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Everything posted by #RooTs

  1. thanks, DuH I could learn more from you
  2. #RooTs

    Prone Animation

    you will only see,, if he has too, he will see
  3. #RooTs

    Prone Animation

    it is installed in GTA: SA ( this works in MTA: SA,, more only you can view ) Link download(page BR-Pt) http://www.mtabrasil.com.br/2013/06/ani ... tirar.html
  4. That would be nice, to be able to change the officer who is the "T"
  5. HUD Not working in gameplay
  6. Acho que aqui você não ira consegui vender, e vai ser muito deficil, pois tem vários na net pra baixar....
  7. the money for back caractere ( | ) symbolizes the end of the screen <<<<<<<<< $500| $0| Look image
  8. Client.lua local newFont = dxCreateFont( "font/font.ttf", 15 ) local newFont2 = dxCreateFont( "font/font.ttf", 9 ) local newFont3 = dxCreateFont( "font/font.ttf", 24 ) local LOCAL_PLAYER = getLocalPlayer() pos = getElementPosition(LOCAL_PLAYER) showPlayerHudComponent("radar",true) showPlayerHudComponent ("weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "ammo", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ("vehicle_name", false ) function dxtest() local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition( LOCAL_PLAYER ) -- Get player's coordinates. local playerZoneName = getZoneName( playerX, playerY, playerZ ) local health = string.format("%03d", (getElementHealth(LOCAL_PLAYER))) local armor = math.floor (getPedArmor(LOCAL_PLAYER)) local stat = getPedStat(LOCAL_PLAYER,24) local time = getRealTime() local hr,mins = getTime() local time3 = hr..":"..(((mins <10) and "0"..mins) or mins) local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawImage((740/1024)*sWidth, (8/768)*sHeight, (283/1024)*sWidth, (120/768)*sHeight, "outras/background.png",0,0,0,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) dxDrawImage((868/1024)*sWidth, (60/768)*sHeight, (148/1024)*sWidth, (38/768)*sHeight, "outras/background.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) dxDrawImage((873/1024)*sWidth, (63/768)*sHeight, (22/1024)*sWidth, (33/768)*sHeight, "outras/$.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) dxDrawImage((765/1024)*sWidth, (25/768)*sHeight, (85/1024)*sWidth, (85/768)*sHeight, "img/"..getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer())..".png") --money back local moneycount = getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) local money = ' ' ..moneycount -- Money dxDrawText(tostring (money),(886/1024)*sWidth, (63/768)*sHeight, (310/1024)*sWidth, (60/768)*sHeight, tocolor(255,255,255,255), (sWidth/1024)*1.10, newFont,"left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawText(tostring (armor).." %",(875/1024)*sWidth, (24/768)*sHeight, (310/1024)*sWidth, (60/768)*sHeight, tocolor(255,255,255,255), (sWidth/1024)*0.40, newFont3,"left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage((845.7/1024)*sWidth, (24/768)*sHeight, (30/1024)*sWidth, (20/768)*sHeight, "outras/armor.png") dxDrawText(tostring (health).." %",(950/1024)*sWidth, (19/768)*sHeight, (310/1024)*sWidth, (60/768)*sHeight, tocolor(255,255,255,255), (sWidth/1024)*0.60, newFont3,"left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage((920.7/1024)*sWidth, (19/768)*sHeight, (30/1024)*sWidth, (30/768)*sHeight, "outras/HP.png") end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(), dxtest) root = getResourceRootElement() function changeit() showPlayerHudComponent("money",false) showPlayerHudComponent("area_name",false) showPlayerHudComponent("health",false) showPlayerHudComponent("clock",false) showPlayerHudComponent("armour",false) showPlayerHudComponent("oxygen",false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",root, changeit) addEvent("onEnter",true) addEventHandler("onEnter",getRootElement(),carHealth) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),carHealth)
  9. I know just want to clarify, if is function right
  10. what is the function of increasing money back? I do not intendi very well, because it has some scripts that have "local" local moneycount=getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) this work add "local" ? Show me an example, please is this the same? moneycount=getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) money= '$ ' ..moneycount -- Money dxDrawText(tostring (money),sWidth-200,sHeight-35,sWidth-5,sHeight-35,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1.7,digFont,"right","top",false,false,false) Example |$0 >>>>> <<<<< $0| Example end
  11. nossa cara, não tem facebook, dificil emm, nem skype ? piorou kkkkkkkk acho dificil manter contato com você te desejo boa sorte ( dessa maneira não irá achar o que quer aqui )
  12. Nada disso, tenho esse mesmo problema sem usa nenhuma Script, aparas Scripts oficiais do MTA acredito que esse problema é causado por Ajustes de Resoluções tente ajusta uma resolução adequada para a sua TELA. se não der certo tente REINSTALAR o seu MTA novamente
  13. ta mais iai ? cade seus contatos ?? Skype, Face e email ?
  14. very thanks I will only have this problem now viewtopic.php?f=91&t=75298&start=45
  15. #RooTs

    Server name

    Very nice job ( ..: D&G :.. )
  16. Yes, nothing is working, can someone help me of really?
  17. Saudades de vc meu amigo DNL291, pode me mostra o EXEMPLO porque o Blip do player fico em cima do blip adicionado, tem como fazer ele por cima do blip do player ???
  18. fico meio zuado mapa no F11 + radar
  19. I will soon add the name of the vehicle in Message ChatBox
  20. if you want something, call me by MP
  21. Add, message color Add, Nick name in ChatBox Server.lua
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