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Everything posted by Saml1er

  1. A program will work just the way you programmed it so the answer is no. You need to recreate the blip and attach it to players using createBlipAttachedTo
  2. Disable your firewall for a moment and then try. Check if it works. If this helps then add an exception in firewall and enable it back. Please provide a screen shot of your router port forwarding page.
  3. if ( vehicle ) and ( id == 425 ) and getElementData(vehicle"AttachElements",true) then triggerServerEvent("detachVehicle",hitElement,vehicle) setElementData(vehicle,"AttachElements",false) elseif ( vehicle ) and ( id == 425 ) and getElementData(vehicle"AttachElements",false) then to if ( vehicle ) and ( id == 425 ) and getElementData(vehicle, "AttachElements",true) then triggerServerEvent("detachVehicle",hitElement,vehicle) setElementData(vehicle,"AttachElements",false) elseif ( vehicle ) and ( id == 425 ) and getElementData(vehicle, "AttachElements",false) then
  4. When you drag-drop or simply you add image from material editor then remember that image name . Remember that image size should be 256x256 ( I'm not sure about other sizes because I did not try any other than this ) pixels and image format should be png. if image size is more than 256x256 then resize it here: http://www.picresize.com/ Open TXD workshop then you have to make a new TXD and you gotta select 32 bit and open that image. Now double left click on it or simply click properties and change name from png to image name ( Image texture which you added to model in 3ds max ) alpha should be left blank/empty. Compressed should be checked. Click "ok". Once you see "Compressed DX" text in txd workshop then click save TXD and save it with any name you like. Enjoy.
  5. It's an Shared Function. Yes but you can't do that in client side.
  6. A: Q: Do you think that you're a mature person?
  7. Mein Team Viewer pe help ker sakta hoon. Agar nahi tou phir mein skype mein method bata doonga.
  8. I don't know if MTA lets you import dynamic objects. You could create basic 'physics' using lua. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ProcessLineOfSight https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsLineOfSightClear https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Easing Ye, that's the last option if I don't find a way to fix this problem. Oh thank you. I'll try that. EDIT: @Dealman: Nice map. I'll use it my server if you give me the permission to. As you see. I tried the same thing you did there but the difference is that you're using mta default object and I'm using a custom object. I know this has to do something with collision file. I'll try asking mta team if I can somehow edit collision and make it to work if not then I'll simply do what Ren suggest. btw I imported beachball dff file and then I added col from material editor ( kams script ) then when I right clicked on that object and opened "wire parameters" then it had some more options which were from gta sa so I realized that this thing does not exist in kams script.
  9. He meant ss of gta not your lua or xml code.
  10. I made a custom sphere object. How do I enable physics? I tried attaching it to vehicle and then I set vehicle's velocity and destroyed it after 1 sec. The object was flying. Then I freezed the object and unfreezed it after 1 sec. The object was again solid ( stuck ). Any idea? I also tried this ( according to wiki ) local obj = createObject ( ... ) setElementVelocity (obj,0,0,0) It didn't work. Also for other games you can use 3ds max collision properties but for gta sa you'll need a col shader and only then you can have collision but its a solid object. I don't want a solid object. I want it to have something like rolling ability like beach ball.
  11. function asd () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) createPickup(x+2, y+2, z, 0, 20) end addCommandHandler("mk", asd) Common sense.
  12. function getPos(theplayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( theplayer ) outputChatBox(x..", "..y.. ", "..z, theplayer) end addCommandHandler("getpos", getPos)
  13. Altho the problem is still there but I used a dirty solution. I made a clone of that object and rotated it filling empty sides altho those sides are not transparent at all in 3ds max but I had no other way so I fixed it like this. Here's the result:
  14. Lets say you have a map resource named "realLife". So we simply do this: local mapRes = getResourceFromName("realLife") if getResourceState ( mapRes ) ~= "running" then return end local objects = getElementsByType ("object", getResourceRootElement(mapRes) ) -- this will get objects created by map resource if you're adding this script in a map resource then you just need this: local objects = getElementsByType ("object", getResourceRootElement() ) -- this will get objects created by map resource
  15. When I exported a dff file without adding texture then it output an error and another exact same object was created with three sides missing ( orginal was still there ) but when I added texture to object and tried exporting it then there was no error and object clone was not created this time. Everything seemed fine but when I loaded dff file and replaced it. I found the same problem. I'Il make more tests when I get back. I'm away from home for 2 days. °.°
  16. I tried that already. I opened material editor and added a texture but that did not help at all because in gta sa textures are displayed from txd file if I'm wrong.
  17. Well yeah that's true. I did not load the TXD file. So this is how objects look without txd, right?
  18. Hello! I made a custom model in 3ds max. I set back face culling to off in 3ds max but when I load the dff file ingame then back face culling is on... if I have a box with 6 sides then 3 sides are not visible. I also tried setElementDoubleSided but it didn't help. How to fix this? http://i.imgur.com/nTyRwah.png http://i.imgur.com/K9DsWTG.png http://i.imgur.com/n5hoGgx.jpg or open spoiler
  19. I made a sandbox script for my mgm long ago. I'll update my post when I'm on pc.
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