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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. not = نفي اذا ماكان .. type == string "" هذي سترنق !!
  2. ههنآ إنلحس ممخي ! حلو انة انلحس وين انلحس فية؟ اذا انت ماعندك خلفية عن البرمجة بتقول انلحست آكيد !
  3. تقدر تستخدم كودي كذآ : setTimer(CreateTextItem,1000,1,player,1000, 0, 0, 255, 3,"1 Second!!",_,_,"center","top" ) setTimer(CreateTextItem,2000,1,player,1000, 0, 0, 255, 3,"2 Second!!",_,_,"center","top" ) setTimer(CreateTextItem,3000,1,player,1000, 0, 0, 255, 3,"3 Second!!",_,_,"center","top" ) function CreateTextItem ( player, time, r, g, b, scale, text, x, y, alignX, alignY) if not player or not time or not text then return end if not tonumber(r) and not tonumber(g) and not tonumber(b) then r, g, b = 255, 0, 0 end if not scale then scale = 1 end if ( isElement( player ) and type ( text ) == 'string' and tonumber( time) ) then local Display = textCreateDisplay () local newtextItem = textCreateTextItem ( text, x or 0.5, y or 0.5, 2, r, g, b, 255, scale, alignX or "center", alignY or "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( Display, newtextItem ) textDisplayAddObserver ( Display, player ) setTimer(textDestroyTextItem, time, 1, newtextItem) setTimer(textDestroyDisplay, time, 1, Display) end end واذا فية تايمر مثلا 200 او شيء في مود من الكومنتي تمام .. حلو و كويس بس صعب شوي ذذ
  4. theType https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateExplosion Boat = قارب -.- !!؟
  5. local marker = createMarker(x,y,z,'cylinder',5, 255, 255, 0, 170) addEventHandler('onMarkerHit',marker, function ( player ) if ( getElementType ( player ) == ( 'player' ) ) then setTimer( function ( ) if ( ( player ) and ( isElement ( player ) ) ) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( player ) createExplosion ( x,y,z,6 ) end end,3500,1) end end )
  6. OK,Thank you for fix the code .
  7. I am surprised that why my code does not work?Is this because relative position ?
  8. Hmm..you are getting the account ( source ) and source is the marker of this event .
  9. Hmm...You are right but i was thinking maybe he want to change the name to health or or or etc.. !
  10. Errors? are you sure it's client?
  11. Not tested but should work : Images = {"BG1.jpg","BG2.jpg","BG3.jpg","BG4.jpg"} local BGimages = guiCreateStaticImage ( 0, 0, 1920, 1200, "img/BG1.jpg", true ) local Time = 5000 local Tick = 0 local img = 0 addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function() local GetTick = getTickCount() if GetTick - Tick > Time then if img >= #Images then img = 0 end img = img + 1 local Data = Images[ ( img ) ] guiStaticImageLoadImage(BGimages,Data) Tick = GetTick end end ) ...
  12. You mean you want to images change every 10 sec like this 1 then 2 if 2 then 1 if 1 then 2 ?
  13. setTimer or "onClientRender" guiStaticImageLoadImage Use these functions .
  14. اممم فية اجازهـ بكرهـ ؟ خربناها الاسبوع كلـه ..
  15. Add this to admin group in ur acl.xml file : "resource.You're resource name">
  16. colshape "onColShapeHit" getElementType setTimer createExplosion https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=161&t=50111&start=15#p556032 استخدم هذي الوظائف ...
  17. Label colors do not accept this format just r,g,b !
  18. حياكـ الله .. بـ التوفيق
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