but I changed the trees.
AFK System
This AFK System, has many features, it allows you to get AFK by writing the command /afk, and to get back /back. This AFK System freezes the player who does the command, hides his nametag and sets his alpha to 120. If the player has some wanted level, then it won't allow him to get AFK.
Auto Join Skins
I just noticed that when ever we join the game, our skin is always 0, (Carl Johnson - CJ) , So I decided that there should be some script that will change player's skin to random, Yes I've finished that, wasn't so hard. This script sets your skin randomly on join.
Clear Chat
This is just simple, allows you to clear the chat on /clearchat command. This is admin command, can't be used by any player.
New Join Quit
I created this resource, new join quit, this is better than the custom one, and it looks beautiful. Well if you don't like it, I don't care, remove it then.
Join Sound
This script plays a sound (1 second), when a player joins, if you're in game, and you've minimized it, and you're searching something on internet, it will alert you when some player joins the server. Very useful.
Local Chat
This local chat, allows you to talk to the people who are standing close to you. Main chat is to talk with the whole server, so this resource is very important in RPG servers.
Admin Note System
This is 'admin note system', well it can't be used by any super mod or moderator, just admins can use this. Syntax is '/note . This is also very important script for RPG servers.
Walking Styles
This resource, allows you to set your walking styles, I've made temporary two styles for now, /womanstyle and /oldmanstyle, add whatever you want by your self when it will be released. /defaultstyle to set your walking style to default.
These are not done till now, these will include:
• LS Club Marker: This will set your interior to LS Club.
• LS Hospital Marker: This will set your interior to LS Hospital.
• LS Police Station Marker: This will set your interior to LS Police Station.
• LS City Hall Marker: This will set your interior to LS City Hall.
• And more.....
These are not done till now, these will include:
• Police Job System.
• Medic Job System.
• Skins Shop.
• Vehicles Shop.
• And more.....
Information Panel
This is information panel created by me, thanks to Anubhav for helping me in this. You may see the screen shot of this in ''Images'', I'm still working on it.
If there will be more features, I will edit the topic and add them, I am expecting some good reply from your's side. You're free to give your opinion. Thanks.