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Everything posted by Guty

  1. local hatarped = createPed ( 71, 69.71004, -1532.15381, 5.13079); setElementData(hatarped, "katt", "hatar"); local hatarkapu = createObject(2909, 68.10683, -1526.46423, 4.85258); local kor = {createColSphere( 68.53889, -1526.16394, 4.84955, 12.5 )}; addEvent("sikeres", true); addEventHandler("sikeres", root, function(osszeg, localPlayer) if (localPlayer) then local pMoney = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer); if (pMoney >= osszeg) then setPlayerMoney(localPlayer, pMoney-osszeg); moveObject(hatarkapu, 1000, 68.10683, -1526.46423, 2.5); local asd = 1; mit = setTimer( function() asd = asd + 1; local within = isElementWithinColShape ( localPlayer, kor ) if within or (asd > 12) then moveObject(hatarkapu, 1000, 68.10683, -1526.46423, 4.85258); if (mit) then killTimer(mit); end end end ,1000,0) end end end)
  2. <meta> <author="Tamer5.SAJU" description="Sesli Hava Trafik Kontrolörü" type="script" /> <file src="karkis.mp3" /> <script src="sesdeneme_c.Lua" type="client" /> </meta> function kalkis (player, commandName) local sound = playSound("SesDenemesi/kalkis.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 1.0) -- set the sound volume to 100% end addCommandHandler ( "kalk", kalkis ) I noticed that your 'kalkis.mp3' file is located in your script's folder, so it should work like that. Also your meta file was kind of strange, are you sure its 'sesdeneme_c.Lua' ? does the script load in your console? are you able to start it?
  3. Hello everyone, I'm an old member here, but not active that much, today i'm here looking for a staff team to help me creating an RPG server and community, since i'm working on it alone for years in scripting side as im still studying and busy, I was always rebuilding it because of MTA revolution and modernity.. So i'm posting some screenshots in-game to make it short lol Job panel: Control Panel: Vehicle Tuning Shop: Garage Sytem: Well, i'm not providing everything, for more information you can contact me on discord or email.. Discord: KhiddFury#9553 Email: [email protected] Regards
  4. Hi, Im new in scripting. I would know how to count how many players in a marker (if its possible).. And I have a taser script, i want it when i hit someone with tazer, it doesn't make damage to him.. Thanks for help. Server Side: local time = 1 addEvent("onShot", true) addEventHandler("onShot", root, function(hitElement) setElementFrozen(hitElement, true) setPedAnimation(hitElement, "ped", "KO_shot_stom") setTimer(setElementFrozen, time*3000, 1, hitElement, false) setTimer(setPedAnimation, time*3000, 1, hitElement) end) Client Side local eTeams = { ["Police Officers"] = true, ["SWAT"] = true, ["FBI"] = true, ["SAAF"] = true } addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, function(weapon, _, _, _, _, _, hitElement) if (hitElement) and (getElementType(hitElement) == "player") and (weapon == 23) then local Team = getPlayerTeam(source) local TeamName = Team and getTeamName(Team) or "" if (eTeams[TeamName]) then outputChatBox("You have tazed "..getPlayerName(hitElement), 255, 0, 0) triggerServerEvent("onShot", localPlayer, hitElement) end end end)
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