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Everything posted by Dealman

  1. If it's not working you're doing something wrong(look up differences between absolute and relative values). Post your code and we'll try and help.
  2. Not that I'm aware of, but you can create a label on top of that. Then use onClientGUIChanged and guiGetText and guiSetText to make it so the label has the same text.
  3. With most likeliness you're using triggerClientEvent wrong. Thus it triggers for all player elements currently on the server.
  4. I fail to see the purpose of this. Do you give yourself money or what? Also sorry, but that interface isn't particularly nice to look at
  5. Dealman


    Check this out. If you study that link a bit you should be able to figure it out. Keep in mind programming is pretty much just trial and error. Keep trying until you see some results, don't stop just because you don't know where to start. Remember the MTA Wiki is always a good start, maybe you'll spot a function or event that might help you get started.
  6. Dealman


    should i edit all maps dd and dm ? Depends on how you want it to work. Best would be for you to write your own map loader. That load DD maps for dimension 2 and DM maps for dimension 3. Keep in mind you'll need to set everything to the specific dimension. Players, peds, objects, markers, pickups and etc.
  7. Dealman


    Then the link you received earlier is good enough. Check out setElementDimension this will be what you use to separate the "rooms". Like DD can be on Dimension 2, DM on Dimension 3 and so on. Anything in Dimension 2 can not be seen from Dimension 3. onMarkerHit or onClientMarkerHit for the marker events.
  8. Dealman


    You have the BB code already generated for you on that website. Simply click the tab labeled "Server banners" and then "BBcode". [url=http://www.game-state.com/][img][url=http://www.game-state.com/]http://www.game-state.com/[/url][/img][/url] [url=http://www.game-state.com/][img][url=http://www.game-state.com/]http://www.game-state.com/[/url][/img][/url]
  9. Just a simple check, I've been considering re-writing my MySQL-based login/register interface since I probably won't finish my server due to lost interest. So basically, I just wanna see how much interest there is out there for such a resource? And if there is interest for one, what features would you like to see? What would you want the interface to look like? What sort of account management would you prefer? SQLite? MySQL? This would be a complete package with the ability to register an account and login, with the interface entirely made through DirectX functions. Compatible with all resolutions and released as Open Source. If there's some other kind of resource you'd prefer - you're free to post suggestions.
  10. Dealman


    Sorry but this forum is for Scripting inquires only, and also English only. For support in Hungarian visit this forum.
  11. This can be a little tricky, as there's a few different ways to accomplish this. I've been thinking of re-writing my login interface and make it publicly available so people can learn from it and customize it the way they want. But I've been lazy lately Basically, first of all you will need to use these events; onClientClick -- Detect whenever an "editbox" is clicked. onClientKey -- Detect whenever the player tries to type something into the "editbox" 1. The player clicks the editbox, this sets the status to active/true (onClientClick) 2. While an editbox is active, it will accept input (onClientKey) 3. Update the text whenever a letter or number is entered. Look up concatenation if you don't know how to do this. 4. Detect if backspace or delete is pressed (onClientKey). Use string.sub to remove letters accordingly. 5. You can count the letters in the string to calculate the position of the caret. The list goes on. Basically when you write interface behaviour like this you should always assume that the user will mess something up. So be ready to capture any possible mistakes and notify the user. For example if the text is too long, contains invalid characters and so on.
  12. Dealman


    Okay, first of all - yes, this forum is for scripting help. You will eventually get a response - you just have to be patient. Keep in mind we do this for free on our spare time, the least you could do would be to show some respect. Secondly, you can't expect to get everything served on a silver platter. You'll have to put some effort into it yourself, or else you'll never learn. Thirdly, you were linked to a thread with a post that contains at least the majority of functions you'll be needing to achieve this. Or at least what we assume it is you want to do. Your description of what you want to do is rather vague. This makes little to no sense. But I assume you want markers, and whenever you run into them - you'll be put in a separate gamemode, for example DM or DD?
  13. True, and the cutscene sys has already been completed. Just need to create a file for the sys to load from for that part. Re-organising my todo list... Didn't mean to come out as rude if I made it seem like it. Just thought it seemed a bit odd, but hey, people do things differently.
  14. To be more descriptive; you're trying to use server-side functions in a client-side script. You'll need to do the ACL check in a server-sided script, and if they are listed as a VIP - then you can use triggerClientEvent to replace their vehicle model. Also make sure the thePlayer variable is a player element, and not returning nil.
  15. The semicolon is used as a terminator, usually to tell the compiler where a line of code ends. But due to the way Lua works - this isn't necessary.
  16. Seems like a rather odd list of priorities. Why would a cutscene have a higher priority than core gameplay mechanics and interface? To me it'd rather be the other way around, a cutscene being the last thing to do once it's all mostly done.
  17. Probably because you're trying to use something that doesn't belong to you and you have no idea what you're doing. Like previously stated, try to make something yourself instead of using other people's hard work.
  18. Your "MTA Lua Skills" is 100% and "C, C++ Skills" is 75%(seriously how do you even measure this, and for what purpose) - so you should be able to figure out what's wrong More on-topic, what are you using the FPS Sync for? Proper use of coroutines can provide some nice performance boosts if used wisely.
  19. Read through your code. You're trying to use destroyElement with a function. pizzaHand is your function, not the object. Besides, your pizza object is local to the function pizzaHand. The function destroyPizza would not be able to find it.
  20. Just use this to see if the vehicle's inside; isElementWithinColShape
  21. You can achieve turn signals by using shaders. Simply put you'd replace the lights using 2 textures, and of course you'd have to sync this between players. Quite the little project . As for replacing the textures, should be fairly straight forward - just search a little about shaders and you'll find what you need. Otherwise if you want to keep it easy, just look at the MTA Wiki vehicle functions and maybe you can spot something interesting.
  22. That would remove the value(read the syntax thoroughly on the wiki. It has 2 parameters, you can't add a third and expect it to magically know what you want it to do). If you want to decrease the value you have to use getElementData and then setElementData again. setElementData(thePlayer, "peds", 5) local theValue = getElementData(thePlayer, "peds") -- If successful, theValue should be 5. setElementData(thePlayer, "peds", theValue-1) -- Decrease previous value by 1.
  23. Of course you can if you just make more variables. I'm assuming this circle is a loading thing? Wouldn't you want it to rotate smoothly rather than 90 degrees each time?
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