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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=7766
  2. Anyone can get those images, from google images.
  3. Updates: Two more cars have been added, Buffalo and Bullet. Prices are updated in the topic.
  4. Might be in next versions.
  5. Updates: Pay and Spray shop has been added near Wang Cars showroom.
  6. Thanks. I'm currently working on pay and spray shop near the showroom.
  7. Updates: License system has been added. Now you need to buy vehicle license before you can actually buy vehicles. You can buy license from the left side of the showroom.
  8. This is just a shop, not a whole business manager script.
  9. Topic Updated! New screenshots have been added.
  10. SF Wang Cars Hi guys, today I was bored so I decided to make a script. This is something better than my other scripts. This is basically a showroom "Wang Cars" located in San Fierro where you can buy your own cars. This has a little bit custom mapping too. I've created three sports cars (Alpha, Fertilizer & Infernus) which people can buy. The costs of the cars are listed below: Vehicle Rates & Costing: • Alpha - 15000$ • Feltzer - 12000$ • Infernus - 25000$ • Buffalo - 20000$ • Bullet - 35000$ Images: Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10400 More cars will be added in next versions. Thanks.
  11. They're not advertisement scripts if I search "ad", they are like "Admin base", "Admin Command" and bla bla bla. The advertisement resources are just 7 or 8.
  12. Thanks for 300+ downloads and 25 good votes.
  13. You better see my edited post.
  14. Many people just liked my resource, they told me over Skype. So I seriously don't want to make it into a gui, maybe later. @Anubhav, lines doesn't matter, I could make the same resource with the same functions within 50 lines. EDIT: @XeoN, 1334 same advertisements resources? Seriously? I just found few advertisement resources on community and mine is better than others.
  15. Some resources are small but very useful. Not every mta sa player is a scripter, some people can't even script this. Learn to appreciate someone's work.
  16. Hi, I was bored so I decided to create one simple and basic script, 'Advertisements'. This script outputs the following messages (advertisements) after some interval of time. You can change these in advert.lua in the .zip Messages: "Visit Our Website www.example.com" -> Outputs after 3 minutes. "Visit Our Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/example" -> Outputs after 4 minutes. "Visit Our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/example" -> Outputs after 5 minutes. Image: Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10393 Thanks.
  17. Not even a 2 min job, and as Derp42 said, its spammed with crates. No one is gonna buy it for sure. This even makes the place look ugly than before.
  18. local badWord = { } badWord[1] = "fuck" badWord[2] = "bitch" badWord[3] = "fucktard" badWord[4] = "fucker" badWord[5] = "dickhead" badWord[6] = "hijo de puta" badWord[7] = "puta" function getMessage(message, messageType) for placeNumber, stringData in ipairs(badWord) do setPlayerMuted(source, true) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." Was Muted For Saying a Bad Word!", source) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), getMessage) Says the same thing 7 times.
  19. @Anubhav You also added one extra end, I removed it, got no errors in debug script, but this ain't working.
  20. Hi, so today I was trying to make some anti insult script. But this doesn't seem to work. local badWord = { } badWord[1] = "fuck" badWord[2] = "bitch" function getMessage(message, messageType) if messageType == 0 then if message == badWord then killPed(source) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), getMessage) This one works but only with one word ("fuck") local badWord = { } badWord[1] = "fuck" badWord[2] = "bitch" function getMessage(message, messageType) if messageType == 0 then if message == badWord[1] then killPed(source) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), getMessage) Do u guys have any solution for this?
  21. You added one extra end, i removed it, it didn't show any errors. The script is still not working.
  22. Note: The script won't work until you extract zombies folder into "resources" folder.
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