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Everything posted by ZL|LuCaS

  1. explain better your English is bad
  2. show me interiors\interiorexp.lua
  3. Thats the kind of scoreboard I want anyone have it like that? you can enter that server and ask for the owner
  4. ZL|LuCaS

    Jail save =\

    You should define it each time an player quit/join to the server, because in the end of the event, you closing it with xmlSaveFile. @ZL|LuCaS, onPlayerQuit don't have player parameter. lol. and truth and I'm sleepy bye..
  5. ZL|LuCaS

    Jail save =\

    try this function saveData(player) if getElementData ( player, "jailed" ) == true then cur_jails = xmlFindChild ( jaildata, "CurrentJails", 0 ) local crooks = xmlCreateChild ( cur_jails, "Crook" ) local left, x, e = getTimerDetails ( runningTimers[source][newTabPos] ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( crooks, "name", getPlayerName ( source ) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( crooks, "serial", getPlayerSerial ( source ) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( crooks, "TimeLeft", left ) setElementData ( player, "jailed", false ) killTimer ( runningTimers[source][newTabPos] ) xmlSaveFile ( jaildata ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, saveData) loadedCrooks = {} function joinData() local currentJails = xmlFindChild ( jaildata, "CurrentJails", 0 ) local currentCrooks = xmlNodeGetChildren ( currentJails ) if currentCrooks then for i, crook in ipairs ( currentCrooks ) do for name, value in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetAttributes ( crook ) ) do outputChatBox ( name .. " = " .. value ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, joinData ) I sleep ..
  6. ZL|LuCaS

    Jail save =\

    and what's the problem?
  7. ZL|LuCaS

    Jail Timer

    the script is correct.
  8. here's the real with ids. such that the image above and robbed
  9. map must have many vehicles that cause low fps.
  10. i tried this, and it does nothing, it looks like we can't cancel this event + i tested it and if im not wrong it doesn't detect client outputChatBox type /debugscript 3 then restart the resource that this code is in, and tell me the error message you got.
  11. That will not help because the large map and cualquer manera he'll have the same fps
  12. run http://files.mtasa.com/apps/tools/MTADiag.zip and send me the link pastebin
  13. "his account will be banned." I think it will not be very smart because the person will make another account. so maybe I'll vote for.
  14. I do not understand what do you mean
  15. put 50 fps of the server
  16. ZL|LuCaS

    Jail Timer

    /debugscript 3 is showing some error?
  17. scoreboard that the owner is selling more I do not have the owner's skype
  18. make sure that your computer has all drivers installed. download and run MTADiag http://files.mtasa.com/apps/tools/MTADiag.zip
  19. ZL|LuCaS


    the sound triggered when the player enters the vehicle. onVehicleEnter you need something like createMarker around the vehicle.
  20. you need to edit your race.zip base.lua function RaceMode:onPlayerWasted(player) if not self.checkpointBackups[player] then return end TimerManager.destroyTimersFor("checkpointBackup",player) if RaceMode.getMapOption('respawn') == 'timelimit' and not RaceMode.isPlayerFinished(source) then -- See if its worth doing a respawn local respawnTime = RaceMode.getMapOption('respawntime') if self:getTimeRemaining() - respawnTime > 3000 then -- Countdown.create(respawnTime/1000, restorePlayer, 'You will respawn in:', 255, 255, 255, 0.25, 2.5, true, self.id, player):start(player) end if RaceMode.getMapOption('respawntime') >= 5000 then TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') end end if g_MapOptions.respawn == 'none' then removeActivePlayer( player ) TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') if getActivePlayerCount() < 1 and g_CurrentRaceMode.running then RaceMode.endMap() end end end
  21. ZL|LuCaS

    .:The BAR:.

    further interesting to want to do the same topic 3 times,
  22. one thing that this in my computer, the word "stolen" is wrong
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