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Everything posted by manawydan

  1. try function crack(player) if (not isPedInVehicle(player)) then outputChatBox("you're jump height has been set to double.",player,0,255,0) setTimer( function () setPedGravity ( source, 50 ) outputChatBox("The crack time has ended.",source,255,255,0) end ,5000,1) else outputChatBox("You cannot use crack in a vehicle.",player,255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler("crack",crack)
  2. manawydan

    bar exp

    the text is not displayed
  3. manawydan

    bar exp

    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() function drawbar(thePlayer) local level = exports.exp_system:getPlayerLevel ( thePlayer ) local Name, Expreq = exports.exp_system:getLevelData ( level ) dxDrawRectangle ( x/4.59, y/100, x/2.2, y/12, tocolor ( 0, 0, 150, 150 ) ) dxDrawText ( "Exp: Name, Expreq ", x/4.59, y/95, x, y, tocolor ( 0, 222, 10, 255 ), 1, "bankgothic" ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawbar) the exp not appear
  4. bem, estou tentado criar uma barra de exp zombie( exportando funções do recurso "exp_system"). minha duvida é dxDrawRectangle ou guiCreateProgressBar qual é o melhor pra usar? desde já agradeço!
  5. function nemesisuca(attacker) if (getElementData(attacker, "nemesis")) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createProjectile(nemesi(),19,x,y,z,500) end end addEventHandler("onClientPedWeaponFire", nemesisuca) the projectile no creat
  6. manawydan


    I want to know how to create the resource groups "heroinventory", and adds a player to that group. small example. thank you!
  7. it is possible to attach a sword on fire? or other weapon?
  8. how to cancel damage by explosion? thank you
  9. how to destroy the blip (onZombieWasted)?
  10. 3NAD work thank you Solidsnake14 thank you boro thank you psydomin thank you
  11. "Element type: player" whats source player?
  12. the message usually appears
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