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  1. In case you don't know, GTI reopened under a new name. https://igcrpg.com
  2. If you have a super fast internet then yes. Of course if you use 1tb for a MTA server there must be a problem somewhere.
  3. https://fulltimehosting.net/ Full Time Hosting is a new game hosting provider which provides premium servers. Our goal is to provide lag free servers. Most providers overload their servers to make profit so your server is laggy and you lose players. That's not the case with us. We want to provide you lag free servers and no downtime. We guarantee 99.9% uptime meaning we're always on! We know downtimes make you lose players and we do not want that! When buying a game hosting package, you get web hosting for free! You can also request nginx as external http server by opening a ticket so your players can download resources blazingly fast! We also offer teamspeak hosting. MULTI THEFT AUTO 10-256 Slots $0.10 USD per slot 99.9% Uptime 30GB Disk space 1 MySQL Database Control Panel & FTP Location(s): Germany For those interested, here is a map with ping you could get to our servers: You can also request a 24 hours trial by opening a ticket. https://fulltimehosting.net/
  4. Hello, I'm scripting a bus driver job and I have a location table. local stops = { {1825.586, -1827.725, 12.414}, {1976.795, -1756.753, 12.383}, ... } and I want to make it so when the player hits the marker, it gets the next location/row. I tried with for i,v in ipairs(stops) do local x,y,z = v[i+1] but it doesnt work. Thanks
  5. What if I want that other players see that the element is destroyed?
  6. if I use King12's code I get `getElementType: Expected element at argument one, got nil.` if I add `if isElement(hitElement) then` I dont get any error but the object doesnt disapear. thanks
  7. it doesnt work, I also tried to put `if hitElement then` but the object doesn't disapear. Thanks
  8. Hello, I would like to have a script that would make the object disapear when we shoot at it. I tried with function Hit(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement) if weapon == 31 then if (getElementModel(hitElement) == 2021) then destroyElement(hitElement) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), Hit) but it doesnt work. Thanks
  9. Emile

    [HELP] Pizza job

    I found it. It's setTimer(setPedAnimation,500,1,localPlayer, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, false) setTimer(setPedAnimation,500,1,localPlayer, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, true)
  10. Try this: function garage1(source) fadeCamera( source, true, 5) setCameraMatrix( source, 1873, -2101, 14, 1873, -2101, 14) --Un extra... outputChatBox ( "#FF9E00Welcome to the garage!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("g1", garage1)
  11. Emile

    [HELP] Pizza job

    Not working... I cannot move
  12. Emile

    [HELP] Pizza job

    Thanks guys, it's working! I got another problem, I want to make the ped holds the pizza box. I used setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", -1, true, true, false, false) but how can I make the ped movable? I heard that I must use setControlState but how do I use it? Thanks
  13. Emile

    [HELP] Pizza job

    It doesnt work... Attempt to get length of upvalue `pizzas` (a number value)
  14. Hello, I'm having trouble scripting a pizza job. I want to make it so that you deliver 8 pizzas then you need to get new pizzas. When I deliver a pizza, it doesn't go down. This is a part of my script: local pizzas = 0 local pcount = "0" pizzasLeft = guiCreateLabel (0.82, 0.5, 5, 3.5, "Pizzas: "..pcount.."/8", true) function pay() if ( source == marker ) then givePlayerMoney(5000) local pizzas = pizzas - 1 local pcount = tostring(pizzas) guiSetText(pizzasLeft, "Pizzas: " ..pcount.."/8") destroyElement(marker) destroyElement(blip) destroyElement(pizzabox) outputChatBox("Get in a Pizza Boy to get a new mission", 255, 204, 0) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), pay ) function refillmarker() if pizzas < 1 then refmarker = createMarker ( -1805, 944, 23.9, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 25, 0, 170 ) refblip = createBlipAttachedTo(refmarker, 29) outputChatBox("Go to the pizza store to get new pizzas") function refill() if ( source == refmarker ) then pizzas = 8 local pcount = tostring(pizzas) guiSetText(pizzasLeft, "Pizzas: " ..pcount.."/8") destroyElement(refmarker) destroyElement(refblip) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), refill ) Thanks for your help
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