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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. You want to play the sound for the player how that just joined or for everyone in the server if someone join the server?
  2. و عليكم السلام .. المشكلة من التالي : - اسم السسكربت غير "zombies" الحل : غير أسمه لـ "zombies" - السكربت غير موجود بـ الأدمنية بـ معنى أوضح ماعندهـ صلآحيات .. الحل : ضيفة لـ قروب فية صلاحيات كاملة .. ~
  3. You can change the dimension of the element : setElementDimension
  4. Try this : setTimer ( function ( ) for _,element in next,getElementsByType ( 'object' ) do if getElementModel ( element ) == 6959 then setElementDimension ( element,50 ) end end end,1000,1 )
  5. Unemployed , As string? This is wrong .
  6. I say what i know .. Wait for someone help you if i was wrong as what i don't think .
  7. Reset the dimension in the meta to 0 .
  8. Please show the client code when the script trigger 'afkSlap' Event .
  9. NotePad++ > Search > Find > Replace > Find what > Replace with > Replace all .
  10. Al-Ready told you use notepad to replace all dim . , No idea. , What's funny you're said 'lol' ?
  11. Edit the 'Map.map' file and search for the 'dimension' 0 and replace it with 50 using notepad for ex .
  12. iPrestege

    SMS script

    resources section as far as i know.
  13. وظائف : createMarker getElementType getPlayerWantedLevel setPlayerWantedLevel getPlayerTeam getTeamFromName outputChatBox getRootElement حدث : onMarkerHit
  14. isObjectInACLGroup getPlayerAccount getAccountName
  15. ReturnVehicle = { } function spawnCar ( ) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) and not ReturnVehicle [ source ] and not isElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) ReturnVehicle [ source ] = createVehicle ( 587, x, y, z ) if ReturnVehicle [ source ] and isElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) then setVehicleColor ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],20,20,20,30,30,30 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source,ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) setVehicleHeadLightColor( ReturnVehicle [ source ],0,0,255 ) addVehicleSirens ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],1,2 ) setVehicleSirens ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],1,0,0.7,0.35,255,0,255 ) end end end addEvent("vehicleSpawn",true) addEventHandler("vehicleSpawn",getRootElement(),spawnCar) addEventHandler('onVehicleExplode',root, function ( ) if source == ReturnVehicle [ source ] and isElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) then destroyElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) ReturnVehicle [ source ] = nil end end )
  16. Try this : ReturnVehicle = { } function spawnCar ( ) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) and not ReturnVehicle [ source ] and not isElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) ReturnVehicle [ source ] = createVehicle ( 587, x, y, z ) if ReturnVehicle [ source ] and isElement ( ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) then setVehicleColor ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],20,20,20,30,30,30 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source,ReturnVehicle [ source ] ) setVehicleHeadLightColor( ReturnVehicle [ source ],0,0,255 ) addVehicleSirens ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],1,2 ) setVehicleSirens ( ReturnVehicle [ source ],1,0,0.7,0.35,255,0,255 ) end end end addEvent("vehicleSpawn",true) addEventHandler("vehicleSpawn",getRootElement(),spawnCar)
  17. What you mean by go staff 'set new pos' ?
  18. Wrong post sorry , viewtopic.php?f=13&t=58136#p560246
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