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Everything posted by iPrestege
من متى فية اكواد للعصابات بس؟؟ البرمجة الأكواد عامة و شاملة مافية شيء معين الا اذا مسوي صفحة للمود و اضافات و اكواد خاصة بالمود .
addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick',GUIEditor_Button[3], function ( ) if guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[1] ) then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[1] , false ) end end,false )
It can't be "source" .. It happens .. No you can make it source . Read this part from the wiki : The source of this event is the GUI element that was pointed at. Good Luck!
function drawWorldGui() GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, "img/backround.png", true) showCursor(true) --'Normal state' GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(0.08, 0.30, 0.25, 0.35, "img/thumbs/FreeroamLeave.png", true, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) --(picture 1 & 3) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", GUIEditor.staticimage[2], FreeroamEnter) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", GUIEditor.staticimage[2], FreeroamLeave) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,drawWorldGui) function FreeroamEnter () guiStaticImageLoadImage( source, "img/thumbs/FreeroamEnter.png" ) --'Hover state' end function FreeroamLeave () guiStaticImageLoadImage( source, "img/thumbs/FreeroamLeave.png" ) --'Normal state' end
try this : -- _Server Side local miningRock = createObject ( 17026, 2343, -651, 125,0,0,0 ) addEventHandler ( 'onElementClicked',miningRock, function ( theButton, theState, thePlayer ) if theButton == "right" and theState == "down" then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer,'showMiningUI',thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( 'For test the event has been triggred.',thePlayer ) end end ) -- _Client Side function showMiningUI ( ) miningUI = guiCreateWindow(773, 426, 399, 205, "Mining", false) guiWindowSetSizable(miningUI, false) guiSetVisible (miningUI,false) guiSetAlpha(miningUI, 1.00) guiSetProperty(miningUI, "CaptionColour", "FF2FFF00") bStartMining = guiCreateButton(11, 121, 376, 66, "Start Mining", false, miningUI) bCancelMining = guiCreateButton(359, 26, 18, 15, "x", false, miningUI) guiSetProperty(bStartMining, "NormalTextColour", "FF2FFF00") guiSetProperty(bMiningCancel, "NormalTextColour", "FFFD0102") helpText = guiCreateLabel(10, 31, 362, 112, "To start mining just click the button below and wait until your \ncharacter stops gathering to do it again. To abort current task \njust click on the \"x\" at the top right of the UI", false, miningUI) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bStartmining, startMining) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bcancelMining, cancelMining) end showMiningUI ( ) addEvent('showMiningUI',true) addEventHandler ( 'showMiningUI',root, function ( ) guiSetVisible (miningUI,true) end )
جربنا نثبت النظام اللي ثبتة و شغال تمام انت سوي التثبيت من جديد و هذي الخطوات اللي سواها : apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install lib32readline5 اذا ما اشتغل قولي وش يطلع يوم تستخدم الامر : apt-get install lib32readline5 و يوم تشغل السيرفر الخطأ يكون : 'libreadline.so.5: cannot open shared object file'? ..
addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin',root, function ( ) if getPlayerName ( source ) == 'ABU-WaLeD.' then kickPlayer ( source,source,'Steal other server game mode idea!' ) end end ) Stop steal my server game mode's idea .
المفترض أول أمر أنت حطيتة يصلح الخطأ .. أنتظر شوي نشوف حل . وش نظام الـ VPS?
تفضل : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=141 ..
أعتقد أنك تحاول تختار صورة كان المود شغال و طفي؟
^ No i don't think that.
الله يسامحة لية؟ هو مسوي لك شيء !!
fadeCamera ( true,1 ) --Show after 1 second. fadeCamera ( false,1 ) --Hide after 1 second .
Using source is wrong . playerSource as it's defined in the function .
Show the full function for the server side.
تسوي شرط انة يكون في المود ماب !
تقدر تجيب كل الأصوات و تسوي لها ايقاف : getElementsByType setSoundVolume https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RU/Resource:Race Good luck .
Hello :") . You can do that with these steps : - Open Freeroam resource . - Open fr_client.lua file . - Go To 'toggleFRWindow' function at 1596 line as it showed on my screen . - Add a new code to check the player dimension and here's an example . - And it should open the freeroam for the player how is at dimension '1' . Ex : if getElementDimension ( g_Me ) ~= 1 then return false end function toggleFRWindow() if getElementDimension ( g_Me ) ~= 1 then return false end if isWindowOpen(wndMain) then showCursor(false) hideAllWindows() colorPicker.closeSelect() else showCursor(true) showAllWindows() end end Good luck.
ياخي حط المود بـ السريال اللي تبي لة وخلاص .