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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. Fucking read readme.md or something.
  2. Contact the owner of it. We won''t help for leaked scripts.
  3. Hmm ok. I don't need it anymore because i managed to make a another with element data.
  4. teQuilla THANKS ALOT! ALOT!
  5. Sam1er i meaned if i have 10 Wanted points and i get jailed that time . Then i will be jailed for 10 seconds. (1xWP) Is thier a way for it?
  6. Hello players. I have a question. How to jail by Wanted Points not level. Is thier a way. Like 1 wp = 1 second. Please help me! Rgds, Anubhav
  7. Thanks for correcting me. Fixed.
  8. LOL. object = createObject(980, 3283.3999023438, 261.10000610352, 14.10000038147) marker = createMarker(3284, 261.29998779297, 1, "cylinder", 2, 100, 0, 0, 100) function gateo(thePlayer) if (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) == "Team") then moveObject(object, 2500, 3283.3999023438, 261.10000610352, 14.10000038147, 5) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker,gateo) function gatec(thePlayer) if (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) == "Team") then moveObject(object,3283.3999023438, 261.10000610352, 14.10000038147) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave",marker,gatec) addEventHandler's seconds argument would bad. !
  9. Thanks for report. But you could PM too. Add me on skype anubhav.agarwal87 i will tell you how to make it.
  10. If you want by acl use isObjectInAcl or use guiSetInputMode for VIP's account name.
  11. Anubhav

    Last Help me !

    You can use Mysql or use XML.
  12. You can also do it by random messages each 5 minutes. local theMessages = { 'Welcome to the server!', 'Visit our website. [url=http://www.randomforum.com']http://www.randomforum.com'[/url], 'Enjoy our server.' } function outputit() local r,g,b = 255,0,0 outputChatBox(theMessages[math.random(#theMessages)],ROOT,255,0,0) end setTimer(outputit,300000,0)
  13. Anubhav


    No problem! OFF-TOPIC: 300 Posts ! HURRAY!
  14. Anubhav


    No. addCommandHandler( "wantedoff", function ( ) setElementData( source, "wantedlevelB4death", getPlayerWantedLevel( source ), false ); local wantedlevel = getElementData( source, "wantedlevelB4death" ); takePlayerMoney ( 5000 ) if wantedlevel > 0 then setPlayerWantedLevel( source, wantedlevel ); end end end )
  15. Anubhav

    Easy Help!

    Lol. Why da hell you are triggering it client to server? Trigger it server to client. Server: function AccountName() local acc = getAccountName ( source ) if acc then triggerClientEvent("AccountName",source,acc) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),AccountName) Client: function AccountName(acc) guiSetText(AccName,acc) end addEventHandler("AccountName",root,AccountName) addEvent("AccountName",true) I think it will work. like this.
  16. [lua] addCommandHandler ( "goto", -- the command handler function ( thePlayer, cmd, ID ) -- The function local ID = tonumber ( ID ) -- It will add the ID as you told /goto ID. It must be a number. end )
  17. Anubhav


    Lol. Add one more end simple.
  18. Anubhav

    Stack Overflow

    We won't fix it for leaked scripts.
  19. Anubhav


    function() local g_Me = getLocalPlayer() if ( getElementData(g_Me,"Arena" ) == "Freeroam" ) then setSkyGradient(60, 100, 196, 136, 170, 212) else resetSkyGradient() elseif ( getElementData(g_Me,"Arena" ) == "Stuntage" ) then setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, false) else setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, true) elseif ( getElementData(g_Me,"Arena" ) == "DayZ" ) then showPlayerHudComponent("crosshair",true) showPlayerHudComponent("radar",true) setWeather(8) setRainLevel(0) else setWeather(0) resetRainLevel() end end end end
  20. Anubhav

    Stack Overflow

    Where is xmlFileName defined? + If its in resource type the name ei: xmlFile.xml
  21. Remove the else from 49. I think it will work then.
  22. Anubhav


    Lol. its onClientGUIClick not onClientGUICLick addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then panel = guiCreateWindow(591, 88, 226, 599, "Trucker", false) guiWindowSetSizable(panel, false) viaje1 = guiCreateButton(10, 33, 208, 47, "Los Santos 8000 $", false, panel) viaje2 = guiCreateButton(10, 90, 208, 47, "Las Venturas 8000 $", false, panel) viaje3 = guiCreateButton(10, 147, 208, 47, "San Fierro 5000 $", false, panel) viaje4 = guiCreateButton(10, 204, 208, 47, "WhetStone 10000 $", false, panel) showCursor ( true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", viaje1, viaje11, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", viaje2, viaje22, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", viaje3, viaje33, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", viaje4, viaje44, false ) end end ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function viaje11 ( hitElement ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetVisible (panel, not guiGetVisible ( panel ) ) triggerServerEvent ( "onGreetinA", localPlayer ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", viaje11, true ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function viaje22 ( commandName ) triggerServerEvent ( "onGreetinB", localPlayer ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", viaje22, true ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function viaje33 ( commandName ) triggerServerEvent ( "onGreetinC", localPlayer ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", viaje33, true ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function viaje44 ( commandName ) triggerServerEvent ( "onGreetinD", localPlayer ) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", viaje44, true )
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