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Everything posted by AriosJentu

  1. I hope u will usenot transparency style, just minimalistic with 3 main colors (gray dark, light and one random color) - will be awesome
  2. What do you mean about custom? Like this?
  3. GL, but design not nice. Use minimalistic style - it will be awesome
  4. Можно было бы взять, и самому ресурс написать, единственное - нужна поддержка двух касаний - для двух пальцев. Сам имею вин таблетку, но данный вопрос не интересует, ибо у меня есть физическая клавиатура-чехол.
  5. You can use transparency, or change height from this to little, on bar elements. And, maybe you can redesign it to much awesome
  6. This hud takes up too much space
  7. Password maked for this phone to be like a real smartphone Users can disable password for them, if they don't want to use it.
  8. Updates - Added trash icon in notification center - you can clear all notifications with closing statusbar - Added application system (with light/dark themes) - Added home button to close notification center and applications - Added settings for application system - swipe up/down on home button Screenes
  9. Updates: - Updated notification system - now it works without lags - Added close button for notification - Now standart system font is Segoe UI - Now you can hide phone from screen - press N, to wake/sleep phone press on top button on phone (power button)
  10. In future this "test.lua" will be new notification system
  11. Thats not SwA-MP, here you can replace object for all that you want
  12. Hi all. Welcome to topic about new version of Lunix Phone. This resource adds to your server phone system. Phone system named from the second version of full screen system - Lunix OS Red Fox, but it have some features in portable style from not-realized system - Lunix V Now you have notifications, lock screen and password to unlock device This is just a demo version of some elements. Who can help us with this system, you're welcome, just comment here Worked keys: B - Add notification N - Show/Hide phone L, K, M - Open exists applications You can scroll notifications from scrolling middle mouse button and with swipes - move up and down (used my custom scroll pane) Password to unlock - 12345, another passwords show you error "Wrong password" All created notifications saves in database (you can make it like people not connected, and you can send him notification) You can move phone on screen Updates: - Updated notification system - now it works without lags - Added close button for notification - Now standart system font is Segoe UI - Now you can hide phone from screen - press N, to wake/sleep phone press on top button on phone (power button) - Added trash icon in notification center - you can clear all notifications with closing statusbar - Added application system (with light/dark themes) - Added home button to close notification center and applications - Added settings for application system - swipe up/down on home button Screenes Download: GitHub Thank you.
  13. How to change GUI-Browser and inner browser size correctly? creating: local BrowserElement = guiCreateBrowser(0, 26, 798, 598-27-30, false, false, false, BrowserWin) --creating browser local BrowserTexture = guiGetBrowser(BrowserElement) If use that: BrowserElement:setSize(widt, heig-27-30, false) BrowserTexture = guiGetBrowser(BrowserElement) Changes only element size, texture size not changes.
  14. local UseText = edit:getText() addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", root, function() if source ~= edit then return false end edit:setText(UseText) end) To set text, use that UseText = text edit:setText(UseText)
  15. You know, SA-MP not good MP for playing. This subforum (resources) not for SA-MP Search this resource in another parts of forum, or use google.
  16. In next L-systems, URL player maked better, with song scroller, on CEGUI. But see just default Music App in Lunix Phone - more functionally than that. But I think, thats work easy, and good fo beginner scripter Good luck in future, and sorry for my bad eng
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