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Visit the MTA resources page. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... =resources
I've seen it in MTA before though. It's a custom rendered map object. Not available in the MTA objects list, unless it's been replaced by a rendered object.
2 ways, 1 - Map Editor - F6/F5 2 - MTA San Andreas > Server > MTA Server.exe Start up the server, use "start resourcename" from console (the .exe program) and go IG and find your map.
Have you tried searching in: editor_dump?
I guess the editor you're using doesn't include certain variables. The only thing I can say/quote is:
It'd remain invisible if it's still in dimension 0, remember the 3 things; setElementPosition setElementInterior setElementDimension Tadaa.
Not possible unless you add the water and tunnel in an interior world or somewhat underground, only way you can get there would be setElementPosition, so I suggest teleports at the end of the tunnel. You can make your own tunnel adding water objects around it making it seem realistic or w/e you're trying to do.
Re-install MTA or try to remove/re-create your script that is preventing the gas station to be seen.
Yup, disable the object collisions, simple way to go to the MTA's map editor and get the properties of an object scroll down and select the collisions bar, set your relative to what you like and done. And about the GTA SA map object collisions, I'm pretty sure you cant.
Simple and easy, create a .lua file with the following containment: --Client Sided Only txd = engineLoadTXD("filename.txd", model ID ) engineImportTXD(txd, model ID ) dff = engineLoadDFF("filename.dff", model ID ) engineReplaceModel(dff, model ID ) Make sure you replace "filename" with the TXD/DFF name and the "model ID" with whichever ID you want to replace. Then create a meta: "YourName" name="Script Name" version="Ver" type="script" /> Now make sure you replace the "filename" with the script you created above. Add the version and author and you're done. Start the resource and see how it works out for ya. The script requires no eventHandlers if you're wondering, it starts by default.
A common problem which happens to allot of people, make sure your .map file and resource name has NO spaces, make sure it doesn't look something like: base 1.map / resource name: Base File. I guess the resource name won't matter much (correct me if I'm wrong) But the .map file should look something like this: base1.map I hope you find a solution to your problem, given the possibilities above.
Don't start a script with Map Editor, it's basically suicide to test a script lol. Start a local server: MTA San Andreas 1.3 > Server > MTA Server run the .exe then go to MTA, click "Local" open your server and start the resource from console, test it there. About this: With the script you gave, and said the problem is there, there happens to be no line 206, bolted text in the quote shows where the problem is at. Reply once you've tested it or if you got any problems.
Well that explains everything.. People just got their own ways of scripting lol.. However I still don't know what to believe, maybe it does do something different, just blind to see it. I'll not take any risks though, wont be downloading it and thanks for the information.
What does this do? Simple, enter the col-shape forcing the gate to move the the next co-ordinates. Using these co-ordinates determines which ways you'd like the gate to move, Left Right, Down, Up. Setting elements rotations whilst moving would come in a next step in scripting, for this simple script I'll only add an adjustment to the starting position which we call: Closed. gate = createObject( ID, x, y, z ) --Object ID (Airport Gate=978) & Co-Ordinates of your gates start of position. setElementRotation ( gate, x, y, z ) --Co-Ordinates to your start of rotation gatecol = createColCircle ( x, y, radius ) --Co-Ordinates "X" and "Y" and the radius, I use 15 as default. function openagates(thePlayer) if getElementModel( thePlayer ) == 217 then --Will open only if the player is in the male staff skin moveObject ( gate, speed, x, y, z ) --The speed in which 7000 is slow and 2000 is fast to open, Co-Ordinates for the gate to move to. end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", gatecol, openagates ) --Event Handler to trigger the function function closeagates(thePlayer) if getElementModel( thePlayer ) == 217 then --Will close only if the player is in the male staff skin moveObject (gate1, speed, x, y, z) --The speed in which 7000 is slow and 1000 is fast to open, Co-Ordinates for the gate to close. end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", gatecol, closeagates ) --Event Handler to trigger the function How to construct it? Simple fill in the co-ordinates and values to whichever position you like, with whatever object ID you want to use, add the col-shapes co-ordinates where when the player enters the col-shape it triggers the function. You can also change that "if" statement to any other way of opening it, like getPedOccupation or getPlayerTeam etc. For more information follow a forum PM or contact me via IRC @ irc.gtanet.com / #UIP
Search the resource yourself: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources As said above this isn't a requesting board, next time find a board that fits your topic and post there.
So why isn't this topic removed and the member banned for illegal / matched unsecured content? You can tell by the topic name: "For all scripters", something must be wrong/getting you into some shit. At-least prove to us you aren't bullshitting and post a little more information rather than a download from mediafire. Don't get me wrong here, there's Lua codes / code forms you can put your script in or even if you don't want people seeing your compiled code use the MTA resources page and upload it there.
ROFL! lblx isn't a GUI, you're using guiCreateLabel you should use guiCreateWindow then guiCreateLabel relating to the gui window you made. for example: lblx = guiCreateWindow ( x, y, h, w, "", true ) label = guiCreateLabel(853, 306, 478, 39, "", false, lblx) guiSetVisible(lblx,false) guiSetFont(lblx, guiCreateFont("Other/TD[M]ER.ttf", 10)) guiSetProperty(lblx, "Disabled", "True") I guess there was an obvious plain sited hidden problem if that's what you mean?
Simply change the names of the ID's/Names to something unrelated to that proportion of the script. Set different names for each of them.
Wait, i dont know if it's needed but... didnt it need a line to start when server starts? I guess that's optional.. Not sure otherwise you can try.. addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement ( ), function) For server^ addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement ( ), function) For Client^
Just in case, i think he means this How can there be a client script as type: server? I think he means: triggerServerEvent On the other hand, wouldn't binding a new sound collide with the existing GTA sounds?
Simply edit the label variables, change the x / y axis numbers. Imo, you should learn to use it without a GUI Editor, seems less messy and more easy.
GuiSetProperty ^^ Is correct, however I guess you'd be needing the correct property to insert, you can find a list of the properties here: http://cegui.org.uk/static/WindowsLookProperties.html
Simply make a script and add it to your resources, if you don't know Lua, learn about it here.