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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. Wait? getPlayerName with a text which is not a string? First arguement should be the player element shouldn't it be?
  2. addCommandHandler ( "setlevel", function( thePlayer, _, playerName, Level ) local Level = tonumber ( Level ) or 0 local ThePlayer = getPlayerFromPartialName(tostring(playerName)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then if ( ThePlayer ) then setElementData( ThePlayer,"Level",Level ) outputChatBox ( "Succesfully set " ..getPlayerName(ThePlayer).. "#00C800's Level to "..Level.." !", getRootElement(), 0, 200, 0, true , source ) triggerClientEvent(ThePlayer, 'LevelSound', ThePlayer ) else outputChatBox ( "Couldn't find '" ..playerName1.. "#00C800'", getRootElement(), 200, 0, 0, true , source ) end end end )
  3. The help was solved, I made it yesterday. I think cody should've posted it here.
  4. +1. It should be like this: replaceVehicleFileWith(file file, file with). So only servers can do it. Can make lag I think.
  5. There can be problem in the exported function,
  6. Yes as long the code is of txd. I am realy not sure, you should try testing it. If it doesn't work use downloadFile
  7. Anubhav


    If you want to hire me, you can hire me for free. I am ready to make each and every script you want! I guarantee quality, and no bugs. If there are bugs, I'll fix them immediately if I have time. After thursday I'll be free. I have exams, I can make small scripts for now. Coming to Bod:RPG.
  8. addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) uSound = playSound3D( 'http://www.181.fm/asx.php?station=181-eagle', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) end ) addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) local distance = tonumber(distance) if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end if uSound then setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance)) end end ) addCommandHandler("setsound", function(command, soundURL) if uSound then stopSound(uSound) end backup = uSound destroyElement(uSound) uSound = nil uSound = playSound3D(tostring(soundURL), 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) if uSound then destroyElement(backup) backup = nil outputChatBox('Sound was successfully changed!') else uSound = nil uSound = backup destroyElement(backup) backup = nil end end )
  9. addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) uSound = playSound3D( 'http://www.181.fm/asx.php?station=181-eagle', 484.724609375, -1830.3310546875, 5.415961265564) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 110 ) end ) addCommandHandler("setsoundistance", function(command, distance) local distance = tonumber(distance) if not tonumber(tostring(distance)) then return end if uSound then setSoundMaxDistance(uSound, tonumber(tostring(distance)) end end )
  10. Anubhav


    Hello! I'm Anubhav from a group named [A-team] ( Anubhav's Scripting Team )! Are you looking for a scripter? Yes? Contact me at anubhav.agarwal87! I am ready to make some scripts for free. I maxiumly cost for scripts $3 and for gamemodes $10. Its to cheap right? I need help! Do you need help in scripting? You can also contact me on skype for it! I want to join! If you want to join you can contact me. You must know proper scripting with SQL. I want to learn scripting! I'm still ready to make you learn basics of scriptings. Then you can go for the wiki! NOTE: I'm not planning to scam in anyway. I don't want to defame my name! Customers: CodyLewiz - Things Done: Alot - Price: Free! marty - Things Done: Many - Price: $1 Ahmet Eren - Things Done: Vehicle spawner - Price: 50c My community scripts! Check my signature out.
  11. Anubhav

    The last reply

    huehuehue hueee very pro prou
  12. function aleatorio () Nombre_Jugador = getPlayerName(Jugador) if getPlayerCount() < minPlayers then return outputChatBox("#4e4e4e* #ff8800[Random ]#ffffff Not enought players to get free Cash | Min. Players:#ff8800 " ..minPlayers.. "",root,255,255,255,true) end if minPlayers <= getPlayerCount() then outputChatBox("#4e4e4e* #ff8800[Random ]#ffffff " ..Nombre_Jugador.. " #ffffffgot #ff8800" ..Dinero.. " #ffffffby #ff8800Random System",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) givePlayerMoney(Jugador, Dinero) end end setTimer(aleatoriocash,3000,0)
  13. It loads perfect for me. Please see if the meta.xml exists in the folder where script is.
  14. function buttonEnter () if source == freeRoomButton then --freeRoomAnimImg = guiCreateStaticImage(500,500,675,122,"files/images/freeroam_hover.png",false,lobbyWindow) fh = guiStaticImageLoadImage(freeRoom,"files/images/freeroam_hover.png") outputDebugString("freeroam anim image") else return end if source == sumoButton then --sumoAnimImg = guiCreateStaticImage(500,300,675,122,"files/images/sumo_hover.png",false,lobbyWindow) sh = guiStaticImageLoadImage(sumoRoom,"files/images/sumo_hover.png") outputDebugString("sumo anim image") else return end end addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", getRootElement(),buttonEnter) function buttonExit () if source == freeRoomButton then freeRoom = guiCreateStaticImage(500,500,675,122,"files/images/freeroam.png",false,lobbyWindow) guiStaticImageLoadImage(freeRoom ,"files/images/freeroam.png") outputDebugString("freeroam image") end if source == sumoButton then sumoRoom = guiCreateStaticImage(500,300,675,122,"files/images/sumo.png",false,lobbyWindow) guiStaticImageLoadImage(sumoRoom ,"files/images/sumo.png") outputDebugString("sumo image") end end addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", getRootElement(),buttonExit)
  15. local pBlips = { } addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for index, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addTeamBlip(player) end end ) function addTeamBlip(player) if ( pBlips[player] ) then return false end -- Adding a prevention of duplicate blips local pAccount = getPlayerAccount(player) local theGang = ( pAccount and isGuestAccount(pAccount) == false ) or exports["gang_system"]:getAccountGang(pAccount) if ( theGang ) then local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor( player ) local theBlip = createBlipAttachedTo( player, 0, 2, r, g, b ) -- Change visibility to only the team members setElementVisibleTo( theBlip, root, false ) for index, value in ipairs ( exports["gang_system"]:getGangMembers(theGang) ) do setElementVisibleTo( theBlip, value, true ) end pBlips[player] = theBlip end end function destroyBlip(element) local theElement = source or element if ( theElement ) then destroyElement(pBlips[theElement]) pBlips[theElement] = nil -- Just in-case... end end -- Events addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, addTeamBlip ) -- onPlayerSpawn will now add a teamBlip addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, destroyBlip ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, destroyBlip ) @Dakilla: Read his script properly and see the last line. An ] and one more thing he did at line 14
  16. playerCars = {} function garage1(source) fadeCamera( source, true, 5) setCameraMatrix(source, 1873, -2101, 14, 1873, -2101, 14) playerCars[source] = createVehicle(345, 1873, -2101, 14) setElementVisibleTo(playerCars[source], root, false) setElementVisibleTo(playerCars[source], source, true) outputChatBox ( "#FF9E00Welcome to the garage!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("g1", garage1) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() if playerCars[source] then destroyElement(playerCars[source]) playerCars[source] = nil end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() if playerCars[source] then destroyElement(playerCars[source]) playerCars[source] = nil end end ) I-guess.
  17. DeVo @ I don't think you understood him. Dentos @ setElementVisibleTo in a loop would do it.
  18. function garage1(source) fadeCamera( source, true, 5) setCameraMatrix(source, 1873, -2101, 14, 1873, -2101, 14) --Un extra... outputChatBox ( "#FF9E00Welcome to the garage!", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end addCommandHandler("g1", garage1) Edit: GoldenEye was faster
  19. No problem. toggleAllControls(true, true, true)
  20. I realy don't like CIT, But I just made it by GUI-Editor, because I had to study for exams. Yesterday was my first :3 Ty
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