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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. 0. When I last time went to club for swimming, I drowned. My father saved me (This was like 2009)
  2. This is some information copied from wiki. (http://www.wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/createColRectangle) Syntax colshape createColRectangle ( float fX, float fY, float fWidth, float fHeight) Required Arguments fX: The X position of the collision rectangle's west side fY: The Y position of the collision rectangle's south side fWidth: The collision rectangle's width fHeight: The collision rectangle's height So how do I actually get the exact position of fX, fY, and fWidth and fHeight? Last time I used some script which told us x, y, z but if I use that fX and fY, the col rectangle is created somewhere else. How do I get the exact fX, and fY?
  3. viewtopic.php?f=115&t=87916
  4. The Suckers Fu*kers FMP local posts = Player("NiteLights"):getPosts() if posts == 995 then setPlayerHappinessLevel(getPlayerFromName("NiteLights"), 95) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getForumRootElement(), unIdentified)
  5. Meow Economical Organization CMF (Hint: viewtopic.php?f=115&t=87916)
  6. Big Rock Organization FYA (fuck your ass)
  7. So, I discovered a really interesting thing in MTA today. If I shoot moon with a sniper, it becomes bigger, bigger, bigger and then becomes small. When I searched about this on google, I discovered it is an easter egg in san andreas single player. You guys also try finding an easter egg....and post it here.
  8. btw, onClientPlayerWasted is never safe.
  9. Nevermind, fixed my self.
  10. Well, I used onClientPlayerWasted, and still doesnt work. function rewardOnWasted ( ammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart ) if ( killer ) and ( killer ~= source ) then if bodypart == 9 then triggerServerEvent("addUserEXP", resourceRoot, killer, 10) else triggerServerEvent("addUserEXP", resourceRoot, killer, 5) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), rewardOnWasted )
  11. It should give 5xp on player kill, and 10 xp, on headshot. But it won't give any xp. function rewardOnWasted ( ammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart ) if ( killer ) and ( killer ~= source ) then if bodypart == 9 then triggerServerEvent("addUserEXP", resourceRoot, killer, 10) else triggerServerEvent("addUserEXP", resourceRoot, killer, 5) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), rewardOnWasted )
  12. I know they are fun, but people still say "Nothing unique and community resources. There are 1000 of servers like this!".
  13. Why it takes too much time to download only 8 files aka 4 vehicle mods even when my ping is around 180? If I download them via mod loader, it is much faster. But nvm, good job! EDIT: I edited meta.xml a bit, it was set to download="false". I made them true. Still 20 MB download? Don't you think it's the same download mb as mod loader?
  14. Bilal135

    Position name

    "unique"? God damn. No Dm mode is actually Chaos MTA Freeroam's No Dm mode, which you are using. Your freeroam panel, hud and all other shit is copied from Grafuroam. I guess, how that makes you unique?
  15. Bilal135

    Position name

    i can't script? I wrote what I think. Btw, good luck in cloning Grafuroam.
  16. Bilal135

    Position name

    That person can't script, dude, he just can copy paste script here and expects us to fix his problem, so basically he needs a full edited working code.
  17. It's a mystery lol, but I'll tell you. There's a construction building near by Glen Park, and if you go right in the middle of it, you would see a box. Just stand in front of that, and get the vaccine. Thanks for the support!
  18. All the code I'll be soon re-writing the whole code and I'll update after my exams which are ending on 29th of May. So most probably, it will be done till 1st June.
  19. Most people prefer what I made, so I made it like this. If you want to change it, you can change it your self.
  20. I lost the original file, which functions' do you need?
  21. Then there's no purpose of community. MTA should remove community, and there won't be bunch of useless servers. Right?
  22. I'm going to talk about a few things, which people do and it irritates me a lot. I've seen quite a lot of topics in which people usually write "Community resources. Nothing unique." I agree to "Nothing Unique", but even if something unique is on community, people still say that because its just uploaded to community. Why http://www.community.multitheftauto.com is created? Obviously to share you scripts. The shared resources aren't made just for learning, they are made to be used in servers. If you don't agree with that, then there's no purpose of community. Even though, if we use a bit of scripts from community, people say "community scripts, useless server and no fun!". Seriously guys, stop doing that. I wrote what I think, what do you guys think?
  23. I used onClientRender method, it worked well. Thanks!
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