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  • Retired Staff

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Hustler (26/54)



  1. Boss


    Few people develop a good notion of their surroundings... Sneaking up on someone's back and spraying them down is usually easy @ aiming ahead... That worked perfectly on mta:gta3. The same rule applies more or less here.
  2. Meh, lot of old faces here.
  3. A: rox the sox. Q: will humanity stop finding something to whine about?
  4. Quality work out there, enjoy the new release.
  5. A: No, because a faggot such as yourself is never online when I'm on. Q: Will they ever make gta for the pc decent?
  6. Wow. Time sure flies. I remember it back in 2003 when things were starting, the community was great, I and a few others had a great blast with the fun that MTA was. I myself only joined "the scene" when MTAVC's first release happened. Boy do I remember people trying to find out who were others, everyone calling everyone else a cheater because of the bad syncronization (that got improved over time), the endless gun fights in Malibu near the only player spawn, joys of the first versions. I met a few people playing this mod, started my own clan (or gang, lol), SM. Those were fun times. Months later I had the previledge of being seen as trustworthy and got invited into beta testing. Some friendly community faces I knew were testing too. I also talked to some developer team members now and then, watched the developer crew change as both old and new developers came into the scene. I have retained some contacts and we speak seldom. Testing new versions, playing in crowded servers with the great community, the gang activity between names like ULK, SM, VCK, VCP, KFC, the forum drama queens like DeathB and Wheelman, the irc master Robpol86, that all made it very fun and memorable. Just wanted to say this. Bloody hell, have 5 years really passed? Those who still remember me may recall I may not be the best to express myself through these sort of posts I do miss those fun days, but that's the way of life.
  7. * Sneaks in before the door is closed... * Happy Late Bday!
  8. Arctos666, we don't take ripping too kindly you know.
  9. Nice to see so many old faces... DJ: yeah, you're welcome back if you stay active. I don't mean that you have to play often, but just showing up at least once a week on irc... Gulag: currently me, hazj and xenez are busy with life, so yeah, you're welcome to come back, specially as a recruiter, with the same condition as DJ, which is being on irc sometimes. Dealer: where have you been man?
  10. Boss

    0x21796F6A ERROR!

    armorfid: please be more specific, do you mean your start game button now works (you manage to go a little further) but it still stops at a certain point with that error?
  11. Boss


    With mta:ma, you could just create a script that would start a race on request, tell the players to go to a certain area (by name, not by coordinates, as humans can't figure it ) and keep telling them where to go for the next checkpoint. This would be very limited though, so I suggest you wait for the possiblity of Blue on VC. Time will tell.
  12. This has been quiet for a while (Consider that 5 days have passed ) Again:
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