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Everything posted by botder

  1. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientGUITabSwitched
  2. Does not matter. I can decompile both. Good for you, now go eat an apple in the sunset. We don't need scumbag thieves. Stop throwing words at me, which I don't deserve. I am not going to tell anybody how to do it nor abuse it myself to steal scripts - I can do my own and without server scripts it's pretty pointless. To be honest, one of the safest ways is to disable the script caching in the first place.
  3. Does not matter. I can decompile both.
  4. *Edit, now tested & works Video: Dropbox addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (not theVehicle) then return end local eM = getElementMatrix( theVehicle ) local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity( theVehicle ) local speed = math.sqrt(math.pow(vx, 2) + math.pow(vy, 2) + math.pow(vz, 2)) + 0.5 local distance = 5 * speed + 12 local heightAboveVehicle = 2.5 local roll = math.deg(math.atan2(eM[1][3], eM[3][3])) local x = -distance * eM[2][1] + eM[4][1] local y = -distance * eM[2][2] + eM[4][2] local z = -distance * eM[2][3] + heightAboveVehicle * eM[3][3] + eM[4][3] local lx = 4 * eM[2][1] + eM[4][1] local ly = 4 * eM[2][2] + eM[4][2] local lz = 4 * eM[2][3] + eM[4][3] if ( getVehicleType( theVehicle ) == "Plane" ) then setCameraMatrix( x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, roll) end end )
  5. SetCameraMatrix Use the calculated roll variable and pass it to the camera matrix (get the other values from getCameraMatrix)
  6. Try this one (made for 1920x1080) local screenResolution = { guiGetScreenSize() } local resizeFactor = (screenResolution[1] / 1920 + screenResolution[2] / 1080) / 2
  7. That option loads the script only into the memory and doesn't save the content on your disk as a file.
  8. botder


  9. dxDrawImage(x, y, width, height, sourceString, getTickCount() / 30 % 360)
  10. Do you actually mean "Multimode", which is meant to run only race modes or really "Multigamemode", which runs e. g. race, stealth, freeroam, ... ?
  11. For very simple collision detection you could use GetElementBoundingBox
  12. function whenTelp() progress = 0 -- Added this fadeCamera(false) showChat(false) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, busmove) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) showChat(true) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, busmove) end, 12000, 1) end
  13. Keep it simple: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AttachElements
  14. It's possible to make the editbox transparent, but that works only when it is read-only.
  15. Why do you use the MySQL module? MTA already has functions to connect to a MySQL database.
  16. Use the ACL to stop players accessing the commands - they shouldn't have access by default.
  17. Use ` and not ' for the column (e. g. engine)
  18. You have to transfer the information from the function (works only serverside) to the client using triggerClientEvent.
  19. botder

    Need Scripter

    Are you going to pay the scripter?
  20. If i don't, i'll get this error: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=77650 Nonsense. It's not even about the function table. You are assigning a marker element to the global variable, that means you can use directly createdmarker. If you still want to use the _G global table, then use it like that: _G["createdmarker"]
  21. It won't work with the string he uses -> "{123, 321}"
  22. You only changed the syntax a bit and not the meant functionality. The guy with the request probably did some mess.
  23. setElementPosition (_G[createdmarker], 0,0,0) You dont have to use _G to access createdmarker there, because you already have the variable setElementPosition (createdmarker, 0,0,0)
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