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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. What about your useful function? dxDrawGifImage I Think That's What He Want? Thats an image, thats possible to do. You're 100% right there, but solid said no 'cause of the 'video game'. Yes,I Know that but i mean maybe he wants image ._.
  2. What about your useful function? dxDrawGifImage I Think That's What He Want?
  3. function buyweapon (player) if getPlayerMoney(player) >= 2000 then takePlayerMoney ( player, 2000 ) outputChatBox ( "#00FF00Congratulations You Buyed M4 for 2000!",player, 255, 255, 255, true ) giveWeapon ( player, 31, 200 ) else outputChatBox ( "#00FF00You Don't Have Enough Money!",player, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler ( "buym4", buyweapon )
  4. اظهار / اخفاء النافذه بشويش...
  5. سويت كول او بتسوي؟ colshape = createColSphere(...........) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",colshape, function ( player ) if getElementType(player) == "player" then takeAllWeapons(player) end end )
  6. Just url there's no resource : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=6841 DONE
  7. يمكن عندك " او شيء ناقص هذا الميتا حقةة ضابط تمآم #
  8. انت لاتتفلسف واجد لين جربت بعدين تعال قول لاتتفلفس لاتغير مسار الموضوع يعني لو تشيل الانفو حق الميتا بيضبط مثلا ؟ جبت شيء جديد #
  9. ي بيست متأكد من الاي دي معك؟ @ الحجري مدري وش أسمك لا تتفلسف واجد ._.؟
  10. * ان شاء الله يعطيك العافية يـ بو عـ الشرح المميز بالتوفيق بـ القادمم #
  11. iPrestege


    Maybe you can do some thing like : local xxx = guiGetText(Button) if xxx == "Test[1]" then -- do some fuck end;
  12. iPrestege


    What you mean? can you show some ex?
  13. iPrestege


    it will be miracle if you do it .
  14. iPrestege


    I dont think that you can do it because it's something hard i dont think that i can do it but also i dont think any one can do it ._. because it's a Variables "Button" how can any one do it ._.? i dkn .
  15. iPrestege


    Yes you can do that like this : local ID = { [1] = {x,y,width,height,"Test[1]"}, [2] = {x,y,width,height,"Test[2]"} } for _,v in ipairs ( ID ) do Button = guiCreateButton(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5],false) end Remember "relative" or not "true > false"
  16. _,killer ارقمنتات مطلوبة لو حط القاتل في الاول بيصير مشاكل
  17. iPrestege


    No problem if you have problem with anything post it here and we will help you .
  18. تتحقق من الشيء لاعب أو سيارهـ او او اوبجكت الخ ذذ
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