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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. function buster(p) --print("SERVER BUST") triggerClientEvent("onBusted",p) end addCommandHandler("bust",buster) CommandHandler is not a EventHandler.
  2. local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local spacer = dxGetFontHeight(1.2,"default") local name = "" local splashpath = "" local text = "" function draw(splashpath,text) local dg = dxDrawImage(sw*.1,sh*.65,sw*.900,sh*.600,"tt.png") local nm = dxDrawText(name,sw*.3,sh*.85) local spl = dxDrawImage(sw*.12,sh*.72,sw*.200,sh*.400,splashpath) local txt = dxDrawText(text,sw*.29,sh*.90+spacer) end function drawDialogue(splashpath,name,text) name = "bartender" splashpath = "bartender.png" text = "test" addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,draw) end drawDialogue("bartender.png","bartender","testing the shoots")
  3. 21 line replace getLocalPlayer() with root. Also 13 line replace outputDebugScript with outputDebugString
  4. Wouldn't even work? bindKey 1st argument requires player at server side. 2nd. He doesn't want to create GUI as far as I see.
  5. I guess setCameraTarget or getCameraTarget and maybe combine it with a timer/render?
  6. You can see that in the video, AFAIK the IP's are same I once had tried to connect to STORM:RPG by IP din't work but by searching and then clicking on it it worked STROM's server IP is: mtasa:// as fine i can see in the browser. Edit: I just tried to connect to that IP and everything is working i mean STROM's IP Dude, I mentioned "ONCE". It works for me now.
  7. You can see that in the video, AFAIK the IP's are same I once had tried to connect to STORM:RPG by IP din't work but by searching and then clicking on it it worked
  8. Hello again! https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=13002 Features: [*] Allows you to create teams and they're all saved in SQLite database so you can transport it from anywhere to anywhere! [*] Allows you to delete teams from scoreboard (If it is in the SQLite Database, it will be removed too). [*] Allows you to do it through commands! [*} settings.lua to set some settings. (no worries, it will not be a compiled resource!) [*] Conform window for deleting team [*] Player management - Allows you to set a player's team to nothing and any team! Commands: /tcreate /tdelete save should be true or false, red green and blue are the colors and must be a number and team name should be a string. Save for /tcreate works like this: - true: It will save the team and add it to database - false: It will add the team but not save it to the databse Save for /tdelete works like this: - true: It will delete the team from scoreboard and database. - false: It will delete the team from scoreboard but not database 0.0.4 released: [*] Alignment is better [*] Shortened text to read so that you don't need to waste time on reading. [*] Made it so that in the Delete window the team will be coloured. (the colour will be the colour of the team) [*] Close button added --------------------- Screenshots:
  9. Convert it to a string by looping. Then save it in the XML. use split to get it back as table.
  10. Are you sure there is no error? It is possible you have a wrong col-shape, trying a radar area to check if its correct
  11. if (var =< 3 and var => 5) then
  12. Any /debugscript 3 errors?
  13. You can only set a team of a player not a zombie/ped. tempCol = createColCuboid ( 1039.5322265625, -10860.85546875, 1352.7685546875,230.0, 50000.0, 90.0 ) function base (thePlayer) if getElementType(thePlayer) ~= "player" then if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "ped" ) then killPed( thePlayer ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", tempCol, base )
  14. onClientVehicleEnter and check if the car is infernus (411) and then if it is set the world property. onClientVehicleExit and check if the car he left was 411 then remove the world property.
  15. Stop over-writing MTA's main functions. function cal(killer) local killername = getPlayerName ( killer ) local sourcename = getPlayerName ( source ) local killergroup = getElementData(killer,"NameGroup") local killedgroup = getElementData ( source, "NameGroup" ) if killer then outputChatBox(killername.."'s group: "..tostring(killergroup).." "..sourcename.."'s group:"..tostring(killedgroup)) end end addEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", true) addEventHandler("kilLDayZPlayer", getRootElement(), cal)
  16. It won't as getBoundKeys return a table. playersTime = {} playersTimer = {} keys = {} addEventHandler( "onClientKey", root, function(button,press) local ckeys = getBoundKeys("crouch") if (ckeys) then for i, v in ipairs(ckeys) do keys[v] = true end end if (keys[button]) and (press) then if not(playersTimer[localPlayer]) then playersTimer[localPlayer] = setTimer(function() end, 1000, 1) playersTime[localPlayer] = 0 return end if (isTimer(playersTimer[localPlayer])) then playersTime[localPlayer] = playersTime[localPlayer] + 1 return else playersTimer[localPlayer] = nil outputChatBox("You have pressed the crouch Key "..playersTime[localPlayer].." times") playersTime[localPlayer] = nil end end end )
  17. Then do it by yourself. This is not a request forum. We are helping you, and you are making us do things. This forum ("Scripting") is for help not for requesting
  18. Your USB has a problem, change your mouse USB's USB port. Maybe it will work, my one USB is malfunctioned too.
  19. Your slots in your mtaserv.conf (what it was) should be less than 4092. That's what the error says, it is more than 4092 which is not allowed.
  20. function test2 () dxDrawText("Test", (sx-612), (sy-29), 780, 752, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, true, true, false) end function add() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, test2) end addCommandHandler( "test", add )
  21. Anubhav

    vehicle damage

    function damageYes (player,vehicle) setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) setElementFrozen(source, false) end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), damageYes) function damageNo (s) setVehicleDamageProof(s, true) setElementFrozen(s, true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), damageNo)
  22. If you're talking about a server and it's resources, No. Just NO. You will not be provided links for such things, they are leaked (most probably). If it's open-source/available to community with the permission from owner of the scripts, then yeah, you will get those links by some people. I strongly recommend you to make your own scripts as it gives you flexibility to work around it and such leaked modes (maybe?) can have alot of bugs and they are hard to fix as you have no idea about the code.
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