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Everything posted by Dealman

  1. I mean don't move the placeholder, which is invisble. Just build with them along the path the ship is going. It's really hard to help when you don't provide enough information what is actually going on with the ship.
  2. Well there's a slightly awkward workaround you can make. But in general, the answer is no, because when an object is moved - it loses its collision for a split second. What you could do, is get a long object, with the same or close to the width of your ship. And set the alpha to 0, that way it should be invisible but keep its collision. And of course, do not move this object.
  3. Are you sure the voice resource is running? I once made a resource for voice which used 'rooms' to talk with people. It is to my experience that the voice resource is in a utterly terrible state. The maximum volume is ridiculously quiet, making it basically useless, and muting is a bit awkward. I made a thread about this and Talidan said he'd take a look at it, but haven't heard anything of it since.
  4. Would help if you could provide more information on what exactly you want it to do. When should it be triggered? Will it be a script that runs all the time on the server - or a map-side script? Player limits and so on and so forth.
  5. I believe there's a resource on the resource community which does this for you. You select the points an it generates the code for you. Search a little bit and you'll find it
  6. You might want to post some details about your server... What is it, what does it have to offer? Why should we join yours and not others?
  7. What does that have to do with server names being stolen...? @jameshargus: It can't really be stolen unless it's a trademarked name. After all, he did say he was gonna delete it, so he's only got himself to blame in this case. You two will simply just try to come to some agreement.
  8. So long as you don't enter the water via the surface, you won't get killed. So if you spawn directly underwater, you'll be fine
  9. Dealman


    It's basically the same as a login panel, only that UCP is a more commonly used term for it.
  10. In a server-side Lua script file. I'm sure you can figure out what event to use if you read the Wiki
  11. If you're manually editing the ACL while the server is running, you'll have to restart the server. Or use the function aclReload(Which also requires permission to use). You can edit the ACL on-the-fly via the default admin panel.
  12. getPedOccupiedVehicle requires a player element, not a vehicle element. Read about the functions your script is using, and read about how they work - and what they return.
  13. Use the function getRandomPlayer. This function will get 1 random player, then store the returned value(player element) in a variable. For example; randomTerrorist = getRandomPlayer() Then you make a for loop for all players, and make a basic comparsion; local randomTerrorist = getRandomPlayer() local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") -- Can also use getAlivePlayers for k, v in ipairs(allPlayers) do if(v ~= randomTerrorist) then -- If the player is NOT the player stored in randomTerrorist, continue. outputChatBox("You are innocent!", v, 0, 187, 0, true) elseif(v == randomTerrorist) then -- Else if the player IS the terrorist, do this; outputChatBox("You are the terrorist!", v, 187, 0, 0, true) end end Then when you execute this is for you to figure out what suits you best. If you need any further help, don't hesitate to ask!
  14. Source of onVehicleExit is the vehicle, not the player. A vehicle is not a player/ped.
  15. Can't you use the event onClientVehicleDamage and cancel the event? Check what damaged the car, if it was a rocket - remove 10% of the hit vehicle's health...?
  16. You'll need to trigger a client-side event for all players via the server. That event in return plays the audio. Read about these; triggerClientEvent addEvent As for the command, you simply add an argument to the function attached to the command handler. -- Server Side [usage: /stream [url=http://www.url.com]http://www.url.com[/url]] function exampleCommand_Handler(thePlayer, theCMD, theURL) if(theURL ~= nil and theURL ~= "") then outputChatBox(tostring(theURL)) -- Trigger a Client event for all players, and pass along the URL with it. triggerClientEvent("eventNameHere", getRootElement(), thePlayer, theURL) end end addCommandHandler("Stream", exampleCommand_Handler, false, false) -- Client Side function examplePlayAudio_Handler(theStreamer, theURL) if(getElementType(theStreamer == "player") then if(theUrl ~= nil and theUrl ~= "") then theSound = playSound(theURL) -- Play the sound and store the element in a variable. outputChatBox(getPlayerName(theStreamer).." is now Streaming!") end end end addEvent("eventNameHere", true) addEventHandler("eventNameHere", getRootElement(), examplePlayAudio_Handler) (I'm at work currently so the code provided above is not tested and might contain some typo or whatnot, but should give you an idea of how it works.)
  17. Simple yet sleek, the way I like it. I think if you were to change your Interface Theme to Lighter Black, you'd do it more justice A change I'd suggest would be; Change the layout of Member Chat to make it look less like a log, and instead more like a chat; Player 1(Alternatively show acc name here?): Yo dogs Maybe the date and time of the message too? Other than that, great job!
  18. Speak for yourself, I've seen some really kind souls here. While it is true that this is the wrong place to request such a script in, there are people whom are more than willing to help so long as it's not something ridiculously advanced. Throw me a PM with some more information and I might help you out after work.
  19. This is possibly the most redundant statement I have seen on this forum thus far.
  20. Dealman

    [HELP] Please

    I believe what he is asking for is the ability to set health(For MTA DayZ) directly through the 'default' Admin Panel. I'd help since I've modified the panel before, but I do not know what functions your gamemode use to set the health, and I'm currently at work, so I won't be able to help for a few hours.
  21. Dealman

    Help me!

    Basically he wants Need For Speed-like nitro. Only activate while key is held down. I think it's available in community resources, take a look there.
  22. Dealman

    idiot question

    local cR, cG, cB, cA = 255, 0, 0, 255 local theColour = tocolor(cR, cG, cB, cA) Use this and you can change the colour while it's rendering. Simply replace tocolor(x, x, x, x) with theColour. Change as you please
  23. Dealman

    dx panel

    local drawingPanel = false; function startDrawing_CMD() if(drawingPanel == false) then addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), draw); drawingPanel = true; else removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), draw); drawingPanel = false; end end addCommandHandler("Panel", startDrawing_CMD, false, false); Edit: Remember to delete the event handler attached to the function draw as well.
  24. Take the absolute position/size and divide it with your resolution and you get the relative value. If your resolution is 1920x1080, take the width of the DX and divide it with 1920. Take the height and divide it with 1080. This will get you relative values.
  25. Dealman

    Job [Help]

    They do get the positions, read my code again and try to understand it. We're here to help, not make the entire thing for you.
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