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Everything posted by Anubhav
No problem!
Wait? getPlayerName with a text which is not a string? First arguement should be the player element shouldn't it be?
addCommandHandler ( "setlevel", function( thePlayer, _, playerName, Level ) local Level = tonumber ( Level ) or 0 local ThePlayer = getPlayerFromPartialName(tostring(playerName)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then if ( ThePlayer ) then setElementData( ThePlayer,"Level",Level ) outputChatBox ( "Succesfully set " ..getPlayerName(ThePlayer).. "#00C800's Level to "..Level.." !", getRootElement(), 0, 200, 0, true , source ) triggerClientEvent(ThePlayer, 'LevelSound', ThePlayer ) else outputChatBox ( "Couldn't find '" ..playerName1.. "#00C800'", getRootElement(), 200, 0, 0, true , source ) end end end )
Better use onPlayerLogin
The help was solved, I made it yesterday. I think cody should've posted it here.
+1. It should be like this: replaceVehicleFileWith(file file, file with). So only servers can do it. Can make lag I think.
There can be problem in the exported function,
Yes as long the code is of txd. I am realy not sure, you should try testing it. If it doesn't work use downloadFile
If you want to hire me, you can hire me for free. I am ready to make each and every script you want! I guarantee quality, and no bugs. If there are bugs, I'll fix them immediately if I have time. After thursday I'll be free. I have exams, I can make small scripts for now. Coming to Bod:RPG.
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) uSound = playSound3D( '', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) end ) addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) local distance = tonumber(distance) if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end if uSound then setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance)) end end ) addCommandHandler("setsound", function(command, soundURL) if uSound then stopSound(uSound) end backup = uSound destroyElement(uSound) uSound = nil uSound = playSound3D(tostring(soundURL), 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) if uSound then destroyElement(backup) backup = nil outputChatBox('Sound was successfully changed!') else uSound = nil uSound = backup destroyElement(backup) backup = nil end end )
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) uSound = playSound3D( '', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) end ) addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) local distance = tonumber(distance) if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end if uSound then setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance)) end end )
Hello! I'm Anubhav from a group named [A-team] ( Anubhav's Scripting Team )! Are you looking for a scripter? Yes? Contact me at anubhav.agarwal87! I am ready to make some scripts for free. I maxiumly cost for scripts $3 and for gamemodes $10. Its to cheap right? I need help! Do you need help in scripting? You can also contact me on skype for it! I want to join! If you want to join you can contact me. You must know proper scripting with SQL. I want to learn scripting! I'm still ready to make you learn basics of scriptings. Then you can go for the wiki! NOTE: I'm not planning to scam in anyway. I don't want to defame my name! Customers: CodyLewiz - Things Done: Alot - Price: Free! marty - Things Done: Many - Price: $1 Ahmet Eren - Things Done: Vehicle spawner - Price: 50c My community scripts! Check my signature out.
huehuehue hueee very pro prou
Thanks and no problem.
function aleatorio () Nombre_Jugador = getPlayerName(Jugador) if getPlayerCount() < minPlayers then return outputChatBox("#4e4e4e* #ff8800[Random ]#ffffff Not enought players to get free Cash | Min. Players:#ff8800 " ..minPlayers.. "",root,255,255,255,true) end if minPlayers <= getPlayerCount() then outputChatBox("#4e4e4e* #ff8800[Random ]#ffffff " ..Nombre_Jugador.. " #ffffffgot #ff8800" ..Dinero.. " #ffffffby #ff8800Random System",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) givePlayerMoney(Jugador, Dinero) end end setTimer(aleatoriocash,3000,0)
It loads perfect for me. Please see if the meta.xml exists in the folder where script is.
function buttonEnter () if source == freeRoomButton then --freeRoomAnimImg = guiCreateStaticImage(500,500,675,122,"files/images/freeroam_hover.png",false,lobbyWindow) fh = guiStaticImageLoadImage(freeRoom,"files/images/freeroam_hover.png") outputDebugString("freeroam anim image") else return end if source == sumoButton then --sumoAnimImg = guiCreateStaticImage(500,300,675,122,"files/images/sumo_hover.png",false,lobbyWindow) sh = guiStaticImageLoadImage(sumoRoom,"files/images/sumo_hover.png") outputDebugString("sumo anim image") else return end end addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", getRootElement(),buttonEnter) function buttonExit () if source == freeRoomButton then freeRoom = guiCreateStaticImage(500,500,675,122,"files/images/freeroam.png",false,lobbyWindow) guiStaticImageLoadImage(freeRoom ,"files/images/freeroam.png") outputDebugString("freeroam image") end if source == sumoButton then sumoRoom = guiCreateStaticImage(500,300,675,122,"files/images/sumo.png",false,lobbyWindow) guiStaticImageLoadImage(sumoRoom ,"files/images/sumo.png") outputDebugString("sumo image") end end addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", getRootElement(),buttonExit)
local pBlips = { } addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addTeamBlip(player) end end ) function addTeamBlip(player) if ( pBlips[player] ) then return false end -- Adding a prevention of duplicate blips local pAccount = getPlayerAccount(player) local theGang = ( pAccount and isGuestAccount(pAccount) == false ) or exports["gang_system"]:getAccountGang(pAccount) if ( theGang ) then local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor( player ) local theBlip = createBlipAttachedTo( player, 0, 2, r, g, b ) -- Change visibility to only the team members setElementVisibleTo( theBlip, root, false ) for index, value in ipairs ( exports["gang_system"]:getGangMembers(theGang) ) do setElementVisibleTo( theBlip, value, true ) end pBlips[player] = theBlip end end function destroyBlip(element) local theElement = source or element if ( theElement ) then destroyElement(pBlips[theElement]) pBlips[theElement] = nil -- Just in-case... end end -- Events addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, addTeamBlip ) -- onPlayerSpawn will now add a teamBlip addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, destroyBlip ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, destroyBlip ) @Dakilla: Read his script properly and see the last line. An ] and one more thing he did at line 14
playerCars = {} function garage1(source) fadeCamera( source, true, 5) setCameraMatrix(source, 1873, -2101, 14, 1873, -2101, 14) playerCars[source] = createVehicle(345, 1873, -2101, 14) setElementVisibleTo(playerCars[source], root, false) setElementVisibleTo(playerCars[source], source, true) outputChatBox ( "#FF9E00Welcome to the garage!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("g1", garage1) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() if playerCars[source] then destroyElement(playerCars[source]) playerCars[source] = nil end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() if playerCars[source] then destroyElement(playerCars[source]) playerCars[source] = nil end end ) I-guess.
DeVo @ I don't think you understood him. Dentos @ setElementVisibleTo in a loop would do it.
function garage1(source) fadeCamera( source, true, 5) setCameraMatrix(source, 1873, -2101, 14, 1873, -2101, 14) --Un extra... outputChatBox ( "#FF9E00Welcome to the garage!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("g1", garage1) Edit: GoldenEye was faster
No problem. toggleAllControls(true, true, true)
I realy don't like CIT, But I just made it by GUI-Editor, because I had to study for exams. Yesterday was my first :3 Ty