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Everything posted by Bilal135
Show your code.
A. Mind your language. Q. What if you be a shit*y kid like Anubhav?
Ask sensible question please, don't behave like a fucking kid.
function lolTeam(Player) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(Player) if theTeam == "Team Name" then toggleControl("mouse1", true) else toggleControl("mouse1", false) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, lolTeam) Didn't have time to test it, hope it works.
You need to create a table for this, or (players) will be left undefined. +Your first part has no use in the script. He wanted to just turn off player nametags.
If that is not working, allow tab_resources to the group you want to allow the settime function. <right name="general.tab_resources" access="true"></right> This will make it work, surely.
A: Yes, Hi. Q: What if you are employed in Rockstar North?
Ans 1. Show your code. Ans 2. Show your code. Ans 3. (See the code) function engineSound(Player) playSound("sound directory\sound file.mp3", Player) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, engineSound) Ans4. Show your code.
function myVehicleType(theVehicle, seat, jacked) outputChatBox("Your vehicle type is:" ..getVehicleType(theVehicle)..".", source, 255, 0, 0) end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, myVehicleType)
function resourceStart(Player) setPlayerNametagShowing(Player, false) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, resourceStart)
Try adding this in the acl group. command.settime and function.settime
Fake: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10344 Original: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=727 DONE
Well, if you're talking about 'true' and 'false' then let me tell you a thing. ACL rights are for resources, if the console requests them or anything else. In the script, there are two values. true and false. For example, true makes the function work done. False returns it. Do not give admin rights to a resource until you trust it 100% However, if you're using kickPlayer or banPlayer or any "admin" function, you must add resource name in admin group in ACL in order to make the function work, other wise it will give some error in the console. I can give you some example. function playerNametag(Player) setPlayerNametagShowing(Player, false) -- See (false). end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, playerNametag) If we didn't have added false, something like this. setPlayerNametagShowing(Player) It would automatically become 'true so yes, you need to define true or false.
Good job.
function saveonlogout(prevA) local player = getAccountPlayer(prevA) local money = getPlayerMoney(prevA) local occupation = getElementData(prevA, "Occupation") local team = getPlayerTeam(prevA) local teamname = getTeamName(prevA) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(prevA) local dimension = getElementDimension(prevA) local interior = getElementInterior(prevA) local skin = getElementModel(prevA) local account = getPlayerAccount(prevA) local accountname = getAccountName(prevA) outputChatBox("You are logged out", prevA) if money and occupation and team and x and y and z and dimension and interior and skin and teamname then local savelocation = mysql_query(moduledb, "UPDATE 'playerlocations' SET x = '"..x.."', y = '"..y.."', z = '"..z.."' WHERE accountname = '"..accountname.."'") local saveothers = mysql_query(moduledb, "UPDATE 'playerinfo' SET money = '"..money.."', occupation = '"..occupation.."', team = '"..teamname.."', dimension = '"..dimension.."', interior = '"..interior.."', skin = '"..skin.."' WHERE accountname = '"..accountname.."'") --mysql_free_result(savelocation) --mysql_free_result(saveothers) else outputChatBox("Error! Cannot save informations!", prevA) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),saveonlogout)
Hi guys, I wanna start a server, an RPG server. But I do not have money so I can't buy any server. The hoster must be a reliable person and can offer me any linux/windows server of at least 20 slots for starting. If anyone is interested in helping me with the hosting, please PM me or reply to this topic or add me over Skype. Thanks. Skype: dna261
Tum ne try kiya?
https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10201 Code taken from the wiki from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/KillPed , (See Example 1) + Unuseful. DONE
Most of the majority don't know how to decrypt/decompile a script, www.luac.multitheftauto.com can be decompiled but only a few people know how to do that. Compiling a script can cause some problems on some servers but if you don't want your code to be stolen, compile it at your own risk. Btw, people don't like compiled scripts because they are not editable.
How about? setElementDamageProof It can be used in this way, function randomFunction(Player) setElementDamageProof(Player, true) end addCommandHandler("godmode", randomFunction)